I saw a news documentary Sunday morning that mentioned some homeless shelters in Los Angeles that now have hair salons, libraries, and gyms. I think I am ok with the hair salon and the library, I think all crack ho's should be well groomed and literate, but gyms? I think if you are pushing around a huge loaded shopping cart all day with everything you own, you really don't need a leg press machine or a Stairmaster to get you in shape. Just a thought.....
I have always hated Sunday Nights. I remember being a kid and having the whole anxious Sunday Night feeling that the weekend was over and that another school week was upon us. Don't get me wrong, I was good in school and didn't mind it, it was just the feeling that the weekend was over that sucked. Even now as an adult, Sunday Nights suck. A start of another long week is just around the corner.

Almost a new week fucko!!!!

My parents always watched "60 Minutes" on Sunday Nights when I was growing up. The sound of that stopwatch ticking always gave me anxiety, it was the official sound of Sunday Night. To this day, I can't watch 60 Minutes or even pass CBS on Sunday Nights, Yeah, I know there is medication for this.......
I read somewhere that Dick Cheney's lesbian daughter got a million dollar book deal. She was talked about a lot in last year's Presidential election when the whole gay marriage debate was in full effect. I don't get this, a book deal? She got a million dollars for her "memoirs." What could her book really be about?
Chapter One:
My Dad is Vice President of the United States.
Chapter Two:
I like pussy
Have a great day everyone! By the way, "Bored at the Beach" has hit another milestone...100,000 hits! Thanks so much for your continued support!
Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!
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Ooo, I had that same feeling when on Sunday nights. When I used to love my job, I didn't mind Sunday nights... It meant that I was headed in to see my friends the next day and that was fine with me. Now, I hate Sunday nights with a passion...
I'm baaaack! I hear you on the Sunday night thing. As far as Dick Cheney's daughter,well there's nothing he/she has to say that would interest me.
Except when there's Sunday night football! GO Steelers! The worst fight between me & one of my sisters was because of 60 minutes and Barnaby Jones. I thought I was cool watching 60 and she decided that older sis wasn't going to get her way that night. My mom let us fight (fist) until I finally yelled out in a pretty murderous tone "I'm gonna kill you." Woke up the next a.m. w/bumps and bruises and laughed (even thought it hurt). We're now best friends :). Love the chapter names you've given lesbo's book.
I like 60 minutes...but I have to agree...the clock thing does bring back memories...heh I almost wrote "mamories..." Heh...
I feel the same way about Sunday nights and that god-awful ticking sound from 60 Minutes! lol
Congrats on hitting 100,000 hits! That's so awesome. :)
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