In some cases, people stopped blogging because of nasty comments, some for personal reasons, others have been real busy and could not keep up with the writing, etc. I wonder what the average shelf life of a blog is. I have kept up with mine very consistently. Before my blogging days I wrote often, but it was more in the way of song lyrics and that style of writing. I basically only wrote when I was really feeling passionate about something. With this, I can write daily even about the most trivial of subjects.
Having people stop by to read my words each day is definitely a motivator to keep writing. My comments have dropped off quite a bit from its peak back in June. It is definitely because I really don't have the time to comment on everyone's blog daily and I think many people think I forgot about them. I read most of my links at least twice a week but I don't always have time to comment consistently anymore. As you all know, it's tough to read and comment on 30-40 blogs daily. But, you all do a great job with your writings and I enjoy them very much.
The blogs I have linked and have come across are all so different. Some of you chronicle your daily travels and experiences, some of you tell old stories from the past, some are funny in nature, and some are heart wrenching tales. Some have a blend of everything.

So True, huh?

It's funny sometimes that I can post about a topic and it can be interpreted a half dozen ways by my readers. I get emails often chiming in on what I write and many times the emails responding to the same story are so different. Some interpret a story as me being sad or down, some take it as me taking a stand on something, some see it as me just being reflective or philosophical, etc. I seldom mention names on here, so when I write a story about "someone" in my life in a particular story, I get calls and mails from people who think it is about them. It's actually kind of interesting. I suppose I like a bit of mystery on here. I don't like to always have everyone know what I am thinking or what my intentions are with a story. It's like when you hear a song, the lyrics to a song, we all get the basic concept of the song, but we all have our opinions as to what the writer was thinking or going through when he/she wrote it and who it is about. I like keeping it that way. Even those of you who read my blog whom I have known long before my blogging days, you have a basic idea who or what I may be referring to on here, but many times even you are wrong. Some of you who I have not seen in a while kind of "follow" how I am doing by stopping by and reading. I am not sure how much you pick up from here, I try to be really subtle about what's going on in my life. Not because I don't like to share or that I am afraid to open up, I just don't think this is a forum, for me anyway, to put it all out there. I'll always drop little hints, sometimes I will just come right out and say it, but for the most part, I like people to think a bit.
I was reading my first month of blogs over the weekend just to see how my writing has evolved since then, and it sure has evolved. I've gone through different phases of writing, and what goes on in my life at a particular time plays a hand in how I write or what I write about without talking to much about what is influencing that writing. When you get a chance, track your first month or two of posts, then look at your last month, you'll be sure to see a difference. For those of you who don't have a blog, I highly recommend starting one. It's interesting to look back on a period of time and see where you were mentally and what you were going through to make you write a certain something.
Yes Cmac I must say you are the most consistent blogger I know! Kudos to you! :)
I look forward to many future good reads from Bored at the Beach! :)
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Hey Charlie...
Good luck this afternoon!
Thanks for sharing with us everyday and bringing the word fucko into our lives...We may have heard it before, but you made it legendary!
Never too cold or rainy to stop by the Beach.
Keep up the good work CMAC!
You're a morning staple for me, so I appreciate your dailys. Thanks for the free entertainment, and I mean that in a heartfelt way.
Love that comic! Glad you are still blogging... It is so hard to say goodbye.
I love your blog, you best not leave! :)
You have inspired me in several different ways - well your blog has ;) I definitely like your style and you're always interesting. More dog pictures would be nice though ;)
Yours was the first blog I came across when I decided to start mine. And I'm guilty of reading but not commenting too; osmetimes there's just too much going on.
Keep it up, Charlie...I'd miss the Beach if it closed down.
Hey Charlie! Great post!
I love your blog and am glad that you are so consistent and present here. You are so interesting, funny and thought-provoking. And you definitely put a smile on my face with many of your posts. :-)
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