Just Die Already.......

Perhaps Rocky should die in Rocky 6. A happy ending is nice, but let's leave the happy endings for Asian massage parlors. I don't want to see a Rocky 7 in 2017 as he beats off his opponent with a cane. He's inspired us many times and he's overcome more than the average Joe. We get it, now just make him die in a fiery crash on the way to the fight.
All too often Hollywood depicts a happy ending. How often is life like that? For example, we all don't win at everything we do and we all don't end up with the person we really love. We lose many more battles in life than we win for the most part. In a way, I suppose hollywood is doing us some justice. For two hours or so, we can get away from our battles and watch someone else's battles on a wide screen and walk away feeling somewhat inspired. That's the beauty of a movie, a song, or any other art, it's an escape from all of our heavyweight fights known as our lives.
Have a great Thursday!
Do you need some meds?
:* Princess
Once again, you are absolutely right Charlie.
What a cynic we are being today!
Charlie, Charlie, Charlie... We can end up with the person that we really love. We just have to be patient and wait for that person to arrive. Perhaps I watch goofy movies to perpetuate my belief that the fairy tale ending can happen, but I like believing that it could happen!
Chin up... As they say in the movies, love could be just a mouse-click away! :P
Rocky 6 is just wrong! You said it perfectly "just die already." I am a sucker for the "happy ending" though.
Just remember most Hollywood actors are more miserable than us. Okay they have money,but that can't buy them true love,just anti-despressants and other drugs.
Rocky 6? I still deny that there ever was a Rocky 5...
Hell! I am still waiting for a frog to turn into a handsome prince!
Oh man, and with that, a new wave of movie dorks begin to dream of running up the steps in Philly...
Didn't they "jump the shark" with Rocky 3...and4? Nothing good has ever come from a part 6...I'd be willing to guarantee that.
no, enough isn't enough.
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