Is it me, or does so much happen in the course of a year? I was thinking about this over the weekend, where I was a year ago compared to where I am now. You know what I mean, like what was happening in my life, the people I was hanging with, etc. It also makes me wonder where I'll be a year from now........feeling very reflective, perhaps it's the whole holiday season approaching.
I have a HUGE interview tomorrow with a major record label in NYC. It's the job I have always dreamed of, in the music industry. It's an industry I have wanted to be a part of since I was a kid. As most of you know, I have a deep passion for music and this would just be the ultimate for me. The interview is at 3:00PM tomorrow, wish me luck everyone, this means so much to me! This will be a life changing event if I land this job, I am really hoping this pans out. I know I don't always "open up" on here about my personal life and stuff, but I can't even explain how much this will affect my life overall if I get this job. Tough to express really, but those of you with a passion for something know what I mean, and know all too well about life changing opportunities and events. I feel like I have always had "jobs" that have paid the bills, taught me new concepts and ideas, made me meet some amazing people, etc.....but this would be different, this would be a career....much different than a job, something I will get up daily and want to be a part of and something I will put all of myself into.
I am not really big into celebrities or following their lives but there are a few female celebrities I have the "hots" for. Cristina Aguilera just happens to be one of them. I am not that big into her music, although I have enjoyed a few of her songs and I think she has a kick ass voice. It's her I enjoy looking at, and I was very very sad to hear that she got married this weekend.

Please get a divorce ASAP!

I'm sure it will end soon enough, her marriage, and she'll come back to C-Mac for that good lovin' sometime soon......haha. I guess The Sugar V wasn't the only one getting married this past Saturday. I'll kick his ass if it was her that he actually married......nah...we know about his "preference" already.
Switching gears a bit, I ran in the annual "Turkey Trot" here in Long Beach on Sunday. The 7th and final race of the 2005 recreation schedule here in Long Beach. It was cold and there weren't that many runners participating, unlike all the summer races. The "Turkey Trot" is a 4 mile race down the boardwalk, through town and then back up on the boardwalk. I did relatively well considering I am not in "July form." All those meals and desserts my mom made during the month of October while she stayed at my house played a factor yesterday. It's all good though, I am going to enjoy all the great food that the holidays have to offer then get real serious and dedicated come January. As Mr. Pu says, no diet, I will be "in training."
And finally, to wrap up my long winded Monday blog, how do you all feel about momentum? Momentum in the relationship sense.... like if you are seeing someone for a while and the relationship builds momentum and keeps progressing over time. Do you think it is possible to see someone for a while, then not see that person for a while, then have the same momentum, or spark that it once had if you cross paths again? Or are you one that thinks that you have to catch lightning in a bottle and strike while the iron is hot and if you don't that momentum and feeling fades? I know "timing" is everything and that the second time you cross paths may be a better time for both, but do you think it has the same feel and momentum it had the first time? Do you think once you let it slip the first time it can be the same or better the second time around? I have my opinion about it, but I was hoping to see some different perspectives. :)
Thanks to all of you who check in daily here. I know everyone has their own things going on, but it means a lot that you take the time to stop by each day. Have a great start to your week!
First of all - Good luck on the interview. I have no doubt yo'll do fine.
Now, about the relationship can stop seeing someone for a while, and then get right back into it. If you're both really into each other, being apart for a while shouldn't matter.
I don't really know who this girl is Cmac, but go for her, you sound like you're really into her....
Mr. Pu
I wish you all the luck on tomorrow's interview Charlie. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. I can only imagine how much this job means to you. It's perfect for you. :)
Best of luck! I'm sure if it is meant to be (with the job and the girl), and if they are smart, it will happen!
Good luck Charlie - you definitely know a few things about music and why not be in a job that capitalizes on your assets! Sorry about Cristina - she's very hot and I have loved her voice since even "Genie in a Bottle" but she bowled me over w/her version of "Lady Marmalade." I can't hear that version enough it's so good.
I think it's possible to start the momentum again and it still be as hot as where you left off. You need to go for it.
Christina's hair scares me.
I'm so excited for you about tomorrow!!! I'll be thinking about you! I know things will go great.
Good luck!!
Christina's a skank, you can do way better ;o)
Momentum.... I think timing is everything. Maybe the first time around things just weren't right and then later on circumstances change and you can have the change of a lifetime. I don't think there's a set rule on this, just depends on the people and how much they feel for each other... any change at a lasting love should be taken! ;o)
Good luck with the interview! I'm sure you will rock it.
as to the momentum thing, I am definitely an out of sight out of mind sort of person and VERY impatient. If things take a hiatus I am usually done, just like with television...the holiday season break always bores me and makes me not care enough to watch shows when they are new again
Good luck on your interview. I know you will knock 'em dead. You will be the best man for the job. How can you marry Christina if she doesn't know you? Maybe the job can be a step closer to you breaking up that marriage. She does have an amazing voice though.
Oh and good luck with the relationship of which I can't comment on because each situtation is unique.
I don't swing that way, but Xtina is hot. I can still say that! I have eyes!
Eh, depends on circumstances with momentum. If your really into each other, then why be apart? I'm a firm believer in 'your ex is your ex for a reason' something wasn't working. Could also depend on where you are in your lives....tricky one!
Good luck on the job interview, sunshine! I know its important to you, and I'm sure that you'll be able to shine and really impress them!
Now, I completely believe that momentum can be regained with the right person. Of course, I may only be believing that because I have hopes of it happening for me... nah, I believed it a long time ago, too. Go for her, Cmac - if she doesn't take this opportunity with you, then she wasn't worth your time to begin with !
Best of luck to ya!!!
I think sometimes 2 people can start seeing each other and drift apart and still have that momentum again. Sometimes its just not the right times in a person life. But what the hell do I know!! I have been married & divorced 3 times!!! LOL!
jessica alba is still abivable ;)
i wish u the best of luck on the interview and im sure u will do just fine u always do and u can impress anyone!
it's not about momentum by the way, it's all about chemistry and passion, momentum starts and stops all the time ;o)
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