We've all heard the expression "A dog is a man's best friend." I hate cheesy cliches like that, but that one is so true. As you all know I got Bruce in April. I've posted his picture and many stories about him over the past 6+ months. He's been nothing but a joy in my life. Some of you might be thinking why is this dude getting all sentimental over a dog? Let me just say this, unlike people, a dog does not let you down. Sure Bruce has had his "bad" moments over the last 6+ months where he has had an accident in the house or misbehaved a little, but a dog is loyal. For those of you who have pets, you understand. They don't lie to you, they don't pretend to be someone they aren't, they are appreciative, grateful, and dependable. For that, Bruce gets rewarded with many treats, you've seen his Skippy peanut butter picture in the past, here are his Redi-Whip pictures. Bruce sees a can of Redi-Whip and goes crazy, just like I do when I see a good looking girl with a Redi-Whip can.

Dessert Time in Long Beach

More C-Mac, Don't be cheap!

Hope that made everyone smile a bit. Now on to today's "serious" topic.
Technology is great, don't get me wrong, but there's nothing like hearing someone's voice or seeing someone you care about rather than staring at a screen typing an IM or reading an e-mail. Why is it that a good portion of the population makes a habit of hiding behind computer screens to communicate? I am not talking about the blog friends, the people that live far away, or the casual friend, I am talking about the people who claim to really love or care about you. Is it laziness or do they really not care as much as they claim?
I have someone in my life that claims she cares about me, even claims she loves me. I won't mention names. Yet, for the past three weeks or so, I haven't heard much from this person. I got an e-mail explaining to me that she has not called because she does not get a signal (or enough "bars") on her phone in her apartment anymore. I know she does not have a "land" line and that her cell phone is her only phone. I just find it hard to believe that in the course of 3+ weeks, this person has not driven to and from work, to a store, or anywhere else where there were enough "bars" to get a signal and make a call. It shows me where I rank on their importance scale. Granted, I like my e-mail and IM buddies, but I think my relationship with this person is deeper and far beyond e-mails and IM's. But then again, the only time this person ever poured out her feelings to me or told me anything really deep was via e-mail, so maybe my expectations are too high of her. The Sugar V has been telling me for over a year now that I expect everyone to be like me and that my expectations of people are way too high, you know what? He is right once again.
Even in the dating world, what's up with all the texting? Sure for something cute or trivial, texting saves time and long, drawn out conversations, but to make plans or for something substantial, I still believe in hearing someone's voice and having a conversation. It's no wonder why we have so many social misfits walking amongst us, people are so used to hiding behind computer screens and text messages. It's just so impersonal. What's next, Text Sex? People will be too fuckin' lazy to even have phone sex.
The problem with e-mails, texts, and IM's.....no tone of voice, no body language, no expression, just words on a screen that can be taken 10 different ways by the reader. How many times have you typed something that was taken the wrong way by someone because maybe you were being funny or sarcastic or whatever? It creates tension and misunderstandings way too often.
My point, if you care about someone, pick up the phone or make plans to see them, it means a lot more than you will ever know. Although IM, e-mail, and texting is convenient, save those methods for people who are your casual friends. If you care about someone, really care about someone, pick up the phone or stop by and let them know.
"You are only as good as your last outing" is one of my favorite expressions, thanks Kev. How true is that? You can go above and beyond for people for long periods of time, but in many cases you are only as good as your last outing with people. They only remember the last thing you did, not the 1000 things before. It's like when you say or do something they don't necessarily agree with, rather than call you out on it like an adult, debate the issue, resolve it, and move forward with even more respect for each other, they judge and hold a grudge against you and that's it. The million great things you did and demonstrated before that, gets forgotten and your whole being is defined and judged by the one thing that someone did not agree with you on. It's absurd. It's true in the workplace, in relationships, in friendships, everywhere, it is sad.
I will finish this long post by saying, I really do like people. I still look for the good in people and I do whatever I can and beyond for the people I love. But over the years, I've come to realize that people, for the most part, have their own agendas. I've been naive for a long time thinking people have my best interests in mind, most don't. It goes back to what the Sugar V said, and has continued to say over the past year, my expectations of people are way too high. I am hoping he turns out to be wrong in the long run.
Picking up a phone and talking...how easy is that. No excuses. You sooo deserve that from your friend. When you care..you call.It's as easy as that.
You are right, though. If someone wants to call, they will. It's just the whole thing about excuses. It's such a crappy waste of time.
My dog just got up and came downstairs with me. He then climbed up on the couch with me and is snuggle up right here. They are soooo loyal. Some people could learn a thing about loyalty from a dog. :) Thanks for the good read during my wide awake moment.
It seems like all of us have trouble with this, Charlie. I don't think you're alone at all. I consistently want to be friends with my exs for the simple fact that I started dating them because I liked the person that I saw. I'm finding out lately that it may not be possible for all of them.
People like me who have an aversion to making an actual phone call because of various reasons don't deserve your time. You are an amazing person and a good friend and you deserve more than that from someone you gave so much of yourself to.
Sometimes having a dog is so much better. No judgment, no accusations--just love. You and Bruce are so lucky to have each other.
I hope that you are able to talk to this girl and find out what her problem is and get it resolved. It's not fair to either one of you to go on like this...
oh brucey is so cute! i just want to squeeze him and hold him and kiss him :)
Enough with all the sentimental friends crap.......What I want to know is... do you squirt whip cream on yourself and let Brucey lick it off???
Bruce is so cute and so are you!!
I am in total agreement with you on this one. I just want someone who will actually be honest with me. Text messages, IM's Email's are great. But actual human contact is much more important. I need to see someones face when I talk to them.
Once again, I agree with you completely Charlie. I don't understand people who cannot return a simple phone call. It drives me insane. How hard is it to make a two second call to let someone know that you care they exist? There's nothing worse than feeling like you're not important enough to rate some personal attention. I always go the extra mile to let people know I care about them and appreciate them, but it is never returned. And I'm not asking for the world. It's the stupid, little things that I care about; like a returned phone call or a birthday card. I guess that's asking too much cause I'm always disappointed and it sucks. I'm sorry, but if you're not freaking the president of the U.S. than there is no excuse to not show some common courtesy!
So I'm totally flirting w/someone via email and he asked me to lunch, (which we went last friday), but no phone call. He's honestly the first guy I've given my phone number to since my divorce 9 years ago. Him not calling me has made me feel so weird about giving him my number. When he writes, it's so sweet and funny, but why no call?? So many times I wish the opposite sex didn't have the equipment that makes me happy! :)
p.s. Bruce is way cute by the way. My sister has a cat who loves sweets and she just spent over $500 getting him fillings for all his cavities!
You sound totally let down in your post today, which brings me down. I don't know you beyond your posts all these months, but you seem like "good people." She may not be getting a signal on her cell phone (yeah, right), but I think the one she's sending you now is loud and clear. Move on, buddy.
Very well said.
That girl is an idiot to not call you every single chance she gets, you're definitely worth it. I don't know you very well, but I can see what kind of guy you are, and any woman would be very lucky to have you in her life in any capacity.
I agree 100%! It's not to much to ask for a phone call from someone you care about. Not getting that is a clear sign that they either don't care or are just selfish.
In other news, Bruce is just too cute! I want to hug him, squeeze him and call him George!
I totally understand what you're saying and agree. I admit that I'm guilty of not picking up the phone as often as I should...and yet I get upset if someone doesn't call me either. How hypocritical is that? ;) But, yeah, I do understand!
Charlie, maybe it is time to tell her how you feel, tell her that you need to move on if you don't get more of what you want/need. I don't know you in the physical sense, but I know you from what you write, your thoughts and feelings, and I don't think she deserves you. If she really liked/loved you the way she says, then she would put more effort into calling you, yet the only thing she is doing is direspecting you. You are one of the good guys left in this world, don't waste too much time on the wrong girl, there are many good girls out there who will treat you the way you deserve, especially because that is what she will get from you. And, there is nothing wrong with setting your standards high, as well as your expectations, but if you don't compromise a little you may pass up someone or something really special.
Now that I have said what I wanted....stop sounding so depressed, it brings us all down. ;0)
Bruce is adorable! You and he look great together!
Sweets are a big no-no for animals, but I know why you do it, you just can't help it, we love our pets/friends so much!
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In regards to both man (and woman's) best friend and dating, all I need is my black lab and some D batteries. Sometimes the opposite sex just isn't worth the trouble.
:* Princess
I hope I am wrong too...
Read your EMAIL!!!!!!!!!
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