L.A./California seems boring these days without a high profile court case/trial going on. Now that Peterson is rotting on death row, MJ is back with his boys, OJ has moved to Florida, and Blake is free to dine with his gun, they actually have to report "real news" there. It's enough to make Pat O'Brien from 'Entertainment Tonight' start drinking and making calls again. Saddam Hussein should request his trial be moved to L.A.
Think about it, L.A. is always sunny, there are STUPID people on the jury all the time, and you can show up to court in your pajamas. Not to mention the lawyers in L.A. that put a spin on anything you do to convince these bright folks on the jury that you are innocent.

LA Lawyers Say "If He's From Tikrit, You Must Acquit!!!"

I can see Mark Geragos now, defending Saddam, or maybe Shapiro from the OJ trial.
"Ladies and gentleman of the jury, my client Mr. Hussein did not gas the Kurds with chemical weapons. Mr. Hussein loves the Kurds. As a matter of fact, he was dining with the Kurds the night they were gassed. Mr. Hussein forgot his gas canisters in the restaurant where he and the Kurds were dining, when he came back from getting his gas canisters, the Kurds were already dead."
"Ladies and gentleman of the jury, my client, Mr. Hussein was out golfing the night Iraq invaded Kuwait. If he's from Tikrit, you MUST acquit!!!!!!"
Plus in L.A., nobody famous ever does anything wrong, that's what personal assistants are for. Saddam should demand his trial be moved to L.A., plus if he gets a bit homesick and needs a dirty spider hole to go into, he can always call up someone like say, Courtney Love.
Have a great day!!
I'm so jealous of Mr. Pu, Sugar, Virgin and Madam . . . they get to be around your humor every day!
Spider hole, Charlie?
lmao! Courtney Love i so didn't see that one coming.
LOL! That's pretty classic and spot on. ;)
Pat O'Brien hehe thats funny!1
Yeah, we let people off every day on the west coast! We have OJ and Kobe Bryant walking the streets, but THANK GOD the east coast nailed a seriously dangerous criminal like Martha Stewart.
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