Go Back To Sleep Fuckos!!!!!

WWF, Walmart Wrestling Federation, all for a $300 laptop.......

Fight Club!

Tis The Season!

Move Bitch, Get Out Da' Way!!!

I guess the part of holidays like Christmas, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, etc. is this. I don't like to be told when to show my love or appreciation for someone. I do that all year round. I hate having to do something just because society tells me I have to. I like to do things from my heart, from my soul, not because Hallmark tells me it is time. That's why, when push comes to shove (no Walmart pun intended), I'll take a day in July anytime. No stress, no hustle and bustle, just a day on the beach with the people I enjoy being with, a night bbq'ing and relaxing with good conversation with the warm ocean breezes blowing. That to me, is a holiday.
Have a great day everyone!!!!
All of that is why I do not shop on the weekends from Thanksgiving to mid-January.
I'm entirely too impatient to deal with assholes.
I'm so with you. July is the best month of the year! It's hot and sunny and then put a beach or lake by that - perfection!
And just think, there's almost a month left!
I agree 150%
Can you feel the love?
I couldn't agree more! I love this time of year because of the extra family gatherings and such. But I dread the shopping part of it and having to fight the crowds and the craziness. And yes, I am much more of a summer girl. lol
Have a great day! :)
Nice to hear the job market is booming.
Shopping during this time of year has gotten to be downright nasty!!!
Here in Michigan they were showing up in Grand Rapids that the cops had to be called in because of the fights going on! One lady fell down and lost her wig...she could do nothing but lay there and get trampled while trying to put the wig back on her head. Now that was pretty funny.
I can't even believe what people will do for cheap crap.
Now, I'm a shopper...but online baby.
EGADS. For the first time ever, I let myself get talked into going to those day-after-Thanksgiving sales at crack of dawn. While I didn't see anything like this, I still think those people are CRAZY!! I don't think the savings are that great...people just allow themselves to BELIEVE they're getting a great deal. I'd have to be saving HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of dollars to wait in one of those lines!! Ridiculous. I shop on line and wait for UPS to deliver! That's my kind of shopping madness!!
WalMart sucks!!! haha, sorry just had to add my random comment in... Hope you enjoy your day!!! :)
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