All the Best

Just like the Charlie in this picture, this Charlie has fallen on his back many times in life, but I always seem to get back up. I have quite a bit to be thankful for:
* Although quite insane and dysfunctional, I have a family that really loves me.
* Great friends who have been there for me through good and bad.
* Good Health (knock on wood).
* The abilty to laugh, even during tough times.
* The ability to learn from my mistakes.
* Finding Bruce this year, the best dog ever.
* The great memories I have of my grandparents.
* A fully stocked bar at home.
* All the great relationships I've had over the years.
* Not having a small penis (you knew I had to throw something funny in here).
* Being as mentally strong as I ever thought I was (this year tested me many times).
* The consistent readers of this nonsense known as my blog.
* The words and music of Bruce Springsteen (where would I be w/o that?)
* A team other than the Red Sox winning the World Series this year
* The return of HOCKEY!!
* The long, hot summer of 2005
* All the laughs with L-HA
* My daytime chats with Hilda
* The fact that I am done with this list
Have a great Wednesday and a wonderful Thanksgiving! I'll be back Friday with the video of the week. Enjoy!
You're so busted. It's not Wednesday yet. You're post-dating your posts. :P
Have a Happy Thanksgiving, m'dear. Too bad you're not going to be here to celebrate my birthday! (The Muse-a-palooza?)
And I hope the interview went well!
I'm also grateful that you don't have a small penis Cmac. There are way too many of them out there! LOL
And a fully stocked bar is definately something to be thankful for as is your cute puppy bruce! Post more bruce pics! :)
Happy Thanksgiving!
Have a great Thanksgiving, Charlie!
You beat me to doing this post!!! This is what I was going to do this morning, but I may have to think up something else instead. :P
We're thankful for you too...
And, since almost everyone said something about your penis (where were you on that one Muse?), I suppose I should say something too...
Charlie, we are all so very thankful about your penis. Whatever makes you happy, makes us happy.
Haha-The penis comment was a "BIG" hit. You don't have to convince us.
Have a very happy Thanksgiving(my favorite holiday)because it's all about the food and no gifts involved.
I am thankful that I have a warm place to sleep,running water and food in the frig. Also for my family and friends even though some have a screw loose. I am thankful for my dog because I gave him a chance that no one else could or probably would have. Also I am thankful I recovered amazingly well from my recent surgery.
You won't hear me complaining about anything this holiday because I am feeling quite lucky.
I forgot I am also thankful that I am going to see Bon Jovi Dec 7.
I that you Charlie for your daily insight.
Have a happy Thanksgiving!
Have a good Thanksgiving CMac!
I love a man w/a bigger than average penis. I personally would be able to tell if you're telling the truth by looking at your hands. I'm a firm believer of nice hands (nice penis). See how you side-tracked all of us.
Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving Charlie!
Happy Thanksgiving! ...a fully stocked bar....now THAT'S something to be thankful for, especailly after Thanksgiving dinner with the fam!
Heck, 2005 has been a bad year all around for a lot of people I know...just one damn thing after another, but we're all still here. I'll be extra thankful if the turkey doesn't turn into shoe leather tomorrow. Prep is already underway here for anything that can be done ahead--pumpkin pie, apple crisp, and the wild rice dressing. Have a good one, C-Mac.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving C-Mac! We miss you here!
I am thankful that you have so much to be thankful for. Hope the next year is less trying. I'm also thankful to have discovered blogs and blogging in the past year, especially this one!
What a wonderful list! :) Among many things that I am thankful for, I am thankful to have found you via the blog world. You are such a great person and I am happy to know you.
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving Charlie from us....
I'm thankful for our chats too, Charlie.
Katie, thanks for bringing this nonsense to my attention.
Whoever "anonymous" is (like we don't know), if you don't like me why do you come here? It's December 16th and you have to go back to blogs from November to make rude comments? That's why we don't talk or I don't bother with you anymore. Do us all a favor and don't come on here anymore. If you are that angry about me, my appearance, or anything else, why don't you have the balls to just admit who you are you coward? Like I don't know already. You don't because you hide behind lies, and you always have.
And for the record, you sucked in bed, in every way. So you shouldn't be the one talking with all the skeletons in your closet. You should stick to girls.
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