Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Sick Days


Playing "hookie" was something that most of us did as a child and continue to do as adults. Taking a "sick" day for the heck of it. Is it wrong?

Unlike Ferris Bueller, I really never took a "fake" sick day as a child because my mom would never go for it. There were many school years where I had "perfect attendance." I know it sounds nerdy, but that's the way my mom was. In order to be allowed to stay home one or more of the following criteria had to be met:

1) At least a pint of blood had to be lost due to a wound or an injury, anything less, my ass was on the bus.

2) A broken bone that came through the skin (compound fracture) had to occur to be considered for a day off. Anything duct tape and a homemade splint could fix would eliminate any chance of a sick day.

3) Diarrhea to the point that you were shriveled like a raisin from the loss of fluids. After trying to replenish you with a gallon of gatorade and an IV, you were allowed to stay home if it continued.

4) Chicken pox, only because the school would have sent me home anyway and my mom would have had to leave work.

5) A fever of 110, anything less than 110, an ice bath followed by a bus ride to school occurred.

6) A team of Austrian doctors would have to be flown in whenever I claimed to be sick to verify and approve the day off from school.

7) Vomiting worse than the exorcist chick, complete with 360 degree head spinning....otherwise you made a vomit trail to the bus stop.

Of course I am exaggerating (slightly) but that's the way my mom was. It has carried over into my adult life. I really only take a sick day when I am sick (either physically or mentally). I always feel very guilty when I take a sick day and usually never leave the house during the day because of guilt. I know it sounds strange, but when you are raised that way, it stays with you.

I would say that I have taken more "mental" sick days the last few years than "physical" sick days. I rarely get sick (knock on wood) but I get mentally run down quite often. A day here and there to regroup is always a good thing.

What's your sick day policy? Posted by Picasa


ThursdayNext said...

I am a total Bueller.

As a high school teacher, I get ten sick days. TEN! AND they roll over each year. Isn't that like letting a fat kid loose in a candy store?

"It's a little childish and stupid, but then, so is high school." ~ Ferris

Anonymous said...

i call in sick every chance i get. lol.

Unknown said...

You are wierd.

Wendy said...

I'm an elementary teacher and we get 10 sick days plus 2 personal days each year. I'm like you and feel really guilty if I take a day off from work. So, I use them if I'm sick and can't function at work or if I have a scheduled doctor's appointment. Even on those days, I still feel guilty for not being there. All day I think about how my students are doing and if the substitute is following my lesson plans. How bizarre is that?

Fizzgig said...

As a kid, I played hookie all the time! I mean, 30 days a year! I am now celebrating my 5th year of perfect attendance at my job! I feel guilty calling off when I AM sick, so I use my personal days to be sick! All the while joe schoe is calling off every other day for themselves, or their kids, and I feel bad that I'm puking my guts out, and have to use vacation time! *#@!&* work ethic!

cosmopolgirl said...

I get complete guilt calling out of work. Unfortunately once a year, I get so sick that I can't go to work for 5 day. For three of those days I normally don't care about work. By day 4 or 5, the severe guilt is setting in.

supplymadam said...

Oh the "mental health" day off. Of course we all need one now and then,otherwise there would be a bunch of crazies walking around. Oh wait there already is.

afromabq said...

gov't worker-we get 104 hrs a year and they carry over. i have so much sick leave it's sinful. i love my mental health days though, since i rarely actually get sick. i must have been a nerd too 'cause i don't ever remember not being in school. i think our moms are similiar.

Heather said...

I don't call in sick, but I also don't have any money to go on a real vacation, so I am forced to take days off for no purpose at so that I don't lose my vacation. It sucks. Realllllly bad.

I have got to get another job...

Hu Flung Pu said...

I get 8 sick days, and I use 8 sick days

Vixen said...

None of my sick days ever go unused! Not even in High School.