Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The Great Compromise

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"Compromise is the best and cheapest lawyer." How true is that? On a daily or weekly basis we make a bunch of compromises that we may not even realize. You and your significant other may want different things for dinner, but you come to an agreement and eat something that you both perhaps didn't REALLY want, so that both parties are somewhat satisfied.

The sign of a really good compromise is when both parties feel just a bit dissatisfied, but still come to a mutual and amicable agreement. The little things in life are easy to compromise. Things like what should we eat, what movie should we see, where should we go on vacation, and those types of things are easy to compromise. But there are things in life that are non-negotiable. We all have them.

For me, there are just a few things I will never negotiate or compromise for anyone or anything. They are things I hold dear to my heart and things that I feel very strongly about. Here are a few:

* I will never date or marry someone that does any kind of illegal drug. I just don't believe in it. If you tried in back in college or whatever, no biggie, but I am talking about grown people that still make it part of their lifestyle.

* I will never again be someone's "consolation prize." I will only date or be with someone who GENUINELY wants to be with me. I won't settle for any less.

* I will never compromise and be with someone for anything other than love. I would never stay with someone for convenience, money, for the "sake of the children", or anything in between. Perhaps I am naive, but I still believe that love, in it's true form will always find a way.

* I will never compromise my political views. I am very passionate about my views. While I am very open and always listen to other people's viewpoints, I have been around long enough to see what works and what does not. I could never ever ever think "conservatively."

* I will always give my best to a job, a team, or anything I am involved with even if the environment or situation isn't the most ideal. I was taught an excellent work ethic as a child and it has stayed with me as an adult and it is something I am passionate about.

* I will never compromise my passion for my sports teams! I will support The NY Yankees and The NY Islanders whether they are champions or chumps!

* I will always speak my mind, good or bad. You will always know where you stand with me. Sure, you need to say things with tact, but I will always say how I feel.

* I will not celebrate bullshit holidays like Valentine's Day no matter what anyone says!!!! :)

What are some things you will never compromise?


Heather said...

This is going to sound really selfish, but until I am married or have children, I will never compromise on making myself happy first. If I'm not happy, I can't make anyone else happy.

And...I will never compromise and date someone who doesn't love Milton as much as I do.

supplymadam said...

If I had a choice(although I don't)I would never compromise giving up more of my taxes to go to people who want to live a life of never working because they have a substance abuse problem or are too lazy to get a job or want to have 10 kids by 10 different people.

Anonymous said...

those are all excellent things charlie (well maybe with the exception of the sports thing. lol.)

Darcey said...

I don't think I could compromise my "me" time. I've been through that in one relationship, and I felt suffocated. If someone has to be with me 24/7, what they really need is a psychiatrist.

Steph said...

funny, just yesterday i was at a crossroads with this guy. i had to compromise on wether i wanted a donkey punch or hard core anal sex. i compromised and opted for the anal, thanks.

ThursdayNext said...

I will not compromise on the following:
1) he must love sports (kinda like the fact that you love the Yanks)
2) he must love animals (kinda like the fact that you love doggies, squirrels, and bears)
3) he must love to cook (kinda like how you made EPP on Sunday)
4) he must have a nice ass (kinda like your hot one, Chaz)

Fizzgig said...

I'd never give up any one of my pets for anybody, even if they are deathly allergic. If someone can't accept my love for them, they are not meant to be in my life.

Christie E. Little said...

I will never compromise on being married to a drunk. I am soooooo over that. That was serious...

Let me see, what else.
1. My sweetie must totally be willing to deal with me in my worn in Dodger cap.
2. Be willing to realize that we native "West Coasters" don't have an accent.
3. Oh and most importantly I will never ever ever ever compromise on the Diet Coke. Buy me generic once...and it's soooo over.


Christie E. Little said...

Ok...and now after Tiny A ...we sooooo need a picture of the hot ass. I'm thinking she needs to take one and you post it. Hmmmmm some nice jeans would work. LOL!

Come on!

ThursdayNext said...

TG ~ I am working on it. Well, that and him in a really nice muscle tee with those jeans. What are your thoughts on diet coke flavored with lemon or lime? I love both. I can't take diet pepsi...blech!