With the country and the world as fucked up as it is, you would think the media would spend more time on stories that have a direct impact on all of us and our future. Yet the latest on Jessica Simpson's love life and stories about good looking teachers banging their 14 year old students seem to dominate the headlines.
This story has me kind of disturbed because these charges were dropped because the boy was under stress about the media coverage and stuff. This woman is free to go about her business. Would the same have happened if a man had sex with a 14 year old female student? I think not. Or even better, if this woman was a fat and nasty looking woman they would lock her up and throw away the key and it would not have gotten any media coverage other than maybe local news coverage. Which brings me to todays "topic." Do you think good looking people or "in shape" people get treated better in society than ugly or out of shape people?
Looks you really can't do much about, but fitness you can. So, if someone is born "ugly" in the eyes of most people, should they be treated any differently? Do you treat people that approach you, whether it be in a business or social setting, differently based on their looks?
It doesn't matter about looks...Its all about the suasage!!
The SugarV is right...It's all about the Sausage!!! LOL
I try to look past looks at the person inside, but sometimes it is hard not to be judgemental like everyone else..
I definatly think better looking, or in shape people are treated better. I'm a TV junkie, I've watched those shows where thin pretty people put on fat suits or make themselves look bad. Even they said they were treated differently...
Of course, it could also be all about attitude. Positive attitude brings positive results....
I think people with self confidence get treated better...if that makes any sense at all. However, I have seen some people treat people horribly because of the way they look, but those people are jerks, so whatever.
Unfortunately with the emphasis on looks and fitness in this society alot of people do get treated differently based on their looks. But confidence in person does play a role in how they want to be treated. Sometimes first impressions are difficult to overlook sometimes especially if they have rotten teeth and look like some trailer trash then it would be a little more difficult to see them in a certain light.
You ever hear that fat people feel invisible? How the hell is that possible when you can't miss them?
Fat people feel invisible because although they are obviously easy to spot, people look past them not at them.
It's true that attractive people are treated better than unattractive people...
The only people that I avoid are people that appear to have hygenic problems...sometimes that includes larger people because they're not taking care of themselves...
But, what do I know...it's Monday morning and I'm super tired!
"Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness. What ails us is that our sense of beauty is so bruised and blunted, we miss all the best." ~ Author and Poet D.H. Lawrence
Anonymous said...
Fat people feel invisible because although they are obviously easy to spot, people look past them not at them.
I know that.It was just a pun. I know what it means when they say they feel invisible.
New Bumper Sticker: I Don't Do Ugly People.
Just kidding. Ok, well sorta. One day I will leave a serious comment on here. Promise.
I agree that this would have been a different case with gender reversal, OR if she were homely.
That said, I can certainly understand why the family wouldn't want to put the kid through that. And I also understand bipolar disorder and how, untreated, you can do some fucked up and risky stuff that you wouldn't otherwise do. I know that from personal experience.
I think it's absolutely true that good looking people (as defined by a society) get better treatment than average or unattractive people. The thing is, you can't stay pretty forever... at SOME point, you have to get by on who you really are.
I think it's impulse to give the obvious and politically correct response that it's what is INSIDE that counts. And that's true. But it takes time to know what's inside. We see the outside package immediately and I think people, myself included (I'm sorry to admit) react more favorably to more attractive people. I don't know why that is. I'm sure some rich person will donate a ridiculously enormous financial grant to some scientific agency to study and report on the phenomenon some day.
Being from Tampa, where this happened it has been all over the news here. Also, I know someone who works for the State Attorney on this case. The deal on this is that the boys parents would not let him testify in court. With him being under legal age, the courts can not force him to testify. Without him, they have no case at all. That is why the State wanted to get the plea deal. When this judge denied the plea deal, they had no choice but to drop the charges. If this kid would have testified she would doing jail time.
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