Thursday, March 16, 2006

Dude, Where's My..................Change!


Those of you who know me well know that I am quite generous. People can call me a lot of things, but cheap isn't one of them. I spend way above my means and I am always throwing money around like I have lots of it...which of course I do not. There is one "pet peeve" that I have and that is when you give someone money for something and you don't get change back. It is annoying.

You would think it would be simple math, like the illustration shown. If something costs $3.75 and you give someone a $5 bill, you should get $1.25 back, simple. Yet, there are so many people that don't believe in giving you change back.

This happens most frequently when a bunch of people order lunch at the office and you clearly see your meal is about $8 and you only have a $20. You hand in your $20...and you never see change. What the F? It happens to me at home too. Tatiana and I will order Chinese food. I will put $30 on the table and she will go down to pay the guy when he comes. I will either see NO change or a buck will be sitting on the table. Once again, what the F? I will ask her, where's the change?....and I'll always get the same answer, well, you know the tip and all.....the tip? What the fuck, is this guy pulling a rickshaw or bringing the food FROM the Orient that he needs a $5 to come up the block? Big spender with my money...SUDDENLY she is a high roller, like a tycoon tipping people at the Plaza Hotel with my cash......

Going out to dinner with other couples can be a whole lot of fun. I am a believer in just dividing the bill evenly per couple when the check arrives. But how many times do people take advantage of this? Some keep round after round of top shelf drinks coming and go insane on other shit, while the other couples eat and drink normally then have to foot the big bill. I hate that shit. If I went overboard on something, I would definitely offer to pay more. Or when you go out with a group and some people "can't stay for dessert." They run up $50 each of booze and food, and leave you with a $20 and bolt before the check comes. Fuckos.

I lived with a roommate years ago that would spend $1500 a night in a strip club without batting an eye, but when it came to getting half the grocery money from him, you'd have to call Paulie from Goodfellas to come beat it out of him. Of course he ATE more than half of the food with no problem though! That shit bothers me too.

I had this friend I went to high school with and we were close for years, but he was a cheap fuck. I got him a job where I worked and each morning when we got to work, I would buy him breakfast. I never asked for the money and he never offered. One day, I forgot my money at home and I asked him for $3 to get something out of the vending machine. He gave it to me. The NEXT day, he ASKED for his $3 back!!!!!!! What the fuck?

Let's hear your cheap fucko stories!!!!!!! Have a great Thursday! Posted by Picasa


Vixen said...

I want to bang Chris Daughtry...

Fizzgig said...

At work, we get sports tickets,it's a sort of lottery, we pay for one, and the company pays for the other. So you get 2 for 1. A coworker, and GOOD friend, won the game I wanted. She offered to sell me the tickets. Cool, but what she meant was, she'd sell me BOTH tickets, when I know damn well she only has to pay for 1. She's always trying to make a buck off her friends.

supplymadam said...

I haaate when that happens. I am so like that too. I also believe in splitting a dinner tab evenly but if someone has more drinks they should at least offer because I sure would.
One time at my other job we went to Okey Dokey's after work for 2 people that were leaving. A few of us got there later than some. There was about 15 of us. When we got there we decided to order a bunch of appetizers for the table and cash and carry drinks.After the appetizers which was about 10 different things 2 people decided to order dinners. Okay not that big of a deal. When we were ready to leave and got the check there was a 90.00 bar tab attached to it from the people that were there before us. I paid for my 2 drinks and was willing to split up the food bill. But when that check came the 5 people that were there first never offered to pay their share of the bar tab. But being the quiet person that I am I said something. These 5 people acted like we should have paid evenly so I took the check and figured out what I had plus the 2 people that were leaving and they had some of those drinks too but not 90.00 worth,and put in my money for what I thought was fair for me and everyone else for that matter.
When we came up short those cheap bastards just sat there without offering to put in extra so we all wound up having to add a little more.
I was so pissed off at them and we all left and on my way home I went to call my husband and half way home I realized I didn't have my cell phone. I went back and thank God it was still there on the table.
Then I used to rent a apartment to my friend. She paid 550.00 for 5 years all inclusive. The whole ground floor with separate kitchen,bathroom and bedroom. It was really great having her there but at the time we only had basic cable which was 42.00 at the time and we paid for that and the electric. She wanted to get the food network. It would have been 6.00 a month to upgrade and she offered to pay an extra 3.00 a month towards half of it. If a had a bigger pair(it's harder with a friend)I should have said okay if you pay half of the entire cable bill. Can you imagine offering 3.00 when you are already getting free cable and electric and the same rent for 5 years? I wouldn't have the nerve.

Heather said...

OK, where the heck did Vixen's comment come from?

It kinda threw me off guard this early in the morning...

I had dinner with a friend of mine several months ago and throughout the entire dinner, he blathered on about his new job and how much money he was making... He talked about the new car he was buying, the fact that he had no wife and kids to share it with and that he didn't know what else to do with it. We had AMAZING service and he left $5 for our $80 bill. Very not cool. When we walked out, I told him I forgot something and went back in to leave another $15. Nothing that turns me off more than a cheap man. I know that sounds really materialistic, but THAT was just lame considering the circumstances...

ThursdayNext said...

I am always adding on to a tip when I am in an NYC taxi and someone else is paying. My brother-in-law services the medallions, and these drivers have it tough. I have never had a problem with a cabbie, so he/she deserves the tip.

Christie E. Little said...

Ok you guys all crack me up!

Seriously! My husband is the cheapest of them all, except when it comes to $1000 bikes, $1000 watches, $50,000 cars with GPS units...or $30 cases of beer FOR HIMSELF.

Soooooo he brings me home 5 of the 2 Liter bottles of, get this, GENERIC DIET COKE! WTF?!!!!!! Oh yeah...I still have them. It was last night. I will take a pic and show them off. Give me a f-ing break!

Now, that's a cheap "fucko" if I've ever known one.

afromabq said...

this doesn't happen to me anymore, but a few years ago, a group of friends who always drank more than my ex and i, expected us to pay same as them when the bill came. i hate cheap buggars!

Steph said...

haha, i completely agree with all of this. although i am cheap, i still pay for what I got. i don't understand why people do this.

Steph said...

How funny - two Steph's in a row.

I have a friend who I help out all the time. He's always broke and struggling and so i give him some cash for gas, groceries, I even buy him gift cards so he can get stuff he needs. ALWAYS. and I would never ask for any of it back. I consider it a gift. Well one time, we were somewhere where I needed cash and only had a debit card, so he paid 20 bucks for me for something, and later that day said to one of our mutual friends, "She better plan on giving me my 20 bucks back." WHAT?! Bastard. I have handed him hundreds of dollars at a time, called his cell phone carrier and paid his bill, bought him groceries. Haven't done it since.