Thursday, March 30, 2006

Objects In Mirror Are FURTHER Than They Appear

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I was never one to really live in the past. Sure, I've wasted time looking back at the "good old days" but I've always known that the best times lie ahead for me in my life. Even through personal challenges and struggles over the past few years, I've always believed that the best was waiting just around the bend. I believe I am at that crossroads or nearing that bend right now.

In the next month or so, things are going to change quite a bit for me. I am leaving a house that I've grown to like a lot over the past few years. This is going to be a big change for me, but there is so much more. In addition to that, there are quite a few things going on that I am excited about.

There have been moments in my life where I've felt that I was entering a new chapter or reaching a new plateau in my life. I am at that point once again. Sure, I look back at some great times and have some amazing memories of things that I have experienced so far in life, but they pale in comparison to the excitement of what is ahead. As past events get smaller and smaller in my rear view mirror of life...I am optimistic and excited about what's down the road so much more so than what I have already passed by.

I realize now why I have had the struggles with negative people, tough places of employment, and tough living situations the last few years. It's because they have allowed me to appreciate the positive, great people and things so much more. I feel comfortable in my own skin for the first time in a long time. I am content with the choices I have made, and thrilled with the people in my life right now. I look ahead with no regrets, and with excitement for what is yet to come........


Unknown said...

I loOoOooOove the "Rear View"

Fizzgig said...

That reminded me of that Meatloaf song!
What a great place to be in your life right now!

supplymadam said...

Best of luck to you C-Mac.You made a good choice for yourself. No looking back just ahead. Very happy for you.

Heather said...

That is so wonderful to read, Charlie...

We're all glad that you're so happy now...

I'm hoping that I'll be making a decision to lead me in the right direction soon...

Jenni said...

I firmly believe that life is what you make of it. Everyone should believe that.

Congratulations on turning the bend!

ThursdayNext said...

There is an amazing person beneath that skin of yours...feel comfortable in it always. I look forward to toasting to this post with some champagne!

Hu Flung Pu said...

best of luck

Miss_Vicki said...

You deserve all the best in happiness, I really am happy for your and your excitement for the "new chapter." Some more details would be nice ;)

Kristi said...

What a postive post!

New exciting things! Wht are they? so9 awesome!
I'm glad you are in a good place.
Way To Be!

Christie E. Little said...

Very happy you are approaching that fabulous bend.

I wish I could clink glasses with you and say congratulations! Instead of that, you'll have to know that I'm happy for you.

Vixen said...

That rocks CMAC. I feel the same way about my life lately! Good things ahead! :)