I had a bit of a "sore" throat over the weekend and through Monday. Sore meaning a bit scratchy, but not really painful. So I went to the local CVS drug store to buy some lozenges to soothe my throat. I noticed that the entire cough/cold and medicine aisle has nothing but "Maximum" strength medications now. You can't get "strength" or "medium strength" everyone makes and wants the MAXIMUM dosage for some reason. It's like the drug companies figure out what dosage will kill you and subtract a little. Why are people so obsessed with maximum dosages? People want the maximum dosage allowed by law. I think our society has turned into a bunch of fuckin' cry babies.
The whole pharmaceutical industry is a joke in general. I mean with all the money donated to cancer research we still have NO cure? All the AIDS money and research, NO cure? But, we have a few different kinds of "boner" pills and pills to grow hair. I see where our society's priorities are. Getting hard at 85 is more important than someone dying young of cancer. Old women must really hate Viagra and all those hard-on pills....don't you think?
I saw a report that Mad Cow disease was discovered here in the U.S. the other day. A day later Tiny A invites me out for steak! Tiny A wants me whacked and what better way to kill me than feeding me a mad cow steak???? :) I suppose it less messy than a fatal gun shot wound or a stabbing.......and I thought I was liked by Tiny A. ;)
The Asian bird flu everyone seems to be something everyone is also worrying about. I am more worried about some douche nozzle at work coming in with the regular flu or virus and passing it around. If I were a sparrow living in Thailand, perhaps I'd be a bit more worried about Asian bird flu. The assholes that come in coughing and sneezing in the small confined work area concern me more than some diseased bird. I'll take my chances with the fowl. Besides, there is not enough vaccine for this bird flu anyway, so even if it spreads we are fucked. We'll all be clucking like chickens in a few months anyway. If you think the supermarket is insane right before a snow storm, imagine the vaccine center when bird flu hits? Bring your gun.
On that note, I just got the craving for some chicken salad. Have a great day!

So I take it you don't want to eat at Kentucky Fried Chicken instead of Ruth's Chris Steakhouse?
We will sit at home and eat soyburgers for dinner and Peeps for dessert in order to play it safe. ;)
I'm a sucker for the "maximum strength" ads. Mostly because what makes them "maximum strength" is the fact that they last 24 hours and I'm just to lazy to take a cold pill every 4-6 hours "as directed" LOL :)
Cry Baby Out.
LMAO about the "boner" pills....so true. Did you notice that anyone in Hollywood that has cancer (Sheryl Crow) or Aids (Majic Johnson) seem to be cured? Ahh what money can buy....
Charlie---Dooode---go to Ruth's Chris...
Just knowing that someone else was there having the lobster bisque (yada, yada, yada) makes me happy.
Tiny A just totally threw me off--what was this post about again?
The best steak I've ever had was at Ruth Chris - how could you even think about turning her down???
Geez, like Heather, I'm off track here!
I so rarely buy drugs that I guess I've not noticed the max thing. And why worry about something that hasn't happened yet...I'm just not a worrier by nature so never understand the people who think about what could happen. (I might have to get a chicken salad from Pei Wei today-yummmmm)
Hey! Katie gave me your blog link! This is such hysterical stuff. I am reading this all and picturing you actually saying it which would be 100x funnier. I have so much to read on here. You've been doing this quite a while I see. Great stuff. Hope to run into you again with Kate and Dennis soon!
Popsicle Toes and Heather ~
I wish you two lived here.
I would leave Charlie at home and take you to a steakhouse!
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