Thursday, March 09, 2006



No, not that kind of cheating! I am not talking about banging the plumber while hubby is at work or mounting the secretary at the front desk after hours, I am talking about cheating at stupid shit like games.

I actually knew people who would peel the stickers off the Rubix Cube and place them back on in the right order so they could brag about solving the "puzzle." That's just fuckin' funny to me! Like solving the Rubix Cube was going to get you laid or rich, who gave a shit?

I also knew people who would "accidentally" unplug the video game system when the ATARI computer was kicking their ass at pong or some other bullshit game. Cheating yourself is just a riot. My friend Anthony in Jr. High and High School would play an entire NFL season on Sega and get to the playoffs.If he was losing late in the game of a playoff game he would "accidentally" lean on the power button, kick the AC adapter out of the wall, or something like that.

I've seen people cheat at CROSSWORD puzzles and word searches by looking at the answer key. What's the point?

When we would play kickball or baseball in the streets as kids, when the other team came up to "bat" we would always push the bases back a foot or two. Many times this was the difference between someone being "safe" or "out." On our way up to bat, we would casually push the bases back in.

I must admit, I cheated and stole more money while playing Monopoly than the CEOs of Enron and Tyco combined. I would always "volunteer" to be the banker and I would stash a stack of $500 bills under the board on my side for later use. I would also steal more property than the English settlers did from the Native Americans. Only difference was, I didn't get to bang Pocahontas. I must say, I did this not so much for bragging rights, but to shorten an already long ass game. With my theft, came the ability to bankrupt the "honest" players. This would cut a 6 hour game down to 2 hours.

Other than Monopoly, I would say the only other thing I ever cheated at was golf when I first started playing back in like 1995. I was so bad that I had no other choice but to cheat. I would hit my ball into the woods but it would "miraculously" end up a foot outside the woods because it "hit a tree" and bounced back onto the fairway. I would also throw my ball from a difficult spot when nobody was looking which always made for a great shot. Once I got better, I gave up cheating at golf.

Ok, what childhood sport, game, or activity did you cheat at? Is there anything you STILL cheat at???? Posted by Picasa


WordWhiz said...


ThursdayNext said...


Heather said...

I have no sense of competition whatsoever (which drives my poor father bananas), so I don't ever really see a reason to cheat...

Guess I'm just weird like that.

Fizzgig said...

I did the rubix cube thing, not to get laid though, to shut my older brother up who solved it and never let it rest. He could tell I took the stickers off too.
I've cheated at uechre a few times. While drinking, so it's all in good fun!

afromabq said...

i cheated in geometry my junior year in hs. our teacher would lay the answers to the test on his desk and we'd go up and ask questions and take back (in our heads) at least 2/3 answers each time. also, i would cheat playing poker or spades if i could get away w/it.

R said...

I have to admit I did the peeling of the Rubik's cube....but not for bragging rights. You could easily tell it was done.

How about the classic, "Oh I didn't count right, where was I again?"

I cheated at solitare a few times too (the old fashion table version).

cosmopolgirl said...

Luckily I'm a good bs'er so I've actually cheated at Scrabble. If you don't have dictionary and can use the word in a believable sentence with a believable definition, people believe it!

supplymadam said...

I don't know if this is called cheating but on my bowling recently when I threw the ball by teamate says(loud enough for the other team to hear) "I think the ball popped out of the gutter and knocked the pin down" I said to her "you think"? or you know? Since the other team didn''t say anything I let it go.

Christie E. Little said...

I will admit this...


Now, it's only if it's like a 6 Star rated one and I need a number to finish a row..LOL! I know excuses. :)

Charlie Mc said...

Mandy, that will have to be a private conversation! :)