Lost In The Forest

For the last two years I was employed at a pharmaceutical company. I was hired in December of 2003 because of my extensive background and experience in procurement and negotiation. During the interview process, I was told that many of my previous accomplishments were ideas that the company needed, so I was immediately hired. I left the technology field for pharmaceuticals with great hope of a long and bright future. I would have to take a step back salary wise, but I was willing to do it because of all the potential I saw there.
During the first few months, things were great. Many of my ideas were put into place and I was relied upon greatly within my department. I always provided the best service, built great relationships with people at work and with vendors and suppliers outside the company, and came in with a positive attitude. Suddenly things changed.
I am not sure if it was jealousy, if some felt threatened by me, or if it was just plain stupidity, but suddenly my immediate supervisor and another employee, whose brother in law is the VP of the organization turned on me and made my life hell for the next 18 months. I am not talking about typical office politics, I am talking about unethical, illegal, and hostile actions. For 18 months I battled and hoped things would turn around. I continued to perform the job to the highest standards possible despite the very hostile environment. It was a struggle each day to get up and go to work and it took its toll on me mentally and physically. I reported this behavior to HR and the people I was supposed to report it all to, yet nothing was done about it and the behavior continued. Each day I felt like I was sinking deeper and deeper into an abyss. The only things that got me through each day were my friends at the job and the knowledge that someday I'd be out of there.
As you sink deeper and deeper into something like this, or a bad relationship, or whatever, your instincts tell you every day that you need to get out, that the situation you are in is bad for you, yet you stay. Maybe it's optimism that things will improve, maybe it's being naive that you will change these "bad" people, maybe it's a competitive spirit, who knows, but you become lost in that forest and it takes its toll on you. Eventually you find a way out.
I am out of that situation now. I have my pride back. I no longer have to deal with blatant ignorance, with tension that you could cut with a knife, or with people who are genuinely evil. I have more than enough physical evidence to go to court with if I eventually choose to, but isn't freeing yourself from that and moving on with a sense of pride while those two bastards rot there payment enough? Or is revenge for all they did to me called for in this situation? Do I owe it to my friends still employed there and future employees to fight and ensure this won't happen to anyone else? Or do I say fuck it? There were a couple of people in a position to do something, yet they sat around and did nothing. It's amazing, but most people only take action if it's something that directly has an effect on them, not because it's the right thing to do regardless. That's what's wrong with America and the world. One thing is certain, you find out fast who your friends are.
What kind of "forest" have you been lost in and how did you get out?
I also worked in a hostile enviroment. I was also outcasted,but then so were others. All I can say is I'm so glad I am not there anymore and in a much better place. I like the fact that they called me to come back. I say once bitten by a dog you can't fully trust them anymore,except mine.
It's a difficult situation for your friends to be in because they may be in fear of losing their jobs as well and may not have the same ability to get another job. So I wouldn't blame them too much.
Damn Charlie, that is rough. I'd never have guessed that you were going through something like that. I'm glad that you're out of the situation and have a new job where you will be appreciated.
So many forests.....
So many paths.....
I'd have to agree with the supplymadam. About the fear of loss for the otheres that are there.
Do something about it if you can Charlie.
There is a court case in my past that i backed ot of. I have always regretted it. As this person went on to hurt other girls. had I given him a record the others would have been spared.
If its that bad.....
Do It. Not for yourself. but the people that follow
Glad you took it upon yourself to get out, and that you are in a better place for it, where you are respected more. My forest was grief and denial. I escaped by moving cross country.
Good for you! I had a similar instance, only mine was blatant sexual harrassment...to have your boss call you multiple times on a Saturday, until you pick up your phone, only to sing "Barry White" in the phone to you is not my idea of a healthy work environment. He was eventually canned.
And that's a tough question, is it worth it to you to press the issue? Cases such as the one you describe can take months if not years to see any resolve...is it worth it to you? That's the ultimtate question.
I say "what goes around, comes around." Those evil people will get theirs someday. You or your friends probably won't see it, but karma is a bitch.
Congratulations for finding your way out of the forest. My personal experience was 15 years of marriage to a verbally abusive man. He didn't love himself enough to be able to love anyone else. When I was able to find that open field out of the forest, I became a very confident woman who knows what she wants in life.
I am sooooo glad you are out of there. I have known you, what, 5 years, and you were not the same when you were there. That place and many of the people there were evil, plain and simple. You deserve the best, the best job, the best girl, and the best life, being out of there is a great start to obtaining those things.
I'm glad to hear you're out of that situation. I say stick it to those bastards.... what's that quote, evil can exist when great men do nothing, or something like that :op
I hate the Forest!!! I hate the Forest!!! I hate the Forest!!! I hate the Forest!!! I hate the Forest!!!
Wow, that sounds horrible. I'm glad you are out of that forest. I have been there once before. A long time ago. I will NEVER go back.
First, congrats on knowing when to say "Enough!" and for getting out. Second, congrats for never letting the shit at the office intervere with the Happy Charlie we know on this blog. They say the best revenge is living well. Be sure you do that. You've earned it.
I'm so happy to hear that you are out of that horrible situation and out of the forest. It's a painful and isolating place to be in sometimes. You deserve so much better.
My forest was my previous job...I knew that it was a bad idea for me to stay at the company that acquired the company I worked at (and loved so much), but I did anyway to give it a shot. I got sucked into a vortex and it was difficult to see anything outside of it. Finally I left, even though I didn't have anything to fall back on yet. I don't regret leaving when I did because I probably would have been "managed" out anyway and I'd rather go on my terms.
Also a couple of not so great relationships have been my forest.
Anyway, this was a great post, Charlie.
i know what u mean theres this guy at work that harrasses me and because the company i work for is so small and management love him i cant do a thing about it expect to stay out of his way. i hate the forest too. but i love the pic its so moving, and so are u.
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