Bring on the Drama

1) Almost every male character in their movies is a rapist, a molester, an abuser, or something evil.
2) Meredith Baxter-Birney or Shannon Dougherty star in almost every movie. (Throw in Tory Spelling quite a bit too)
3) The jury always finds the woman "not gulity" when she snaps and kills her husband or boyfriend.
4) There is always a long drawn out drama where a woman meets a guy, he is soooo nice, then she marries him, he turns into this monster, then she makes many attempts to get away, calls upon a male "friend" to help her, who in turn, gets beat up by the bad guy. She then finds a way to kill the husband, then she is either not charged with the crime or the jury finds her not guilty at trial, then she ends up with the male "friend" aka the good guy at the end.
5) Most of these movies could be wrapped up in 90 minutes. Lifetime Network, however, likes to make each one an all day extravaganza. These movies start at like 1pm and run until 7pm.
6) The saddest part is that once you pass the channel on a rainy Saturday afternoon and see what's going on, you get sucked in sometimes and actually find yourself watching this crap. You fall asleep for three hours and wake up, the same movie is still on and barely anything has happened.
7) Every commercial is for Tampons, Douches, or Birth Control patches.
They should come out with a channel called "Dealing With Drama", Television for men. They could show long drawn out movies about crazy chicks, psycho chicks, and all the other stuff men have to deal with. Of course, to get a male audience, there would have to be tons of nudity and lots of beer commercials.......and the movie could only last for about 30 minutes.
LMAO. Oh stop it Charlie. How could you possibly know so much about Lifetime movies if you don't watch?
First "Dancing with the Stars" and now Lifetime. Damn Charlie. We're gonna have to fight. LOL.
You love the nozzle
When my wife watches the lifetime network, I usually go into my garage and punch my heavy bag, that's how I cope with the situation
You hit the nail on the head with that one, my friend!
They're like an after school special for adult women...seriously. It's THAT bad.
Uhhhhhhhh!!!!! Some of them are highly entertaining--at least to laugh at.
One of my favorites was where two girls joined a sorority and one of them ended up dead. It was great!
They're all cautionary tales. It's wonderful!
I was over at my parents house baking cookies with my Mom and sister on Friday night and my Dad was in the other room watching television. I asked him what he was watching and he told me it was a movie and he seemed pretty in to it. A little while later I walked in the other room and glanced at the television...of course it was the Lifetime Movie Network. I wasn't surprised when he got all disgruntled that the movie was predictable and turned out to be lame. Doesn't he know...it is television for WOMEN!
I will admit to being a Lifetime movie watcher. I need more drama in my life.
My husband calls it "Ragtime Television".
Sorry about the vulgarity but there was no nice way to say it.
Hey this has nothing to do with your posting, but I've been trying to email you my invite to my New Year's party. I think I have the wrong email addy. Call me!! Ok now let me read your post :o)
What the heck are you doing watchng a girly channel?? It's a channel where the women relate to all the bad shit that happens to them, but isn't most of television all bullshit anyway?? It's all for entertainment and that's what captures the audience. Maybe you and I should start writing for them.
Wonder what your thoughts on "Spike" TV are...hmmm....
I am soooo one of those suckers who love it when I have a Saturday with nothing to do but veg in front of lifetime ALL DAY. There's no thinking involved, no changing the channel - just me and my mindless movies! :)
By the way Charlie - I did it! Thanks for being my inspiration.
I get wrapped up in the Lifetime movies all the time. I'll just be flipping the channels before I accomplish something and the next thing I know it's six hours later...three women have been beat up, two men are dead and five children have gone missing. It's addicting!
Obviously, you watch a lot more of it than I do. Now I know why I never watch it. No doubt Oxygen is just as bad.
That's hilarious and true!! Too funny. hehe
Hmmm... Does someone have too much time on their hands these days?
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