I played sports most of my life. From the time I was very little until I was about 22, I played baseball. I played ice hockey for about six years, ran track, played in various softball leagues, beach volleyball leagues, and various other games here and there. One of my favorite things about playing sports is the pre-game workout/warmup. There is just something about getting to the field, the ice rink, the track, or the court really early and preparing yourself mentally and physically for a game that you enjoy. Whether it be the pre-game skate in hockey where you shoot the puck around and listen to blaring music, or running the bases on a baseball field and tossing the ball around for a while before the game, it's just fun.

Pre-Game Rituals

I apply the same "pre-game" rituals to many things in life. Work is one of them. I always arrive at work 45 minutes to an hour before my scheduled time. I like to get my computer up and running, open all the windows I need to do my job, settle in, chat, and be mentally prepared for the day. I am not one to show up at the time I am due in and just get started, I don't like that feeling.
I also like the "pre-game" ritual when it comes to going out for a night of fun. I think the pre-game ritual is one of the best parts of going out. I normally hang out at home, turn on some music, start drinking, etc. Even when I am getting ready/showered, I keep a drink within reach. The whole getting ready to go out is half the fun for me. Back in 2002-03 when I lived with my friend Alex, we'd have the best pre-going out times. We'd be having so much fun at home, we sometimes questioned whether we should go out at all. By the end of the pre-going out ritual, we'd usually have a half dozen people over, with a buzz, enjoying the festivities before the real ones began.
What are some of your rituals before going out, playing a sport, going to work etc., that you enjoy?
Before I go out, I have to crank up the music - loud, pumping, A glass of wine nearby doesn't hurt, either.
And it has become "the thing" to take a self-portrait with my camera before I go out (especially if I'm all dressed up), so I can have proof that I started the night at least looking sober.
I thought you also played the skin flute?!?
I have a ritual before going out of changing my outfit about 3 times.
Before I go out on some weekend evening, I love to have the music playing. I will make myself a cocktail to sip on as I get ready, try to decide on an outfit...dance around the apartment a bit, talk on the phone to some girlfriends as I get ready...
That's just a sample. I have a similar pre-work routine as you. I have to sit down and know what I'm up against (checking e-mails, etc) before I get the game plan going.
Love the Muses ritual! Before I go out, I have to spend about an hour in the bathroom getting my hair messed up to perfection, and putting on just the right amount of makeup. If I'm getting ready for a gig, I have to pull out almost all of my clothes and try on about 50 outfits while swearing under my breath! (My husband hates that part!) Then I put on some music and get warmed up. Going out with friends is different. I still pull out too many clothes, but I keep the cussing to a minimum!
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