Organized Panhandler

Disorganized Panhandler

If you answered, NOTHING, we think alike. Both parties are panhandlers. Although the homeless panhandler does not bother me nearly as much as the "organized" panhandler.
That's the topic of today's post, organized panhandlers. It seems I can't go to a supermarket, a mall, or any shopping center without having some douche nozzle or organization try to sell me something or ask me for a donation. This is not limited to the holiday season, these people are out in force ALL YEAR LONG!
You have the regulars like the Salvation Army, Save the Children, The Veterans, etc. Then there are the Girl Scouts. Like they don't sell enough cookies at everyone's office when their parents bring in the list every year and we all go home with 20 boxes each, they feel the need to sell more outside the supermarket each year. It pisses me off. If I wanted cookies, I was JUST IN THE STORE, I would have bought them there! All of these organizations put you on the spot and make you feel like a mean fucko if you don't buy their crap or make a donation. The Veterans are good at this, especially in times of war. We are all supposed to feel bad and empty our wallets? My dad is a Veteran and he has never received a dime from any veterans organization. Where the hell is all this money going? Who's getting it?
Then there are the deaf/mute folks who approach you with a printed card asking you to buy a little novelty item for like $10. They hand you a note and are in your face, like you can say no. It's an unfair sales tactic. What are they buying with this money?
Then there are my favorite "panhandlers" of all. The kids with the boxes of M&M's or Snickers that are selling this crap outside the supermarket. They claim it is for uniforms for the football team, kids on crack, instruments for the marching band, etc. I think it's all bullshit. This little fucko went to Costco, bought a box of M&M's and is making a 400% profit. Like I want a $5 Snickers bar or a $5 pack of M$M's.
I think half these organization names are made up. What's next? The Hispanic Alcoholic Lesbian Foundation? Or maybe The Fingerless Wood Shop Teacher's Organization? Perhaps The Smelly Cab Driver's Deodorant Fund?
I am generous, I just hate to be hassled everywhere I go. In the age of the internet and a million other ways to raise money, why hassle us when we are food shopping or minding our own business? The only difference between a homeless dude on the street and the Girl Scouts is a folding table and a nicer sign.
In times of crisis like 9/11, Katrina, The Tsunami, everyone should reach out and do what they can. Donating to a charity like cancer research, AIDS, etc. is a great thing as well, but when is enough....enough? Where are our tax dollars going? We only get about 70% of our paychecks after all the crap is taken out, then we have to pay sales tax and a million other taxes. Then if we stopped and donated to all these big and small charities, we'd all be bringing home about $10 a week. Enough is enough. Instead of starting wars and pissing our tax dollars away, the government should send money to all of these "causes" and leave us all alone.
Have a great Tuesday!!!!!
Hey Man I am a alcoholic lesbian!
It is getting ridiculous. You walk into a store and you get barmbarded when you walk out. Yeah I have an unlimited cash flow.
One time some guy was looking for money to keep kids off drugs and my husband said to him"Just say No"
I couldn't believe it. I just walked to the car as fast as possible and never looked the guy in face.
Here's what I think...
I think we should come out in full force to implement the Fair Tax. Then, we will have the money to donate to whatever charity we deem worthy. Personally, I don't care about certain causes...there are others I'm more passionate about and therefore, I would like to decide who will get my money.
Call it the money hungry conservative in me...
I wholly agree with you. I was at a restaurant last week and this woman was bothering me about donating to "Toys for Tots," which is something I already do through work (in addition to volunteering for the Empty Stocking Fund and United Way). She wouldn't take "I donate through work" for an answer! She told me that everyone could afford to reach a little deeper into their pockets. WTF?!?!?! Lady, if I wanted someone to reach deeper into my pockets, I'd volunteer to be in a higher tax bracket.
I purposly carry extra one dollar bills with me throughout the holiday season just so I don't look like a cheap ass while walking into the grocery store. I don't mind giving to these people who are freezing their asses off all season long rining a bell in the entrance to a store when it's minus 25 degree windchill.
But, you're right...enough is enough. I donate my money to the Humane Society, Animal Arc, and The Wildlife Rehabilitation Center...my charities of choice. I will also bring in some canned good and a few toys for Toys for Tots, but that's typically where it ends.
I agree with you cmac! Especially at the Waldbaum's here in Long Beach, you can't get in or out without being shaken down for cash. I feel violated each time I leave there.
Hope all is well! Miss you cutie!
I....hate......those.......freakingSalvation Army ..... bells!!!!
bridget said it best!
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