While I was at my parent's house this weekend, I came across a huge rubbermaid tote of old pictures. There were pictures of relatives, some of which I didn't even know, pictures of me as a baby all the way through my school years, pictures of my grandparents, pictures from the late 1800's of relatives in Italy, all kinds of stuff in that tote. I did come across a picture I love. I must have been about 3 or 4 in this picture. It was taken on Christmas Eve and I am with my grandparents...thought I'd share....The pic is from like 1975 or 1976, so the quality isn't great....

One of my favorite pictures

In my holiday travels, I came across a ton of those funeral mass cards. You know the ones.....the cards with the picture of Jesus or a saint on the front, with the name of the person who died on the back with a poem or prayer. My mom saved a ton of these over the years. Many of the names I did not even recognize and I had to ask my mom who these people were. After a long explanation of each one, it made me think. These funeral homes do these mass cards all wrong.

The typical front of a "Funeral Mass Card"


I think they should design these cards differently. They should have a picture of the person who died on the front so you remember who the hell they were..... and instead of a poem or prayer on the back, they should give some information about their life, what they enjoyed doing, achievements, etc. It should be like a Topps Baseball Card. I can see kids trading these cards now..."I'll trade you an Aunt Rose for an Uncle Jim." or "Hey!!! I have doubles of Grandpa Bob, I'll swap you for a Cousin Larry."
Seriously though, there should be information on the back of each of these cards that is somewhat interesting. Maybe some little known facts about the person who passed. Perhaps how many chicks a dude banged, favorite sexual position, the age they lost their virginity, how many home runs they hit in their little league baseball career, favorite bands, alcoholic beverage of choice, places they went on vacations, maybe a line from a song or a movie that they really liked. I would pick the line from Goodfellas "Funny how???? Like a Clown? How the fuck am I funny? Am I here to amuse you?" You know stuff like that to spice up the card and the funeral in general. What would you want on your card?
I hope everyone's short week is off to a great start!
lol....Good luck on getting those changes made to the death cards...good idea though.
LOL! You are so irreverant. ;) I know what you mean...my mom has a bunch of those saved over the years too. It would be nice to have some personal stats on the back of those cards, for sure.
I really want mine to say, "Goodbye, Steph - the shortest and oldest supermodel who has ever lived. Thanks for changing the face of beauty!"
What? I like it. ;)
glad you had a wonderful xmas with your family charlie. and that is a very cute pic. what a smile.
Ya know, if the music industry gig doesn't work out for ya, you may have a golden future in the funereal arts! LOL
You're a regular riot Alice. Like the "Topps Baseball Cards". You come up with the greatest stuff.
Although my husband's sisters cards were made up with her picture and a little bit about her. I guess you can have them done if you outsource them or even print them up yourself.
I love looking at old pictures. Were you crying there?
Happy New Year!
oh charlie, u r so adorable in that fire engine hat and that huge smile of yours!
Hi-friggin-larious, C-Mac! Sounds like you had a good Christmas weekend. Take care.
Glad you had a great Christmas, CMac! I'm still on vacation, and loving it! There's an update on the CB situation, which I shall have to fill you in about later. My gingerbread cookies are calling!
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