Yesterday, I actually got to sit and watch my first full football game of the year. With the cold and snow, it was a perfect day to hang out and watch football. The NY Giants beat Dallas and are in FIRST place all alone!
While I was watching the game on FOX, they advertised a new show that will be starting in January called "Skating With Celebrities." This is FOX's version of ABC's "Dancing With The Stars."

What's Next????

What has America come to? As if "Dancing With The Stars" wasn't bad enough, now we have to watch idiots on ice. The IQ of the average American is falling fast. Back in June, I wrote a blog post on things I'd rather do than watch "Dancing With The Stars" and I suppose this list applies to the new skating show as well:
Drag my balls over 5 acres of rusted tin can lids
Pull all the hair from my body with a DULL tweezer
Give Roseann Barr a gynecological exam
Stick my penis in the bottle crusher at the supermarket
Roll around in a steaming pile of Bruce's dog shit
Listen to the Village People for a week straight
Go shopping for 8 hours with an ex girlfriend
Watch the Sugar V perform his version of the Nutcracker in a tutu
Observe a legless Ethiopian helplessly watch a donut roll down a hill
I just don't understand where they get the ideas or concepts for these horrible TV shows. Since dancing and skating with the stars seems to be something people actually want to watch, I came up with my own celebrity reality show ideas:
Bowling With The Stars
Watching TV With The Stars
Golf With The Stars
Roller Derby With The Stars
Masturbating With The Stars (cable TV only)
Eating Disorders With The Stars
Drug Binges With The Stars
Ping Pong With The Stars
Badminton With The Stars
Your Ideas????
dog walking with the stars
blogging with the stars
chillin' with the stars
cooking with the stars(oh wait,I think Food Network beat me to that one)
financial planning with the stars
Did I see Todd Bridges on that promo? Frightning! I'd hate to be his partner...he'd most probably drop me in some crack-induced tremor.
That's terrible. Really scary...
Sad to say, but I'd probably watch one of yours before I'd watching Dancing with the Stars or Skating With the Stars.
You have got to be kidding...
How bout jousting? :p
The Giants, or ANYONE other than the Eagles for that matter, is just wrong and it won't happen again. :)
how about dying with the stars.lets have these stars jump out of airplanes without that i would definitely watch. shit i would even go out and but a big screen TV.
how about dying with the stars.lets have these stars jump out of airplanes without that i would definitely watch. shit i would even go out and but a big screen TV.
How about Base Jumping with the Stars?!
And people get PAID big bucks to come up with such utter crap! Anyone know where I should send my resume?
this is why I do not watch tv as much as I use to. It is all the same stuff they just give it a different name.
I wouldn't mind skating with Johnny Dep.
Since I'm so bad at it I'd be forced to spend the whole time in his arms........
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