Here it is, my final post of 2005. Damn, the year went by in a flash. God knows I had my share of laughter and my share of tears in 2005. For those of you who shared 2005 with me, in one way or another, I hope it was a time you'll all remember and smile about when you look back.
The changing of a calendar from one month to the next or from one year to a new year isn't going to change our lives for the better or for the worse. It's the things we do daily, the choices we make, the people we let into our hearts and the people that let us in that change us. Whether it be January 1st or June 1st, it's never too late to make a positive change in your life and start fresh. I hope 2006 is full of good choices and positive influences for you all.
So today, this holiday weekend, and throughout 2006, take a step back and realize that our daily choices will shape our year and shape the year of those in our lives that we have an impact/influence on. Let's make it a good year, so at this time next year, we can all say we had the time of our lives. Wishing all of you the best in the upcoming year. Be safe.
I am glad the year is over, enough of this holiday sentimental crap...I will be back on Monday and back to the usual...calling people fuckos and douche nozzles.
Friday, December 30, 2005
Thursday, December 29, 2005
C-Mac's Most Influential People of 2005
With 2006 just days away, I am staying with the "reflection" theme this week here at the beach. For the last month or so, we've all seen TV shows, newspaper articles, and magazine covers featuring the "top people" of the year in various categories. They have ranged from actor, to athlete, to musician, to most fascinating. Let's be real. Although these people were in the news an awful lot, they weren't very influential on our daily lives. It's the people we love, we hate, and the ones we come in contact with daily that influence our day to day lives.
I've always prided myself on making a difference in the lives of those I've come in contact with. Sure, I am not perfect and I have disappointed or let a few people down along the way, you can't please everyone. But, for the most part, I've always done my best to be a positive influence and leave a lasting impression on those I care about.
Today, I'd like to list some people that personally had an influence on my life in 2005, whether it be for the good or for the bad. Some of these people offered me great advice in 2005, some of them captured my heart, some of them taught me something new, and some of them made me laugh. So here we go with my 2005 list of influential people. (in no particular order)
The Sugar V- When I think of 2005, I can't help but think of all the side splitting laughs he and I had. We can make a joke about almost anything. But more than that, Sugar V and I had some great conversations in 2005. His wisdom and advice was always a bright light on a dark day and helped me out with a lot. Most friends give you a sugar coated version of things or tell you what you want to hear, Sugar V tells it straight up, and for that, I am a better person. Sure he is a nozzle and always uses the "Uncle" excuse as to why he can't hang out, but he's always there when you need him. 2005 wouldn't have been the same without him.
Linda- Through C-Mac/L-Ha II and long after, I have always had a great deal of respect for Linda. She is one of the best people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. There are times we laughed so hard we cried. Our chats about our wacky families always make me cackle. Our "deeper" conversations always make me think. She's been one of the few people in 2005 that I could really open up to without fear of judgment. Although our relationship gets topsy turvy at times, she is loved and I am grateful for the times we shared and hopefully will continue to share.
"Hilda"- What to say about Hilda. Genuine. One of the most down to earth and genuine people I have ever known. Our chats go from the wacky, to the serious, to the obscure in the blink of an eye. From 5.5 hour phone conversations, to IM chats, to silly emails, I've really valued our friendship in 2005. She has a way of making me see things from different perspectives and in her own little way has taught me a lot this year. I am forever grateful.
Jen L.- Although we only scratched the surface this year in really getting to know each other, I learned some valuable lessons from her. A great person, with a great mind. Hopefully there is more to come.
Rich- A friend for many years. I rang in the new year last year with him and a few other friends. I couldn't think of a better person to start a new year off with. His stories are priceless, from "The Family Feast" to "The Smelly Finger" to "The Jersey Shore" I never get tired of those stories. Although I don't see him as much as I'd like, the times we do get together are always a blast. I look forward to another year of a great friendship.
K-Fo- An interesting relationship to say the least. Someone I truly care about despite experiencing quite a bit of pain on her behalf early in 2005. We all have a person or two in life that hurt us so bad yet we still want to see them happy. This is one of them for me. I guess I'd do it all over again, even knowing the outcome. Everything I went through with her and shortly after made me stronger and better person. I hope she reads this and belts out that really loud laugh she is famous for. :) Oh, and send Absterrrr my best.
Johnny B- Although he lives in "The Sunshine State" he has been a pal for about five years. He is a great guy and our talks about every day life are something I always look forward to. His kids are lucky to have a dad like him, he is truly one of the "good guys." Let's root for his Tampa Bay Bucs in the NFC, that is of course, once the Giants are eliminated which won't be anytime soon.
Tatiana- Although she drives me insane on a daily basis, I know her heart is in the right place. She's been there for me the last 3 years through the darkest of days and I am forever grateful. 2005 was no exception. If I don't kill her by the end of 2006, perhaps I'll include her again on next year's list. :)
Lauren B- A friend for about six years and a former co-worker, her daily IM chats crack me up. Our sense of humor is so alike, it's scary. I appreciate her continued friendship.
"Supplymadam"- A daily commenter here on "Bored at the Beach" and a good friend off the blog. Although she is truly brainwashed by Fox News Channel, I still love her to death. Thanks for the great professional relationship and friendship. Our talks always crack me up. I am still patiently waiting for your blog "Dawn of the Dead."
My Blog Friends- What an influence you have all been! Thanks for your daily visits and giving me the inspiration to write 600 posts in less than a year's time. It all started with Molly and Bridget Unnel, and just took off from there. You have all made me see the world from so many perspectives and I have learned so much from all of you. This has truly been an amazing experience.
The Pals I was "Lost in the Forest" with- I am out suckers!!!!!!! From C-Diddy, to Hu Flung Pu, to Freakyvirgin, and all the other clowns like DarianJ, Cain24, and Smitten7...we had a blast. My office was truly the Seinfeld Coffee Shop, a shrink's office, a boxing ring, the set of "The Tonight Show", a pool hall, a candy shop, a dance club, and a padded cell all rolled into one. Although I am glad I am "out of the Forest" I miss walking the paths with all of you.
Well, there you have it. Those are the cast of characters that played a huge role in 2005 for me. And yes, many of them are just that, characters. There are so many more people I could have mentioned, but these folks are really the cast of 2005. Take a bow folks!!!!
Who is on your list for 2005?
I've always prided myself on making a difference in the lives of those I've come in contact with. Sure, I am not perfect and I have disappointed or let a few people down along the way, you can't please everyone. But, for the most part, I've always done my best to be a positive influence and leave a lasting impression on those I care about.
Today, I'd like to list some people that personally had an influence on my life in 2005, whether it be for the good or for the bad. Some of these people offered me great advice in 2005, some of them captured my heart, some of them taught me something new, and some of them made me laugh. So here we go with my 2005 list of influential people. (in no particular order)
The Sugar V- When I think of 2005, I can't help but think of all the side splitting laughs he and I had. We can make a joke about almost anything. But more than that, Sugar V and I had some great conversations in 2005. His wisdom and advice was always a bright light on a dark day and helped me out with a lot. Most friends give you a sugar coated version of things or tell you what you want to hear, Sugar V tells it straight up, and for that, I am a better person. Sure he is a nozzle and always uses the "Uncle" excuse as to why he can't hang out, but he's always there when you need him. 2005 wouldn't have been the same without him.
Linda- Through C-Mac/L-Ha II and long after, I have always had a great deal of respect for Linda. She is one of the best people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. There are times we laughed so hard we cried. Our chats about our wacky families always make me cackle. Our "deeper" conversations always make me think. She's been one of the few people in 2005 that I could really open up to without fear of judgment. Although our relationship gets topsy turvy at times, she is loved and I am grateful for the times we shared and hopefully will continue to share.
"Hilda"- What to say about Hilda. Genuine. One of the most down to earth and genuine people I have ever known. Our chats go from the wacky, to the serious, to the obscure in the blink of an eye. From 5.5 hour phone conversations, to IM chats, to silly emails, I've really valued our friendship in 2005. She has a way of making me see things from different perspectives and in her own little way has taught me a lot this year. I am forever grateful.
Jen L.- Although we only scratched the surface this year in really getting to know each other, I learned some valuable lessons from her. A great person, with a great mind. Hopefully there is more to come.
Rich- A friend for many years. I rang in the new year last year with him and a few other friends. I couldn't think of a better person to start a new year off with. His stories are priceless, from "The Family Feast" to "The Smelly Finger" to "The Jersey Shore" I never get tired of those stories. Although I don't see him as much as I'd like, the times we do get together are always a blast. I look forward to another year of a great friendship.
K-Fo- An interesting relationship to say the least. Someone I truly care about despite experiencing quite a bit of pain on her behalf early in 2005. We all have a person or two in life that hurt us so bad yet we still want to see them happy. This is one of them for me. I guess I'd do it all over again, even knowing the outcome. Everything I went through with her and shortly after made me stronger and better person. I hope she reads this and belts out that really loud laugh she is famous for. :) Oh, and send Absterrrr my best.
Johnny B- Although he lives in "The Sunshine State" he has been a pal for about five years. He is a great guy and our talks about every day life are something I always look forward to. His kids are lucky to have a dad like him, he is truly one of the "good guys." Let's root for his Tampa Bay Bucs in the NFC, that is of course, once the Giants are eliminated which won't be anytime soon.
Tatiana- Although she drives me insane on a daily basis, I know her heart is in the right place. She's been there for me the last 3 years through the darkest of days and I am forever grateful. 2005 was no exception. If I don't kill her by the end of 2006, perhaps I'll include her again on next year's list. :)
Lauren B- A friend for about six years and a former co-worker, her daily IM chats crack me up. Our sense of humor is so alike, it's scary. I appreciate her continued friendship.
"Supplymadam"- A daily commenter here on "Bored at the Beach" and a good friend off the blog. Although she is truly brainwashed by Fox News Channel, I still love her to death. Thanks for the great professional relationship and friendship. Our talks always crack me up. I am still patiently waiting for your blog "Dawn of the Dead."
My Blog Friends- What an influence you have all been! Thanks for your daily visits and giving me the inspiration to write 600 posts in less than a year's time. It all started with Molly and Bridget Unnel, and just took off from there. You have all made me see the world from so many perspectives and I have learned so much from all of you. This has truly been an amazing experience.
The Pals I was "Lost in the Forest" with- I am out suckers!!!!!!! From C-Diddy, to Hu Flung Pu, to Freakyvirgin, and all the other clowns like DarianJ, Cain24, and Smitten7...we had a blast. My office was truly the Seinfeld Coffee Shop, a shrink's office, a boxing ring, the set of "The Tonight Show", a pool hall, a candy shop, a dance club, and a padded cell all rolled into one. Although I am glad I am "out of the Forest" I miss walking the paths with all of you.
Well, there you have it. Those are the cast of characters that played a huge role in 2005 for me. And yes, many of them are just that, characters. There are so many more people I could have mentioned, but these folks are really the cast of 2005. Take a bow folks!!!!
Who is on your list for 2005?
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
New Years Resolutions
This is the week that many people scramble around to come up with new years resolutions so that come New Year's Day, they are all prepared to turn their lives around. Yeah right. This week you'll hear every fat fuck say they are going to drop 50lbs in 2006, every 2 pack a day smoker claiming they will quit, every drunk saying this is his last drink, every molester saying this is the last kid he'll touch, every smelly fuck saying he'll buy some deodorant and shower, every unhappy spouce saying they are leaving their husband or wife, every dad who hits the titty bar after work 5 days a week, claiming he's going to spend more time with his family, Lindsay Lohan saying she'll actually come out with a good movie or song, Sugar V claiming he is having his last sausage on new Year's Eve....the list goes on and on. I think resolutions are bullshit for the most part.
If you are that unhappy about something in your life, don't wait until January 1st to change it. Do it today. If you are dating a douche bag, dump him/her today, don't wait for the New Year. If your lungs look like a fuckin' coal miners from the 300 packs you smoked this year, quit tonight, don't wait for January 1st. If your liver looks like Mickey Mantle's, put the drink down and start today. If you are out of breath from climbing 2 steps, drop the doughnut, and pick up a dumbell, TONIGHT. These New Year's resolutions year after year get boring to listen to. Don't talk about them, just do them. It takes more energy to tell everyone what you are going to do than to just do it. Start today. Although there are SOME New Years resolutions some of us may want to make:

Start placing the nozzle back on the pump before leaving the gas station.

Start checking your ass for toilet paper before leaving the restroom.

Start obeying the posted speed limit.

Start wearing clean underwear in case a game of half naked Twister breaks out.

Keep a safe distance between yourself and the local cops.

And finally, stop parking in front of those hydrants, eventually there will be a fire nearby.
Have a terrific Wednesday everyone!
If you are that unhappy about something in your life, don't wait until January 1st to change it. Do it today. If you are dating a douche bag, dump him/her today, don't wait for the New Year. If your lungs look like a fuckin' coal miners from the 300 packs you smoked this year, quit tonight, don't wait for January 1st. If your liver looks like Mickey Mantle's, put the drink down and start today. If you are out of breath from climbing 2 steps, drop the doughnut, and pick up a dumbell, TONIGHT. These New Year's resolutions year after year get boring to listen to. Don't talk about them, just do them. It takes more energy to tell everyone what you are going to do than to just do it. Start today. Although there are SOME New Years resolutions some of us may want to make:

Start placing the nozzle back on the pump before leaving the gas station.

Start checking your ass for toilet paper before leaving the restroom.

Start obeying the posted speed limit.

Start wearing clean underwear in case a game of half naked Twister breaks out.

Keep a safe distance between yourself and the local cops.

And finally, stop parking in front of those hydrants, eventually there will be a fire nearby.

Have a terrific Wednesday everyone!
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Post-Holiday Tidbits
Happy Tuesday that feels like a Monday to all! I really hope that everyone enjoyed their holiday. Mine was excellent. I enjoyed the time with my family and I also got to speak to some friends that I had not spoken to for a long while. Like every Christmas Eve/Christmas Day, it was a 48 hour food marathon. I feel sluggish and I feel as though I need to live on just water for the next week to cleanse my body from all the food I've eaten these past three days.
While I was at my parent's house this weekend, I came across a huge rubbermaid tote of old pictures. There were pictures of relatives, some of which I didn't even know, pictures of me as a baby all the way through my school years, pictures of my grandparents, pictures from the late 1800's of relatives in Italy, all kinds of stuff in that tote. I did come across a picture I love. I must have been about 3 or 4 in this picture. It was taken on Christmas Eve and I am with my grandparents...thought I'd share....The pic is from like 1975 or 1976, so the quality isn't great....

One of my favorite pictures
In my holiday travels, I came across a ton of those funeral mass cards. You know the ones.....the cards with the picture of Jesus or a saint on the front, with the name of the person who died on the back with a poem or prayer. My mom saved a ton of these over the years. Many of the names I did not even recognize and I had to ask my mom who these people were. After a long explanation of each one, it made me think. These funeral homes do these mass cards all wrong.

The typical front of a "Funeral Mass Card"

I think they should design these cards differently. They should have a picture of the person who died on the front so you remember who the hell they were..... and instead of a poem or prayer on the back, they should give some information about their life, what they enjoyed doing, achievements, etc. It should be like a Topps Baseball Card. I can see kids trading these cards now..."I'll trade you an Aunt Rose for an Uncle Jim." or "Hey!!! I have doubles of Grandpa Bob, I'll swap you for a Cousin Larry."
Seriously though, there should be information on the back of each of these cards that is somewhat interesting. Maybe some little known facts about the person who passed. Perhaps how many chicks a dude banged, favorite sexual position, the age they lost their virginity, how many home runs they hit in their little league baseball career, favorite bands, alcoholic beverage of choice, places they went on vacations, maybe a line from a song or a movie that they really liked. I would pick the line from Goodfellas "Funny how???? Like a Clown? How the fuck am I funny? Am I here to amuse you?" You know stuff like that to spice up the card and the funeral in general. What would you want on your card?
I hope everyone's short week is off to a great start!
While I was at my parent's house this weekend, I came across a huge rubbermaid tote of old pictures. There were pictures of relatives, some of which I didn't even know, pictures of me as a baby all the way through my school years, pictures of my grandparents, pictures from the late 1800's of relatives in Italy, all kinds of stuff in that tote. I did come across a picture I love. I must have been about 3 or 4 in this picture. It was taken on Christmas Eve and I am with my grandparents...thought I'd share....The pic is from like 1975 or 1976, so the quality isn't great....

One of my favorite pictures

In my holiday travels, I came across a ton of those funeral mass cards. You know the ones.....the cards with the picture of Jesus or a saint on the front, with the name of the person who died on the back with a poem or prayer. My mom saved a ton of these over the years. Many of the names I did not even recognize and I had to ask my mom who these people were. After a long explanation of each one, it made me think. These funeral homes do these mass cards all wrong.

The typical front of a "Funeral Mass Card"


I think they should design these cards differently. They should have a picture of the person who died on the front so you remember who the hell they were..... and instead of a poem or prayer on the back, they should give some information about their life, what they enjoyed doing, achievements, etc. It should be like a Topps Baseball Card. I can see kids trading these cards now..."I'll trade you an Aunt Rose for an Uncle Jim." or "Hey!!! I have doubles of Grandpa Bob, I'll swap you for a Cousin Larry."
Seriously though, there should be information on the back of each of these cards that is somewhat interesting. Maybe some little known facts about the person who passed. Perhaps how many chicks a dude banged, favorite sexual position, the age they lost their virginity, how many home runs they hit in their little league baseball career, favorite bands, alcoholic beverage of choice, places they went on vacations, maybe a line from a song or a movie that they really liked. I would pick the line from Goodfellas "Funny how???? Like a Clown? How the fuck am I funny? Am I here to amuse you?" You know stuff like that to spice up the card and the funeral in general. What would you want on your card?
I hope everyone's short week is off to a great start!
Friday, December 23, 2005
All the Best To Everyone
Well, here we are. The holiday weekend is upon us. Whatever your faith is, whatever you believe in or don't believe in, no matter how religious you are or not, I hope you all find peace this weekend and take a moment or two to reflect and appreciate all you have.
For those of you who know me well, you know that I am not a deeply religious person. I believe in God and I pray in my own way. What matters most to me, above any organized religion, is making a difference in the lives of the people around me. That is the most important thing to me. The holiday season to me, means spending time with those you love and making memories that last a lifetime.
Whenever I think of Christmas, I think of years past when my grandparents were alive and we were all together. Sure we were spoiled and had a billion toys under the tree each year, but what mattered most to me then, and more so now, is the time I spent with my grandparents. The holidays truly haven't been the same since they all passed on, but the memory of those great times always keeps me smiling on Christmas.
My Christmas was and still is celebrated the Italian way. When I was a kid, my grandpa, my mom, and I would venture out at 6am on Christmas Eve morning to buy all the food. There was a store for everything. The Italian butcher, the Italian Delis, the Italian bakeries, the fish markets, and a bunch of other stops along the way. By noon, we would head back to the house with a trunkload and a backseat load of food. We'd start eating at about 2pm and the food would just keep coming until well after midnight. We'd sit around and listen to all the old stories my grandparents would tell from when they were kids growing up in Brooklyn. Yeah, we heard them all 1000 times before, but we just loved to hear them over and over. I remember it being very loud, Italians aren't usually quiet people. They would all debate about politics, yell and scream about a million other issues, but it was just fun. I miss those times. Sure, we still have a food filled extravaganza each year, but it isn't the same without the grandparents.
Each year, on my way to my parent's house on Christmas Eve morning, I stop by the cemetary and pay my respects to the best people I have ever known, my grandma and grandpa. I make sure I thank them for all they did for me and I make sure they know that my childhood surely would not have been the same without them. I always bring a little Christmas Tree and those really big candy grandpa loved them. I then make my way to my parent's house feeling a bit sad, but really thankful more so than anything for all the memories I have that are still crystal clear. I hope someday I can make Christmas as special for my kids as my grandparents and parents made it for me. For now, I'll make it special for Bruce....which reminds are the Brucey Claus 2005 pics.

Naughty or Nice????

I've been a good dog!

Where are my elves??????

I love my jingle bell collar!!!!!

Is my shift over yet?
And finally, I'll leave you with a Christmas tune. A funny one. We used to tease my grandma with this one back when I was in Jr. High. It brings back a lot of memories.
So, take a moment this weekend and just look around. Enjoy the moment and the time you are having. Nothing lasts forever, so appreciate the people in your life now and be sure to make great memories you can carry on for years to come. I wish you all the best.
For those of you who know me well, you know that I am not a deeply religious person. I believe in God and I pray in my own way. What matters most to me, above any organized religion, is making a difference in the lives of the people around me. That is the most important thing to me. The holiday season to me, means spending time with those you love and making memories that last a lifetime.
Whenever I think of Christmas, I think of years past when my grandparents were alive and we were all together. Sure we were spoiled and had a billion toys under the tree each year, but what mattered most to me then, and more so now, is the time I spent with my grandparents. The holidays truly haven't been the same since they all passed on, but the memory of those great times always keeps me smiling on Christmas.
My Christmas was and still is celebrated the Italian way. When I was a kid, my grandpa, my mom, and I would venture out at 6am on Christmas Eve morning to buy all the food. There was a store for everything. The Italian butcher, the Italian Delis, the Italian bakeries, the fish markets, and a bunch of other stops along the way. By noon, we would head back to the house with a trunkload and a backseat load of food. We'd start eating at about 2pm and the food would just keep coming until well after midnight. We'd sit around and listen to all the old stories my grandparents would tell from when they were kids growing up in Brooklyn. Yeah, we heard them all 1000 times before, but we just loved to hear them over and over. I remember it being very loud, Italians aren't usually quiet people. They would all debate about politics, yell and scream about a million other issues, but it was just fun. I miss those times. Sure, we still have a food filled extravaganza each year, but it isn't the same without the grandparents.
Each year, on my way to my parent's house on Christmas Eve morning, I stop by the cemetary and pay my respects to the best people I have ever known, my grandma and grandpa. I make sure I thank them for all they did for me and I make sure they know that my childhood surely would not have been the same without them. I always bring a little Christmas Tree and those really big candy grandpa loved them. I then make my way to my parent's house feeling a bit sad, but really thankful more so than anything for all the memories I have that are still crystal clear. I hope someday I can make Christmas as special for my kids as my grandparents and parents made it for me. For now, I'll make it special for Bruce....which reminds are the Brucey Claus 2005 pics.

Naughty or Nice????

I've been a good dog!

Where are my elves??????

I love my jingle bell collar!!!!!

Is my shift over yet?

And finally, I'll leave you with a Christmas tune. A funny one. We used to tease my grandma with this one back when I was in Jr. High. It brings back a lot of memories.
So, take a moment this weekend and just look around. Enjoy the moment and the time you are having. Nothing lasts forever, so appreciate the people in your life now and be sure to make great memories you can carry on for years to come. I wish you all the best.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
10 Lessons I Have Learned In 2005
Tomorrow, I am going to leave you with a holiday video and some holiday memories to get the weekend started early. Today I wanted to reflect a bit on 2005 and share with all of you some of the lessons I have learned this past year. I normally don't share too many personal things on here but I hope you can relate to and will appreciate some of them. I also hope some of them will be sound advice for some of you. Enjoy.
1) Never allow yourself to be someone's consolation prize when you can be someone else's grand prize. Don't ever allow anyone to make you feel or allow anyone to treat you second rate no matter what. If they want a consolation prize, get them a case of Turtle Wax.
2) Timing is everything. You can meet the most amazing person, but if the timing is not right, it's not going to work no matter how hard you try. Not only does the person we choose to like or love have to be right, but so does the timing.
3) You are never too old to make a great friend. They say as you get a bit older, it's tough to make a real good friend because people are set in their ways and have their own agendas. I proved that wrong a few times this year. You know who you are.
4) People, for the most part, will not go to bat for you no matter how much they sympathize or agree with your cause if they have nothing to gain. For the most part, people only act when something directly affects them. Most people will stand by and watch you sink or swim...even those people holding a bunch of life preservers that can help you out.
5) You are only as good as your last outing. You can be the nicest, the best, or the most amazing person on the planet, but if you have a bad day or say something out of line, that's what you'll be remembered for. People have a habit of forming an opinion of someone based on one quality, one event, or one "bad outing" rather than the person they are in general.

2005 Taught Many......
6) For the most part, work friends are just that, work friends. There are exceptions but usually no matter how close you think you are to people at the office, remember they are work friends. Once you leave, whether it be on your own free will or otherwise, and the gossip and buzz is over, people will forget you fast. Don't flatter yourself by thinking you are really that important in these people's lives. They move on quickly to the next story. You are put on the discount rack pretty quickly.
7) You can get an amazing dog or pet from a shelter. I've heard nothing but negative things over the years about animals adopted from shelters. I learned in 2005 that theory is totally false. Bruce has been such an amazing addition to my home. I grew up with four dogs in my home and have been around dozens of others in my life and he is, by far, the most gentle and loving dog I have ever met.
8) In the long run, it's best to follow logic rather than your heart/feelings. It saves a great deal of sorrow in the end. For years, I followed my heart in making decisions and wound up making the same mistakes over and over. This year, I followed my logic rather than my heart and saved myself a lot more stress and hurt than I would have had otherwise. Sure, following your feelings is more fun, and more "innocent" and all that, but using your head will save you lots of time and trouble.
9) "If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a's a fuckin' duck!!!!!" Don't try to make excuses for people because you like them. Sure even "bad" people are nice every once in a while, but don't be fooled. I am sure a serial killer is nice every now and again too. If you see a pattern of lies, dishonesty, deceit, or anything else, don't make excuses, just run...and run fast.
10)Unless a traumatic or life altering incident takes place in someone's life, a person really does not change. A cheater will always cheat, a liar will always lie, a thief will always steal, etc., unless something happens in their lives that is so significant or traumatic, that they wake up and change.
1) Never allow yourself to be someone's consolation prize when you can be someone else's grand prize. Don't ever allow anyone to make you feel or allow anyone to treat you second rate no matter what. If they want a consolation prize, get them a case of Turtle Wax.
2) Timing is everything. You can meet the most amazing person, but if the timing is not right, it's not going to work no matter how hard you try. Not only does the person we choose to like or love have to be right, but so does the timing.
3) You are never too old to make a great friend. They say as you get a bit older, it's tough to make a real good friend because people are set in their ways and have their own agendas. I proved that wrong a few times this year. You know who you are.
4) People, for the most part, will not go to bat for you no matter how much they sympathize or agree with your cause if they have nothing to gain. For the most part, people only act when something directly affects them. Most people will stand by and watch you sink or swim...even those people holding a bunch of life preservers that can help you out.
5) You are only as good as your last outing. You can be the nicest, the best, or the most amazing person on the planet, but if you have a bad day or say something out of line, that's what you'll be remembered for. People have a habit of forming an opinion of someone based on one quality, one event, or one "bad outing" rather than the person they are in general.

2005 Taught Many......

6) For the most part, work friends are just that, work friends. There are exceptions but usually no matter how close you think you are to people at the office, remember they are work friends. Once you leave, whether it be on your own free will or otherwise, and the gossip and buzz is over, people will forget you fast. Don't flatter yourself by thinking you are really that important in these people's lives. They move on quickly to the next story. You are put on the discount rack pretty quickly.
7) You can get an amazing dog or pet from a shelter. I've heard nothing but negative things over the years about animals adopted from shelters. I learned in 2005 that theory is totally false. Bruce has been such an amazing addition to my home. I grew up with four dogs in my home and have been around dozens of others in my life and he is, by far, the most gentle and loving dog I have ever met.
8) In the long run, it's best to follow logic rather than your heart/feelings. It saves a great deal of sorrow in the end. For years, I followed my heart in making decisions and wound up making the same mistakes over and over. This year, I followed my logic rather than my heart and saved myself a lot more stress and hurt than I would have had otherwise. Sure, following your feelings is more fun, and more "innocent" and all that, but using your head will save you lots of time and trouble.
9) "If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a's a fuckin' duck!!!!!" Don't try to make excuses for people because you like them. Sure even "bad" people are nice every once in a while, but don't be fooled. I am sure a serial killer is nice every now and again too. If you see a pattern of lies, dishonesty, deceit, or anything else, don't make excuses, just run...and run fast.
10)Unless a traumatic or life altering incident takes place in someone's life, a person really does not change. A cheater will always cheat, a liar will always lie, a thief will always steal, etc., unless something happens in their lives that is so significant or traumatic, that they wake up and change.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
The NYC Transit Strike
The BIG story here in the NY Metro area for the last two days has been the Transit strike. All NYC buses and subways are not running which has caused chaos in the city for the last two days. The MTA who runs the trains and buses are morons in my opinion. They went on TV about two months ago boasting about a biliion dollar surplus, giving cheap holiday fares to commuters while the union contract for its workers was about to expire. I am not sure how smart it is to boast about a billion dollar surplus right before you have to negotiate a contract with the union that represents all 34,000 of your workers. Not too bright. Needless to say, the workers want a cut of this, and I don't blame them.

Mayor Bloomberg crosses the Brooklyn Bridge on foot with thousands of other commuters.
The strike has been the toughest on those from Brooklyn and Queens. These folks rely on the bus and the subway as thier main method of transportation each day to cross the river into Manhattan. Sure the cabs are running, but there are all kinds of restrictions and the fares are outrageous. You also require a minimum of FOUR people to enter the city by car. If you don't have four in the car, the police turn you around. This is to avoid complete gridlock.
This got me thinking about ways to cross these bridges from Queens and Brooklyn.
1) Rollerblade. Why walk when you can skate? Wheels where you can coast every so often sure beats walking.
2) Scooter. The kids sure buzz around quick on these. Why not buzz to work on one?
3) Pogo Stick. Have everyone envious of your stick by hopping over the bridges.
4) Take a page out of Seinfeld and get a rickshaw with a couple of homeless dudes pulling you in. It's a win win for all involved.
5) Skateboard. Coasting sure beats walking.
There are so many ways to make money during this strike. Since you need four people in your car to cross the bridges, I should hang with 2 other friends at the foot of the bridge, hop in someones car who is driving solo, charge them $20 to cross and get them into the city. Then walk back across and keep doing this. I bet you'd make a small fortune.
Put up a Coffee/Hot Chocolate stand by the bridges. It's 12 degrees out this morning, this is liquid gold today.
Sell gloves, hats, and other winter gear.
All the politicians are on TV pissed off at the union for striking. I say "power to the people!!!!" It's good to see spirit still alive and well in this country. It's all too common for businesses to brag about profits while fucking their employees. I am glad this union had the balls to walk. Maybe next time the MTA will keep their mouths shut about a billion dollar surplus before a contract negotiation.

Mayor Bloomberg crosses the Brooklyn Bridge on foot with thousands of other commuters.

The strike has been the toughest on those from Brooklyn and Queens. These folks rely on the bus and the subway as thier main method of transportation each day to cross the river into Manhattan. Sure the cabs are running, but there are all kinds of restrictions and the fares are outrageous. You also require a minimum of FOUR people to enter the city by car. If you don't have four in the car, the police turn you around. This is to avoid complete gridlock.
This got me thinking about ways to cross these bridges from Queens and Brooklyn.
1) Rollerblade. Why walk when you can skate? Wheels where you can coast every so often sure beats walking.
2) Scooter. The kids sure buzz around quick on these. Why not buzz to work on one?
3) Pogo Stick. Have everyone envious of your stick by hopping over the bridges.
4) Take a page out of Seinfeld and get a rickshaw with a couple of homeless dudes pulling you in. It's a win win for all involved.
5) Skateboard. Coasting sure beats walking.
There are so many ways to make money during this strike. Since you need four people in your car to cross the bridges, I should hang with 2 other friends at the foot of the bridge, hop in someones car who is driving solo, charge them $20 to cross and get them into the city. Then walk back across and keep doing this. I bet you'd make a small fortune.
Put up a Coffee/Hot Chocolate stand by the bridges. It's 12 degrees out this morning, this is liquid gold today.
Sell gloves, hats, and other winter gear.
All the politicians are on TV pissed off at the union for striking. I say "power to the people!!!!" It's good to see spirit still alive and well in this country. It's all too common for businesses to brag about profits while fucking their employees. I am glad this union had the balls to walk. Maybe next time the MTA will keep their mouths shut about a billion dollar surplus before a contract negotiation.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
The Lifetime Network
"Lifetime, TV for Women" is their slogan. We've all seen the movies on that channel. Where do they come up with some of this shit? I have a few issues with Lifetime:

Bring on the Drama
1) Almost every male character in their movies is a rapist, a molester, an abuser, or something evil.
2) Meredith Baxter-Birney or Shannon Dougherty star in almost every movie. (Throw in Tory Spelling quite a bit too)
3) The jury always finds the woman "not gulity" when she snaps and kills her husband or boyfriend.
4) There is always a long drawn out drama where a woman meets a guy, he is soooo nice, then she marries him, he turns into this monster, then she makes many attempts to get away, calls upon a male "friend" to help her, who in turn, gets beat up by the bad guy. She then finds a way to kill the husband, then she is either not charged with the crime or the jury finds her not guilty at trial, then she ends up with the male "friend" aka the good guy at the end.
5) Most of these movies could be wrapped up in 90 minutes. Lifetime Network, however, likes to make each one an all day extravaganza. These movies start at like 1pm and run until 7pm.
6) The saddest part is that once you pass the channel on a rainy Saturday afternoon and see what's going on, you get sucked in sometimes and actually find yourself watching this crap. You fall asleep for three hours and wake up, the same movie is still on and barely anything has happened.
7) Every commercial is for Tampons, Douches, or Birth Control patches.
They should come out with a channel called "Dealing With Drama", Television for men. They could show long drawn out movies about crazy chicks, psycho chicks, and all the other stuff men have to deal with. Of course, to get a male audience, there would have to be tons of nudity and lots of beer commercials.......and the movie could only last for about 30 minutes.

Bring on the Drama

1) Almost every male character in their movies is a rapist, a molester, an abuser, or something evil.
2) Meredith Baxter-Birney or Shannon Dougherty star in almost every movie. (Throw in Tory Spelling quite a bit too)
3) The jury always finds the woman "not gulity" when she snaps and kills her husband or boyfriend.
4) There is always a long drawn out drama where a woman meets a guy, he is soooo nice, then she marries him, he turns into this monster, then she makes many attempts to get away, calls upon a male "friend" to help her, who in turn, gets beat up by the bad guy. She then finds a way to kill the husband, then she is either not charged with the crime or the jury finds her not guilty at trial, then she ends up with the male "friend" aka the good guy at the end.
5) Most of these movies could be wrapped up in 90 minutes. Lifetime Network, however, likes to make each one an all day extravaganza. These movies start at like 1pm and run until 7pm.
6) The saddest part is that once you pass the channel on a rainy Saturday afternoon and see what's going on, you get sucked in sometimes and actually find yourself watching this crap. You fall asleep for three hours and wake up, the same movie is still on and barely anything has happened.
7) Every commercial is for Tampons, Douches, or Birth Control patches.
They should come out with a channel called "Dealing With Drama", Television for men. They could show long drawn out movies about crazy chicks, psycho chicks, and all the other stuff men have to deal with. Of course, to get a male audience, there would have to be tons of nudity and lots of beer commercials.......and the movie could only last for about 30 minutes.
Monday, December 19, 2005
Pre-Game Rituals
I hope you all had a fabulous weekend! The holidays are right around the corner. Enjoy the week and don't stress about shopping and things like that, it will all get done!
I played sports most of my life. From the time I was very little until I was about 22, I played baseball. I played ice hockey for about six years, ran track, played in various softball leagues, beach volleyball leagues, and various other games here and there. One of my favorite things about playing sports is the pre-game workout/warmup. There is just something about getting to the field, the ice rink, the track, or the court really early and preparing yourself mentally and physically for a game that you enjoy. Whether it be the pre-game skate in hockey where you shoot the puck around and listen to blaring music, or running the bases on a baseball field and tossing the ball around for a while before the game, it's just fun.

Pre-Game Rituals
I apply the same "pre-game" rituals to many things in life. Work is one of them. I always arrive at work 45 minutes to an hour before my scheduled time. I like to get my computer up and running, open all the windows I need to do my job, settle in, chat, and be mentally prepared for the day. I am not one to show up at the time I am due in and just get started, I don't like that feeling.
I also like the "pre-game" ritual when it comes to going out for a night of fun. I think the pre-game ritual is one of the best parts of going out. I normally hang out at home, turn on some music, start drinking, etc. Even when I am getting ready/showered, I keep a drink within reach. The whole getting ready to go out is half the fun for me. Back in 2002-03 when I lived with my friend Alex, we'd have the best pre-going out times. We'd be having so much fun at home, we sometimes questioned whether we should go out at all. By the end of the pre-going out ritual, we'd usually have a half dozen people over, with a buzz, enjoying the festivities before the real ones began.
What are some of your rituals before going out, playing a sport, going to work etc., that you enjoy?
I played sports most of my life. From the time I was very little until I was about 22, I played baseball. I played ice hockey for about six years, ran track, played in various softball leagues, beach volleyball leagues, and various other games here and there. One of my favorite things about playing sports is the pre-game workout/warmup. There is just something about getting to the field, the ice rink, the track, or the court really early and preparing yourself mentally and physically for a game that you enjoy. Whether it be the pre-game skate in hockey where you shoot the puck around and listen to blaring music, or running the bases on a baseball field and tossing the ball around for a while before the game, it's just fun.

Pre-Game Rituals

I apply the same "pre-game" rituals to many things in life. Work is one of them. I always arrive at work 45 minutes to an hour before my scheduled time. I like to get my computer up and running, open all the windows I need to do my job, settle in, chat, and be mentally prepared for the day. I am not one to show up at the time I am due in and just get started, I don't like that feeling.
I also like the "pre-game" ritual when it comes to going out for a night of fun. I think the pre-game ritual is one of the best parts of going out. I normally hang out at home, turn on some music, start drinking, etc. Even when I am getting ready/showered, I keep a drink within reach. The whole getting ready to go out is half the fun for me. Back in 2002-03 when I lived with my friend Alex, we'd have the best pre-going out times. We'd be having so much fun at home, we sometimes questioned whether we should go out at all. By the end of the pre-going out ritual, we'd usually have a half dozen people over, with a buzz, enjoying the festivities before the real ones began.
What are some of your rituals before going out, playing a sport, going to work etc., that you enjoy?
Friday, December 16, 2005
Friday Video
We made it through another week! Just two weeks left in '05. I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Today's video selection is a tune that is about 5 years old. It's called "In the End" by Linkin Park. It's a song that I still religiously put on when I go running, especially when I need an energy boost. It reminds me of my early days here in Long Beach and brings back so many fond memories of when life seemed so much simpler. I love the message and the lyrics to this song. Hope it gets you pumped up for the weekend.
"Things aren't the way they were before
You wouldn't even recognize me anymore
Not that you knew me back then
But it all comes back to me
In the end..."
Today's video selection is a tune that is about 5 years old. It's called "In the End" by Linkin Park. It's a song that I still religiously put on when I go running, especially when I need an energy boost. It reminds me of my early days here in Long Beach and brings back so many fond memories of when life seemed so much simpler. I love the message and the lyrics to this song. Hope it gets you pumped up for the weekend.
"Things aren't the way they were before
You wouldn't even recognize me anymore
Not that you knew me back then
But it all comes back to me
In the end..."
Thursday, December 15, 2005
2005 Bored at the Beach....Beach Awards
2005 was an interesting year, to say the least. I along with many of you, had my ups and downs. I am glad that '05 is ending on a much happier note than it started on for me. It's amazing how much can take place in our lives in the course of 365 days.
Just about every TV station has its own end of the year countdown, a yearly recap, a "most interesting people" show, etc. I decided to have my own version here at the beach, so sit back and let's reflect on the year that was 2005. (You fucked up Barbara Walters, Carmilla Parker Bowles the most intriguing person of 2005? I think not!!!)
Let's hand out, The Beach Awards!!!!!

And The Award Goes To............
Team of the Year: The Chicago White Sox. This team came out of nowhere and won it all. Of all the major sports, this champion was one that nobody predicted!

Nobody Predicted This!!!!!
Athlete of the Year: Lance Armstrong. Lance won his SEVENTH straight Tour De France in 2005 in a sport where there is nobody to rely on but yourself. Truly amazing.

A True Champion!
Hollywood Celebrity of the Year: Jamie Foxx. A best actor Oscar for "Ray" followed by a much anticipated album called "Unpredictable." What a year.

Mr. Foxx had more than just Georgia on his mind in 2005, he had an Oscar on his mind.....
Musical Artist/Band of the Year. Green Day. A truckload of awards already in 2005.

Still Going Strong
Comeback of the Year: Mariah Carey. Her career was dead in the water, now "Glitter" seems like a distant memory. She's back and better than ever.

Back from the dead
Person of the Year. Martha Stewart. Could you go anywhere in 2005 without being reminded of Martha?

Martha leaves jail and enters the spotlight
2005 was memorable for both good and bad reasons. We witnessed huge disasters like Hurricane Katrina. We lost people like the Pope and Peter Jennings. We saw hundreds more of our troops perish in Iraq. Let's hope 2006 spares us from any major losses or disasters.
What's your biggest memory of 2005? I will have my 2006 predictions post right before the new year. Have a great day everyone!!!!
Just about every TV station has its own end of the year countdown, a yearly recap, a "most interesting people" show, etc. I decided to have my own version here at the beach, so sit back and let's reflect on the year that was 2005. (You fucked up Barbara Walters, Carmilla Parker Bowles the most intriguing person of 2005? I think not!!!)
Let's hand out, The Beach Awards!!!!!

And The Award Goes To............

Team of the Year: The Chicago White Sox. This team came out of nowhere and won it all. Of all the major sports, this champion was one that nobody predicted!

Nobody Predicted This!!!!!

Athlete of the Year: Lance Armstrong. Lance won his SEVENTH straight Tour De France in 2005 in a sport where there is nobody to rely on but yourself. Truly amazing.

A True Champion!

Hollywood Celebrity of the Year: Jamie Foxx. A best actor Oscar for "Ray" followed by a much anticipated album called "Unpredictable." What a year.

Mr. Foxx had more than just Georgia on his mind in 2005, he had an Oscar on his mind.....

Musical Artist/Band of the Year. Green Day. A truckload of awards already in 2005.

Still Going Strong

Comeback of the Year: Mariah Carey. Her career was dead in the water, now "Glitter" seems like a distant memory. She's back and better than ever.

Back from the dead

Person of the Year. Martha Stewart. Could you go anywhere in 2005 without being reminded of Martha?

Martha leaves jail and enters the spotlight

2005 was memorable for both good and bad reasons. We witnessed huge disasters like Hurricane Katrina. We lost people like the Pope and Peter Jennings. We saw hundreds more of our troops perish in Iraq. Let's hope 2006 spares us from any major losses or disasters.
What's your biggest memory of 2005? I will have my 2006 predictions post right before the new year. Have a great day everyone!!!!
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