Wow, the weekend went fast! I can't believe it is back to work already! The weekend was fun, Friday Night dinner with Tiny A, Sugar V, and Mrs. Sugar V. We had great food, great chat, and a ton of laughs, most of which were at MY expense!
Saturday I had a lot to do at my house, since I am moving in a week. Later in the day, Tiny A and I went on a shopping spree at Target for tons of stuff for my new house and some stuff for her home as well. We had a lot of fun shopping and we had a bunch of laughs. At one point, I needed to backtrack to get something I forgot and Tiny A said she's meet back up with me. Well, about 20 minutes go by and we could not find each other. My cell rings and it is her telling me that she is "by the summer stuff....you'll see me." So I head towards the sporting goods/toy area where I saw a bunch of summer stuff, I circle and circle, no Tiny A. At this point, my cart was so full, that stuff was falling out of the cart. I "pull over" and call Tiny A. She says, "I am by the summer stuff!!!" We both start laughing until we cry because I could not find her, I am yelling out "I need Lo-Jack on my ass!!!" Finally, as other customers were laughing, we find each other. The Target we went to her was "her" target, so she knows the layout...I needed a compass. Tiny A's house is like a warehouse right now with all my new stuff. Thanks for everything! :)
Later that evening we went to dinner and chatted, then I headed home to Brucey boy....
Sunday was Brucey's birthday! Can you believe I have him a year already? Time sure flies. In the morning I drove to Tiny A's and she drove us into NYC for brunch with her friends. We had a nice time in the village at a French Cafe sort of place. It was nice. After brunch, we stopped in an "adult store" where we were parked in front of and saw Sugar V's birthday gift..."The ASSMASTER." I was laughing so hard at this thing. It was this long black motorized stick that rotated....I was really laughing and swore I was buying it in November for his birthday. Speaking of birthdays, after NYC, I went to Tiny A's with Bruce where she spoiled him as usual with treats, chicken, and a birthday frosty paw. We all watched "The Sopranos" to close out the weekend.
Next weekend, I get the keys to the new beach house and I am so excited and so relieved to be out of this "hell" I've been living in for a while......onward and upward!
Happy Birthday Brucey. Don't ask me when my birthday is...i'll never tell. i'm not into any of those toys you give away to your friends on their birthdays. Good luck with the move. Don't forget to give back the beach towel. POB
Happy Birthday Brucie. Mine was April 9th. We're almost the same age. Ain't life great?
Yes, I love "MY" Target! My favorite moment of the debacle is when we had to get all of the packages in the trunk and it was pouring. :)
Dear Boss,
My birthday is everyday because my mommie is so awesome.
She tries to tell me it's September 13th, but I would never know the difference because she loves me so much!!
I tried to stop Milton from getting on the computer, but it didn't work. ;)
I fell down in Target yesterday and when someone started freaking out, my mom started pretending to run me over with the cart... I guess everyone had an eventful time at Target this weekend!
Sounds like you had a great time!
I didn't get any time with my adopted puppy Milo this weekend. I was busy lavishing attention (including homemade cookies) on CB. I'm a bad adoptive mommy.
But I can make homemade doggie treats (my sister's dog LOVES them, and they're good for the pups!), and I'll bring some when Heather & I come up this summer. ;)
Beach Necklaceeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
V, just be glad there were NO beach necklaces in Target. :)
I think that should be your bday present from Chaz! ;)
Good luck with the move Cmac and kiss that birthday boy for me. Angus sends licks.(and humps)
If I were to translate "summer stuff" from a women's point of veiw, I'd say that Tiny A was standing near the beach towels and fun bright colored dishes.
My husband, however, would have translated "summer stuff" as you did in the sports section. Too funny!
R - You are right on "target." In fact, when I called Cmac I WAS standing next to the $14.99 beach towels. I wanted one that was pink with green polka dots. I digress! Men and women speak two different languages...
That is what I love about Target, EVERY store is pretty much the same so you know where everything is.
Also, like Greenies, Frosty Paws must somehow include crack...Lola goes nutso for them.
Congrats on your new home!
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