Perhaps it's because of all the frivolous lawsuits that take place daily, perhaps the average person is really that stupid, but I have to laugh at some of these "warning labels" I see on products on a daily basis.
The most common one, because of the famous McDonald's lawsuit, is the "Caution Coffee is Hot." Really???? Coffee is served hot? Thanks for giving me that heads up. I may have tried to suck it through a crazy straw had you not posted that warning.
I also like the warning labels on the box of garbage bags or any plastic bag that comes in a box of something that says the bag is "not a toy" and that kids can suffocate. Other than maybe Britney Spears, I really can't see anyone handing their child a plastic bag and saying "go play!!!!"
I've seen warning labels on garbage can covers that say "not to be used as a sled/sleigh." Hahahahaha. Like I am going to slide down a hill on a filthy smelly garbage can lid.
Let's face it, if people still smoke despite the warning labels on the pack, do warning labels really work????? I think the only warning label anyone takes seriously is "dry clean only." Someone will be chain smoking 4 packs a day, but will panic if someone tries to put their "dry clean only" garment in the washer.
What's your favorite "warning label?" Mine is "Do Not Remove this tag, under penalty of law" on the mattresses. People actually think it applies to them when they buy it. Like the police are coming if they tear it off......
The contents behind the zipper of your pants need a warning label like one of those vehicles on the road that say, "Warning: Oversized Load."
No Tresspassing Warning Signs crack me up because if your close enough to read it chances are your already on the property.
"Do not use while sleeping" is seriously on my hair dryer!!!!!! Right on the tag that never comes off. I do my best hair while sleeping, how about you?
try this link http://www.mlaw.org/wwl/
I am going to say something similar Mon....I once had perscription eye drops that read "Do not use while sleeping."
Sad to say they put this stuff on warning lables because someone actually tried doing it.
My blowdryer has a picture of a bathtub with a line through it so people that can't read really "get the picture" too.
Or on body creams it says "For external use only" Oh yeah,yummy!
the coffee lawsuit actually happened here in ABQ...stupid woman, but even more so, stupid law that supported this imbecile.
tinya...are they wearing off on you? that was funny.
how 'bout on cleaning products when it says "for external use only, not to be used for personal hygiene." seriously, it's on my clean and go kitchen and household wipes i have here at work.
I love Lucky Brand jeans...
The fly of every pair says, "Lucky You." It's not really a warning, but what Amester said made me think of that... Cracked me up!
I think that the US needs to start using warning labels on cigarettes like they do in Canada. Player's Cigarettes feature impotence warnings where a limp ciggie is depicted. It's fantastic. Keep the warning label, just make sure that people pay attention to it!
There's a comedian, Bill Engvall, who does a whole skit on warning labels. My favorite is about Preparation-H having a warning label tha says "DO NOT EAT." Just imagine the shrinkage!!
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