Remember when you were a kid and got upset about something? The first thing you got to "make you feel better" was some sort of food or treat. Hamster died? Here's a popsicle. Fell and scraped your knee? Here's a Hershey Bar. Kids made fun of your sweater on the school bus? Here's an ice cream sundae. Food was always associated with love and affection in my home growing up, perhaps it is an Italian thing.
My Mom would yell like crazy at us if we did something bad. We'd get screamed at, sometimes hit, but about an hour later, my Mom would yell out, "Come on, we're having ice cream." Like that was going to soothe my ass from the ass kicking she just gave me. Food was like a peace offering. If only life were really that simple. Imagine wars from history ending by one side offering the other side a sweet treat?
Food was and still is used as "medicine." I managed a "Discovery Zone" years back where hundreds of kids would come to play. If a kid fell and got hurt, the first thing people would do is give the kid an icee!!! A fuckin' ICEE!!!! Like that was going to pop the bone back into the kid's leg, like there was something magical in that raspberry syrup. I never understood that....don't get the first aid kit, grab an icee.
Growing up, my Mom and Dad never really played favorites with my brother, my sister, or me. BUT, if me and my Mom went to an ice cream place to get stuff for the family, her and I would always have ice cream there and "not tell" anyone when we got home then have ice cream again like we didn't just have it when we were out. It was like a secret ice cream society that you had to be tight lipped about or you'd be banished from that extra treat for life.
I find myself doing the same thing with my dog now. When I am going out and I feel bad about leaving him alone, I load him treats and bones because I feel guilty. That's why Brucie has a belly!!!!
Food, a healer, a peace maker, a sign of affection.....and so much more. Let's hear your food "healing" experiences.
To this day, my mother cheers me up with anything chocolate.
As for Brucey, well, I can't help you there. After all, there are still three Frosty Paws in my freezer. :)
This post has me reeling with laughter...
Twinkies is my memory food....my dad was a nyc cop when I was growing up and he would work all these funky hours. Some nights he would get home at 2am and I would hear him and sneak downstairs in my footie pajama's and he would give me a twinkie while he was eating his dinner. I still love twinkies cause they always make me feel so safe and loved!
My grandmother who is 86 tells me that back in the day - 50's, her family doctor told her that she should have a martini every day to help her feel better (for which ailment I'm not sure, she is a hypocondriac). But, I guess martini's are the "chocolate treats" to alcoholic grown ups.
Geez, do you have an hour? I'm trying to right this whole food is not love thing right now in my life, and it aint easy!
But there is something about meatloaf and mashed potatos. It reminds me of family, and happiness. It's one thing I remember my mom making when her and dad were still together. No one makes smashed taters like my Momma!
for me and my siblings, mom makes us a special b-day cake every year. mine is chocolate on chocolate, next sis is carrot cake, brother likes yellow w/chocolate and baby sis likes rainbow w/rainbow chip icing. and don't give us canned icing (except the baby). and to this day, i've never found a potato salad worth getting seconds over except mom's and now mine 'cause i make it like her.
We grew up in a different scenario.
No snacks in between meals because it would ruin our appetite. To this day my mother makes a face if we order dessert when out to dinner. The woman is a food Nazi.
Salsa Doritos and Dr. Pepper in a glass bottle. My dad worked construction growing up, and the rare days that he could leave to pick me up from school, he'd always buy those two from the meal truck afternoons. We'd eat the Doritos on the way home and then quickly scrub all the funk off our hands and fingers so Mom didn't know when she got home...
Food was used as bribery in my family when we went out in public. My mom would always promise us a "treat" if we were good!
you and your stories are adorable
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