The holiday weekend is upon us! I hope you all have a great time.
Why do men's bikes have the bar going straight across and the women's bikes have the bar on the slanted angle? I think it should be the other way around, don't you? After all, we are the ones with the balls that could get seriously injured if we fell on that bar. It's something I have always pondered.
Why is today called "Good" Friday? Shouldn't the nailing of someone to a cross be considered bad? Bad Friday is a bit more appropriate I think.
Churches are tax exempt. They don't pay any taxes to fund the local schools, police, fire departments, anything. So, if I were a fireman and got a fire call in the middle of the night that a church was on fire, would I hurry to go put it out, or think, hey, they don't contribute?.....
I wonder why the last few cheerios always seem to gravitate to each other and form a little pack instead of floating individually.
I wonder how long my commute would be by pogo stick.
I wonder if the Flintstones ever eat that big rib that tips over their car.
I hope you all have fun this weekend!
Women's bikes were designed like that for their skirts. Cheerios move toward one another because of microgravity.
Wow, SugarV, look at you being all smart an' stuff. ;)
Happy Friday! (It's a glorious 84 degrees today with only a few high, wispy clouds. Jealous?)
I wonder how it is that you are SO cute, Chaz.
Wow Sugar V you have brains too? All I can is have a great holiday everyone and guys watch out for you canolis if you go bike riding.
The Fire Dept. would have to save Dawn and she doesn't contribute and you would need extra firemen to get her out.
WOW, I've always thought the SAME thing about those damn bikes. I completely agree.
And sugarV is really S-M-R-T.
Have a great weekend!
i wonder why everytime i order from a certain catalog, my order is always on backlog....random i know, but it bugs! :)
I'd like to see you go on pogo stick someday...keep us posted on that. You may start a whole new era of travel!
Happy Friday and enjoy the holiday weekend! Good things to ponder.
happy easter Mr. C-Mac! Hope you have a great weekend neighbor! ;)
Sugar V didn't say anything about cannolis...
Could the world be changing? What am I missing?
I like to play games with my cereal. With every bite, the cereal, 'rearranges' itself into different shapes, but your right, they always gravitate to each other. It's stupid fun like that that makes getting up worth while.
Hmmmm I wonder what exciting plans you have going on this weekend. We had 89 outside today. Very nice weekend...
Why don't you try to make it into the Guiness Book of World Records for staying on a pogo stick the longest or going the farthest distance on a pogo stick! That would rock! Give your kids to be something to brag about ;)
Cmac's Kid: When my dad was 33 he hopped on a pogo stick all the way to work from LI to NYC. He's in the Guiness Book of world records for it.
Cmac's Kids Friend: What a nerd! My dad could be in that book too if he wanted to.
Cmac's Kid: For what? Drinking the most guiness in a 24 hour period?
and I could take this farther but I won't...doesn't matter what kids thing...all the adults would know how cool it was to do!
I'll call Guiness today for ya, just do it! Maybe Nike will sponsor you ;)
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