If you ask the average person what makes them feel great or the greatest, they will probably say sex. Trust me, sex is amazing with the right person, a person you are really into...but isn't that a given? There are dozens of other things that make each of us feel amazing, things that give us a natural high. Today let's all name things that made us feel amazing in the past, make us feel amazing in the present, and things we know will make us feel amazing in the future......here are some of mine:
* Stepping into Yankee Stadium. Just knowing the history and feeling the passion I do for the Yankees makes a visit to Yankee Stadium a truly amazing experience, each and every time.
* Making others laugh. With a group, or with just one other person, I love to make someone laugh, really really laugh. It is definitely a high.
* Playing baseball/softball, especially in front of a crowd. When you make a great play in the field or come through with a big hit, sometimes you can't feel your feet on the ground, it is amazing. (My first practice of the season is tonight!)
* Enjoying a nice meal. Whether I cook it, whether someone cooks for me, or whether it is out at a restaurant, the whole experience of a long/great meal complete with great conversation is fabulous.
* Hearing a song that I love. Feeling the emotion of the lyrics and the music puts me in a trance.
* My dog Bruce greeting me after a day at work. Priceless.
* Catching up with an old friend. Nothing like it.
* A nice road trip. The feeling of the wind in your face, the radio up high, and great company......
* The anticipation (butterflies) when you know you are going to see someone you really like. Like the feeling I get when Tiny A and I have plans.
* The way my body feels after a long 6 mile+ run. It's really a high.
* That warm and toasty feeling, just as you start to get buzzed on alcohol.
* Knowing the best days in life are yet to come.
What gives you a natural high?
This city should use the money its going to spend on the new Yankee and Mets stadiums on more important issues like homelessness, the poor, etc.
The beach; the smell, how small I feel standing in front of the ocean, the sand between my toes, running from the waves.
A purring cat on my pillow. .(let's insert any animal right here and move on they all fill me with such joy I could burst).
Figuring something out on my own. The way the sky looks when it's the perfect shade of blue.
Being at an Edwin McCain concert.
The feeling when you are in the arms of someone who really loves you.
tiny a gives YOU butterflies...how cute is that! :) that's awesome.
i love the beach, but any body of water gives me a natural high (i wonder if it's the aquarian in me??)
great post charlie. there are lots of things that give me a natural high, many that you listed.
last night i went for a ride to the beach, got out and went and swung on a swing for nearly an hour, totally enjoying the solitude. i loved it.
What a nice thought to start the morning with. I too love the tranquility of the water. Be it the beach or a fountain. Also when I have a good night at bowling and also the feeling I get after a good workout. Of course who doesn't like a good meal with good company and a couple glasses of wine.
Also I love coming home or waking up to Angus(my adorable doggie) and seeing how happy he is today compared to when we first got him one year ago.
- CB rolling over in the middle of the night and curling up around me.
- Rolling the windows down on a perfect spring or fall day and going for a drive through the mountains.
- Sense of accomplishment after putting together my tent for the first time on my own.
- Hearing the first "GOOOOOOO DAWGS! SIC 'EM!" at the first UGA football game of the season.
- Laughing with any of my closest girl friends.
- Feeling sweaty, exhausted and hoarse at the end of a Cowboy Mouth concert.
- Enjoying a beer on the porch of our fave restaurant on a warm summer night with CB.
I am with Popsicle Toes! Being an Aquarian, any body of water gives me a natural high.
One of the recent natural highs I got was walking on the boardwalk with Cmac and looking at the sunset over the ocean. :)
When the weather is warm enough to take the top down and go for a long drive - preferably to the beach, but just anywhere will do when it's that warm! I love it! And luckily out west we get at least a few heat waves during the winter, so it's pretty much a year round experience.
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