There are so many foolish laws on the books and not enough practical ones. In many states, "blue laws" still exist which force businesses to close early on Sundays, prohibit alcohol sales on Sundays, and other foolish laws like that. If I were "in charge" here are some new laws I would enact:
* Senior Citizens who are retired would be banned from traveling on roadways during rush hour. 6am-10am and 3pm-7pm Monday through Friday would be the times I would choose to keep them off the roads. Nothing pisses me off more than having to get to work and driving behind them at 20mph because they have all day to get to their destination. Force them to travel and buy their prune juice while we are all at work.
* No more Taco Bell/Pizza Hut combo restaurants, no more Taco Bell/KFC combos, no more Dunkin Donut/Baskin Robbins stores. The food quality blows even more when they have to multi task. The food is bad enough when they only have to focus on one type of "cuisine." You want to combine stores? Sell hard liquor at my local supermarket, replace the gum and candy at the registers with Grey Goose and Bombay Sapphire.
* Every price should be negotiable and the barter system should be permitted everywhere. If I want to trade the gas station attendant something I don't need/use anymore from my garage for 99 cent gas, that should be my option.
* No more check writing/acceptance at supermarkets. We are in the debit age. Anyone caught tying up a line at a supermarket writing a check should be thrown off the highway overpass in their shopping cart.
* Speedos for men banned on all beaches and in public places.
* Open toed shoes banned in all restaurants for men.
* Scales placed outside fitting rooms or at checkouts in department stores. If you are a fat chick, no belly shirts, short shorts, thongs, or bikinis.....period.
That's enough for now....what laws would you enact?
Pets should be allowed at work. It should be a LAW. If you're allergic, how unfortunate for you. I watched a show on discovery, a few years back, this company lets their employees bring their pets. They are in a special area, but they could visit them througout the day. Those were some happy employees!
The dogs and cats could form clicks "Word on the street is, Fluffy has to wear fancy pants" "Pssst. Tigger has some catnip, keep it on the DL"
+1 to Mon.
If I could bring Milton to work, I would be a much happier worker...
It should be a law that pets should be treated like people.
It should be a law if you are heavy you should be required to go to weight watchers and to excersize at least 3 times a week. If you don't comply you will be forced to forfiet 1 Big Mac for each offense.
Every friday should be suasage and meatballs day!!!!
haha Sugar...
i would like to add that I think ALL minivans should be off the road after 9PM.
I have one simple rule that would make our lives beautiful:
man! i broke every single one of your laws just today alone.
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