Do people, especially women, feel they don't have to thank you for holding a door open for them? The absolute least someone can say is thank you when you hold a door open for them, yet many find this difficult.
What's worse is when you hold a door open for someone then like 5 people show up behind them out of nowhere and you feel like a doorman just standing there holding the door for the parade of people. It's annoying. I want to go on a non-door holding streak. F them all!
Why is it that businesses always keep one side of the double doors locked? The doorway is obviously designed for one side to be the "in" and the other side to be the "out" yet 90% of businesses keep one side of the door locked. It's just stupid. At my last job there was this huge double door in one of the hallways, yet they only open one side. So if someone was coming towards you and you met at the doorway, one of you would have to stop to let the other pass...it was annoying.
Then there's the "revolving door" that you find on city buildings. You can always spot a country or suburban person by how they negotiate that door. They usually get caught up in it or whacked with it.
I am a big fan of the automatic door...except when some douche nozzle tries to go out the in and fucks up the whole door. Then you can't get in until the asshole moves off the sensor. Even AFTER they move, the door is still f'd up...and you have to nudge it with your shopping cart to get in.
Anyway, I was having computer issues, but I am back. Thanks to Nick at work for fixing things, works better than new now!!!!
What about those people that are coming toward you when you are walking out of a store and hurry up so you can hold the door for them. Like you are automatically responsible because you are walking out.
For all those idiots who don't say thank you to you holding the door open, "THANK YOU...THANK YOU...THANK YOU." It drives me nuts also when people don't say thank you but sometimes a good loud 'your welcome' from you even though they haven't said thank you, kind of makes them blush and say thank you.
I always thank someone for holding a door open for me, either letting me go first, or if they go through and hold it open behind them. It's mindful of your presence.
There is a dillhole/CFO (same thing) at my job who goes into work, and you can be right on his heels and he just lets the door slam behind him. I just think that is so rude. Of course, I've done it back to him.
i HATE it when i hold the door for someone and they don't say thank you. now on the one hand i probably shouldn't wait to be thanked since i'm being courteous, but shit, what about common courtesy back! can you tell this is a pet peeve of mine :). and also totally agree w/you on the why keep the other door locked thing....so stupid! it was weird not seeing a post from you yesterday, glad you're back.
For the most part people say thank you but for the ones that don't I usually say "You're Welcome"!(LOUD)
I always hold doors for mothers with babies and strollers, and some of them get very obnoxious and think its expected and dont say thank you! Then, I pull a Supplymadam and do the loud "You're welcome!"
i always say "thank you" profusely and always hold the door open for people.
Even when I'm on my cell phone walking back into the building I acknowledge someone for holding the door open for me. That's one thing about that South that I've noticed a bit more than other places - while women are accustomed to having doors opened for them everywhere, they are more apt to say (with the appropriate drawl), "thank you" and do a little smile.
Or maybe they're just hoping to meet their Prince Charming that way...
What a gentleman holding those doors!
Summer is coming! Are you ready C-Mac? I saw that you are moving, what part of LB? I am down on Alabama Ave.
I guess we don't have nice guys like you in my area....when ever someone holds a door for me I ALWAYS say thank you...it's so rare that I am caught off guard but I always say thank you...If you are looking for someone to appreciate you holding a door for them~please come to Maryland and I will say thank you :)
I always say thank you. Sometimes, I'll chime out a you're welcome to those who don't have the same common courtesy!
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