Sure it is April, sure my life is packed in 70 boxes in my garage, and sure it's still only 60 degrees, but I have summer on the brain. In less than two weeks I will be living not a few blocks from the beach like I am now, but a few STEPS from the beach. With the thoughts of what may very well be the best summer in years just a few short weeks away, I started making a mental list of things I MUST do in the summer of 2006. here they are in no particular order:
* Eat dinner on the beach at least once a week with Tiny A.
* Help my softball team at my new job make the PLAYOFFS.
* Wine tasting weekend with Tiny A out East.
* Get Heather and The Muse to come visit for a long weekend.
* Spend a lot of time with Sugar V and Mrs. Sugar V.
* The Restaurants of Long Beach review here at "The Beach."
* Play lots more with Bruce now that he will have a fenced yard.
* Tear up the dance floor at Tiny A's nephew's Christening.
* Get back to running 5 days a week, including 10+ mile runs on Saturdays.
* Bike ride with Tiny A.
* BBQ at least 4x a week.
* Buy a new camera and get into photography.
* Go out "on the town" in Long Beach every weekend now that it is all in walking distance.
* Go to Montauk with my Mom.
* Drink lots and lots of alcohol.
* Read more. Yes, books!
* Go to at LEAST 10 Yankee Games. (1st one in a couple of weeks!)
* Make new friends (Linda H is already one of them!)
* Get back in touch with some old friends I lost touch with.
* Go to at least 2 Jones Beach concerts
* Most of all, take time out to appreciate where I am and reflect on where I've been. I feel like I am at a crossroads, and I am excited about not just the summer, but beyond.
What's on your summer agenda?
Chaz, this is quite the supreme summer list! Here are a few of my own...
~ Sangria tasting party in yard
~ Write book rec list for Chaz so we can have book talks
~ Organize a big gathering at the Biergarten in Astoria and invite all of my friends and cousins
~ Make Barefoot Contessa recipes for dinner on the beach with Chaz
~ Take nephew on his first beach outing in his Burberry swimmytrunks!
~ Eat hot dogs at Yankee games and wash it down with beer and dippin dots and then fight over the Cracker Jax prize with Chaz.
1) Look towards the east and see if I can spot Uranus rising.
2) White pants and taking my top off.
3) Speaking Japanese.
4) Running on the beach al'la David Hasselhoff style.
Two words: Make Sausage!!!!!
Good list!
Muse and I will get together and attempt to get on an airplane...
*Get ass to the beach.
*Hang out with Milton in the driveway.
*Get a new job.
Have Gweny and Bruce meet-yeah! And hang out with C-Mac and Tiny A again.
*Quit my second job.
*Resume aerobics classes when said job is quit.
*Camping! Includes bonfires, and beer, napping, and more bonfires and beer!
*Buy a bike, and ride it.
*Build a little patio for my bird bath, and feeders.
*Bitch about the heat
*Complete 8 mile towpath trail by summers end.
Yes, honey, me & Heather need to get ourselves up there! There's a slight chance I'll be in NYC next month, but I don't know how much free time there will be. :P
My list:
- Perfect my Sangria recipe
- Perfect my Mojito recipe
- Start my Kahlua (it takes a month)
- Take my grandfather to a Braves game
- Spend a weekend at the beach with Lana & her other bridesmaids
- Camping! Lots of it.
- Weekend away with CB.
- More baseball.
- Visit to DC.
- Start planning my next career move.
You are always a tough act to follow. But here are a few of mine:
1)Definately 1 or 2 Jones Beach Concerts
2) cut my hair(short)
3)Get trainer for Angus(or should I say behaviorlist)
4)Get to the East End more
5)Stay on course of working out(so far so good)
6) do more things with friends
7) Go to "Live at Five" in Patchogue (bar hopping and bands)
Saw your running intentions. I am a regular reader of your blog and a sub 30 minute 10K runner. Even though I am from the Netherlands, I look forward to once competing in the same race as you do. Good luck, and stay out of injuries!
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