With the weather warming up a little more each day, I don't like being inside at all. The nine hour work day indoors is torture when it's beautiful out. Today my boss bought a huge bbq grill and a huge picnic table for us to use on our lunch break. The 30 minutes or so that we all sat outside eating and chatting was amazing. It made me think of recess at school when I was younger and the games we used to play outside....or games outside at home.
Kickball was a crowd favorite. Basically the same rules as baseball, only you kick a red rubber ball. Kickball was a "kick" ass sport as a kid. I miss it!
Dodgeball was another great one. Throwing the ball at other kids' heads full force. It's a shame the little fat fuckos would be thrown at first and knocked from the game, but what can you do? I took great pride in my dodgeball skills.
Freeze tag was another good one. Remember freeze tag? Simple......but fun.
Manhunt. Another word for outdoor hide n' seek.
Slip N' Slide!!!! I am buying one of those again this year!
Street Hockey. This kicked ass either on foot or on roller skates. The bright orange ball instead of the puck that left welts all over your body when it hit you.
Wiffle ball. I still love wiffle ball! I need to get a new wiffle bat and ball.
Frisbee, I still love playing this on the beach!
Apple Juice pong....now substitute beer! :)
Remember those cheap wood paddles with the rubber band string stapled to it that had the little rubber ball on the end of the string? I think it was called "paddle ball." Not sure what made me think of it, but my mom would always buy us those and they would break in like 2 minutes......that cheap ass staple.
Bubble blowing! Remember the jars of bubbles with the wand? We'd spend hours outside blowing bubbles. My dogs would chase the bubbles and pop them.
What outdoor games did you enjoy most as a kid?
You love to Blow Bubbles.
Maybe I'm just weird, but every single time I would find a good spot playing hide-n-seek, I suddenly had to pee. Always ruined the game for me...
I also love tormenting my pets with the bubbles. Then my mom would get pissed off because me and the dog always wound up coated in the soapy mixture.
Other than that, my friends and I had a bad habit of putting the sprinkler underneath a trampoline and turning that into a slip-n-slide.
My mom made our bubbles, with dish soap, and something else, and a bread tie made into a circle for the blower. I'm not joking. Talk about ghetto! They didn't work very well! I buy catnip bubbles for my cats. Ony the best for my kids!
We played 'ghost in the graveyard' which is kind just like hide and seek, only at night, and when you find the person, you have to yell out 'ghost in the graveyard' and everyone comes running after the person who hid. Your safe until you start to run for home base. But if you wait, others come. It can get pretty scarey when 10 kids are chasing you down at once!
i have a request for friday's music, beastie boys girls, girls, girl! :)
-Love frisbee on the beach
-Red light,green light
-Ringalevio,similar to Mon's Ghost in the Graveyard but only the person not hiding you chases you back to home base
-We also always had a kick ball game going
-Horseback Riding(which I don't do anymore)but we used to go almost every weekend.
-My mom would take us bike riding almost every night after dinner.
- Red Rover, Red Rover
- Statues (which was where you would move around until the "artist" touched you, you would freeze in that position and then the "buyer" would try and guess what you had been doing before you were frozen)
- Red light, green light
- Skateboarding jump (I was the cool kid with the stuff to build ramps)
- Water balloon fights!!!
red light/green light and red rover just brougth a flood of memories....so fun. i was into playing marbles. i could not be beat (both boys and girls) and my mom literally would throw all the marbles i won away (full coffee cans) and i'd have to start over again. it made her crazy, this obsession of mine.
Mon, Loved ghost in the graveyard!
How about TV Tag, when you would tap the person and they would have to say a TV show in order to move.
Or Army Tag when where ever you touched a person they lost that body part. Pretty funny when your hopping on one foot.
The best was the death trap 10' high monkey bars we had to play on, now they are all play on short plastic ones. Wimps.
I love all those games!
We also played blind Man's Bluff, like tag in the dark. Climbing on furniture was totally acceptable to get away from the person who was it.
And there was that game with the whiffle ball, you know witht he curved things you catch it with? What was the name of it?
Marco Polo in the pool, whiffle ball summer nights, and playing Superheroes on our bikes. :)
Summer days were also for selling drawings on the stoop and playing with ants (poking em with twigs and such)
I use to play doctor with my HOT immigrant 10 year old neighbor :)
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