Thursday, April 06, 2006

Wasted Talent

One of my favorite movies of all time is "A Bronx Tale" because of the message it sends. It's main message is "The saddest thing in life is wasted talent." I couldn't agree more.

As I was getting ready for work this morning, I heard on the radio that Whitney Houston is back on the pipe again. This saddens me so much. There is one of the best voices of our generation just wasting away and wasting her talent. I've heard people blame it on Bobby Brown, her husband, but that's just an excuse in my book. Sure, people can be a bad influence on other people, but you have to allow it to happen.

It got me thinking of other people in "the spotlight" that have wasted their talent. Baseball players Dwight Gooden and Darryl Strawberry immediately come to mind. Both of them were guaranteed first ballot hall of famers who threw it all away to drugs. It is sad.

Even those in life who don't throw their talent away to drugs, alcohol, or anything of the sort sadden me. People who have a talent, or a passion, that don't pursue them. My sister is a great example. She is so talented with art but never took a chance. She loves it, but was always afraid of failure, so she never really gave herself a fair shot at it.

I suppose I could look at myself as well. Granted, I think I have done pretty well for myself, but I don't think I showcase my talents or passion on a daily basis either. How many of us truly do?


Jenni said...

Agreed. I never pursued anything with my writing because I was too scared to have someone tell me that I sucked at something that I love.
I agree with the whole Whitney thing. It's sad to see someone go from such a shining star to someone who's obviously now just stuck in the mud.
You reap what you true.

Fizzgig said...

What about Anna Nicole? lol. I dunno what talent she wasted, but man...she's wasted on something!
I think these days people dont want to take any blame for anything. It's easier to blame your problems on someone or something else, than to look at yourself.

supplymadam said...

My friend's brother is a perfect example of this. He was an artist and talented carpenter and a great chef. Unfortunately he passed away from alcohol abuse and never pursued his talents to better his future. We still find it hard to figure out how he wound up on this path.
My brother too is also very smart and talented. He knows alot about alot of things yet continues to struggle with his life and finances. He graduated with honors and is a talented artist,writer and actor. He's done alot of local plays and now him and I are going to be extras in a upcoming movie with Drew Barrymore,Hugh Grant and Brad Garret. I can't wait. He gave me some tips on how to be an extra and get noticed. We'll see.

R said...

I couldn't agree more. She has/had such a beautiful voice. Everytime they play back that national anthem she sang about 10 years ago it always gives me chills. I am always wasting my talents. How do we go about bringing them out more instead of rotting away behind a computer screen everyday?

ThursdayNext said...

I have faith that you will one day showcase your talents and passions on an everyday basis.

Unknown said...

You have a Canoli eating "talent"

afromabq said...

i think you show your talent everyday with your posts. you have an audience whether you want one or not. your writing is fun and funny and we keep coming back....canoli talent...hahahaha!!