Thursday, May 25, 2006

Thursday Already?

Wow, this is the longest I have gone without blogging since I started this silly thing a year and a half ago. I've been out of it. I feel like the Sugar V with a blog every 5th day or so.

So, partying all last weekend and not resting ran me down. I caught a bad cold combined with some allergies.....throw in a total of about 10 hours sleep all last weekend and it's a recipe for illness. I am back at about 80-85% today, gearing up for the big holiday weekend.

Tomorrow is one of, maybe THE favorite day of the year for me, Memorial Day Friday. The kickoff to my favorite season and time of the year, summer. I can just feel it in the air, it's unlike any time of the year. Long Beach is buzzing with people and traffic. The lifeguard chairs are in place, and everyone is ready to enjoy what will hopefully be an amazing and memorable summer.

Tomorrow is a day to roll down the car windows and blast your favorite "feel good" tunes. It's a day to think about the good times ahead and a day to look back on the long winter that has passed and laugh.

Perhaps what I enjoy most about summer is not "thinking" so much. During the winter you are trapped indoors and you tend to think too much, dwell on too many things, and analyze everything. That's not the case in the summer. There is so much to do to keep you occupied, that you don't have the time or the energy to dwell, you just live life, work and play hard, and soak it all up. Time does go fast and so will this summer. My advice, make the most of each day and night this summer. Come September, you'll be glad you got the most out of the next 3 amazing months. So each night this summer, do something special. Take a walk, a jog, have a picnic, star gaze, take the dog for an extra long walk, sleep outside one night, have sex outside, sit up until the sun rises one weekend night, just mix it up and take it all in. Winters are long, summers are short, so make the most of it!!!!


Darcey said...

I think I started my Memorial Day Weekend celebrations a little too early... my head hurts from last night's drinking.

ThursdayNext said...

I like the idea of sex outside...

Unknown said...

You blast Gary Glitter out of your car.

Unknown said...
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supplymadam said...

Hope you have a "memorable" weekend! Ruff,Ruff

Debi said...

Great Ideas!!!!!!

Fizzgig said...

How true! Summer has such a different feeling, just sitting outside and soaking it all in is energizing! Have a great holiday!