Thursday, May 18, 2006

Product Testimonials

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As I was flipping around my 800 cable channels looking for something entertaining to watch with no luck, I passed by that "Tempur-Pedic" mattress commercial. It's some Swedish mattress that supposedly the person next to you can jump up and down on and you won't feel the movement. I say bullshit.

The commercial shows some woman placing a full wine glass on the bed and jumping up and down next to it and it not spilling. I find a couple of things wrong with this test.

1) The woman was like 80lbs. Put a fat bitch in that bed and you'll feel her rolling around that bed snacking all night and getting up to raid the fridge.

2) Test it with rough sex, not jumping. Put a wine glass in the bed and start banging. If it does not spill, then maybe I will buy the mattress.

3) It says NASA developed this material. Should I be impressed? The same NASA who blew up 2 Space Shuttles and the same NASA who lost billion dollar Mars "rovers" in craters on Mars? You have to do better than that.

4) The testimonials were from these douche bags from some trailer park. I don't give a shit what Mary McGraw from Bumblefuck Arkansas thinks about the mattress. Perhaps she should feed her 100 kids and get her teeth fixed before she buys a Tempur-Pedic mattress.

Mattresses in general need to be bought in person, in my opinion. 1-800-MATTRESS and places like that are stupid....who buys a mattress without testing it out first?

What infomercial or TV commercial for a product irritates you?


Steph said...

I have one of those beds and I LOVE IT!!! No, you can't balance a wine glass on it while someone's jumping around (yes, I had to jump on it a couple times just now to see how sturdy it was!). But it IS amazing! I sink into it and the other side doesn't move.

I have to admit that I'm an infomercial junkie. I make myself turn it off because I really don't need another Pasta Pot, Spin Spa, or set of Tony Robbins CD's. There came a time when I just had to admit that I was powerless to my problem and my life had become unmanageable. But I just can't resist those four little words, "BUT WAIT - THERE'S MORE!!" :)

Unknown said...

For your information those two Mars "rovers" are still going strong two years longer than their designed life expectancy. BTW they cost just as much as the combined Yankee team member salary which as you know is not going strong.

ThursdayNext said...

I must admit I love the kitchen gadget infomercials. I could never stand that stupid hair care line infomercial that Cher endorsed. :P

Fizzgig said...

I agree. You have to lay on a million beds before deciding on a final selection. Wouldnt that be sweet if you could put your wine glass there while having sex? No more need for a night stand.

supplymadam said...

Oh the infamous infomercials. Although I did hear the Tempur-Pedic was very goog I am skeptical about "The Sleep Number Bed". I am tired of hearing Lindsay Wagner saying "Sleep Number".

afromabq said...

i feel claustrophobic just looking at that bed. any bed or pillow that engulfs me is not my kind of bed. i get the heebees even thinking about it.

Darcey said...

Yeah, I'd have to agree with Steph - that bed is freaking amazing!! I slept on one in a swank hotel in Atlanta, and for the 3 hours of sleep I did get (hehehe), it was probably the best. sleep. ever. Even CB, the skeptic when we sat down on the mattress, said it was pretty awesome.

Since I can't afford the actual mattress yet, I have the pillow. Which is the only pillow that properly supports my neck, so it goes just about everywhere with me. :)

And yeah, I'm in infomercial junkie, too. Luckily, I'm too impatient to wait for something by ordering it off the tv, so I end up just buying it off Amazon or something.

Heather said...

I'm so on board with Supplymadam. I'm so tired of hearing Lindsay Wagner.

And...maybe I'm a perv, but doesn't the Tempur Pedic logo look a little...uh, suggestive?

I can't stand the guy with the ponytail and exercise equipment. The Gazelle or something... What's his name?

Ladyred said...

I miss reading blogs. Especially the ones that make me laugh, and yours does that. I so look at these ads and commercials etc. and I'm like "yea put a REAL person in place of that waiflike model and tell me what happens to your products!"

I hate commercials for things that really don't need commercials. I mean come on, why do we need to advertise tampons, jock itch, feminine deodorant spray for those "parts". I mean I am a woman, but I don't need to see that crap. I know it's there, I know when I need it. I know where to get it. Or those lovely PSA announcements now for STDs and how happy they look even though they got something. Ick.