Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Should the "Show Go On?"

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I grew up on classic rock. It was a big part of my childhood and I still get nostalgic when I hear many of the bands and songs from the 70's. Each band back then had a distinctive sound, a distinctive style, and a distinctive lead singer.

In many cases, the lead singer was the person who defined the band. Their unique voice and persona really "was" the band. When we think of Queen, we automatically think of Freddy Mercury. When we think of the Doors we think of Jim Morrison, Journey..Steve Perry, and Styx...Dennis DeYoung.

As a huge music fan, nothing annoys me more than when a lead singer dies or when a band "breaks up" and they try to "replace" the lead singer with someone new. It never is the same. Queen is currently touring with Bad Company's lead man Paul Rodgers. Although Rodgers was great in his own band, he is no Freddy Mercury. Bands should just pack it in when a legend passes on or leaves. Certain lead singers define a band. Although I felt David Lee Roth "was" Van Halen, they were able to reinvent themselves with Sammy Hagar. Van Halen was the exception rather than the rule.

I say go out on top, the way we all remember you and spare us the reality shows trying to find a new lead singer or someone second or third rate. I'll stick to my cds and my memories when it comes to the classic bands. No imitation will do.


supplymadam said...

I hear you on that. I hate when bands do that because we usually relate to the front man.
I saw Queen with Paul Rodgers on a special. You can never replace Freddy Mercury. But Paul Rodgers looks pretty darn good. He kind of looks like Bruce Springsteen don't ya think?

ThursdayNext said...

Aside from the lead singers, it was hard seeing Steve Clark be replaced in Def Leppard.

Miss_Vicki said...

In a way I totally agree, but if, say, the lead singer dies, does the band HAVE to go down with the ship? I guess yes, that is the respectable thing to do. Especially for those type of bands, such as Queen, Skynyrd, etc.

Remember that show last year, Rock Star INXS? Well the guy who won put out a new CD with INXS and now they're touring - I've only heard the one song, that's popular (pretty vegas?), and I like it, but, also, it's just not the same band without the infamous lead singer.

Fizzgig said...

I normally would agree 100% except that I love Drowning Pool, and the guy they got to replace their singer (who died on his own vomit..nice!) is really good! But normally, it's a waste of time!

Steph said...

I saw Queen when they came to Anaheim. I'm a huge Queen fan, love Freddy Mercury, and I was also wary of Paul Rogers replacing him. Not only did he nail it, they did an incredible tribute to Freddy. It was probably the best concert I've ever seen and that's saying a lot!