You have all seen this commercial....the couple in the bathtubs with the voice over talking about erectile dysfunction and how Cialis can help them....
Is it erectile dysfunction or could it be the fact that they are in separate tubs, in public, sitting in 50 degree water, with a cool sea breeze blowing on them? Not to mention the paranoia of the Zodiac Killer or Son of Sam sneaking up on them and killing them. No wonder the poor guy can't get hard.
Anyway, the weekend is upon us! I am excited for it and the fact that I have a 2 day work week next week...then 2.5 day work week after that...VACATION!!!!
Oh one more thing.....gum companies need to stop inventing flavors. Grape, cherry, cinnamon, peppermint, etc are flavors. Artic Blast and Crystal Frost sound like some form of meth.....ever taste these made up flavors?????
I will catch up with you all on Monday! Enjoy your weekend...what the heck...I will leave you with a video...just like old times....enjoy the music!
I bet it was great to be 17 in '65 like Jackson Browne, when they didn't have Arctic Frost gum or erectile dysfunction. :)
That my sweet CMac. I just had an entire discussion with my 12 1/2 year old about the importance of JB! Hey Mommy isn't that the guy from the music on the cd in the car and your iPod. "That Guy?!" LOL. We just listened and discussed. :)
I had to post on the Pedicures on the larger women below..LOL. Pretty toes are a beginning.
With Jackson Browne playing in the background who needs Cialis?
Hey, do I know you? I found your business card in an old pair of jeans, and I was just wondering if my name meant anything to you... You see I've been wandering aimlessly in the desert the last year or so with a touch of amnesia and...
There is only ONE gum worth chewing: Orbitz Sweet Mint. Okay, okay, maaaaybe the Mojito one, too.
I'm so utterly jealous that youre vacationing. I could use one. Enjoy it!
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