Ok, stay with me for a second....read this quick article...then read my take on it....
MANISTIQUE, Mich. — Researchers will visit the Upper Peninsula next month to search for evidence of the legendary creature known as "Bigfoot" or "Sasquatch."
The expedition will focus on eastern Marquette County, said Matthew Moneymaker of the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization.
"We'll be looking for evidence supporting a presence.... We hope to meet local people who might have seen a Sasquatch or heard of someone else who had an encounter," Moneymaker told the Daily Press of Escanaba.
The legend of Bigfoot dates back centuries. But skeptics have challenged accounts of sightings, and practical jokers have staged hoaxes that have included grainy film footage of people dressed in costumes.
But Moneymaker said members of his organization have either glimpsed Bigfoot or gotten close enough to hear the creature in all but three of 30 expeditions in the United States and Canada.
Dr. Grover Krantz, a scientist specializing in cryptozoology, the study of creatures that have not been proven to exist, believes Bigfoot is a "gigantopithecus," a branch of primitive man believed to have existed 3 million years ago.
Ok, for starters....they actually have an "organization" dedicated to bigfoot research???? What kind of fucking idiot joins this organization???? Picture this..
Man: "Honey, see you Monday"
Woman: "Where are you going dear??"
Man: "I have that bigfoot search/expedition this weekend, remember?"
Woman: "Oh, I forgot! Have a wonderful time darling, hope you find him, be careful!!!"
This guy hasn't been laid since the Johnson aministration.....Andrew Johnson.....
Maybe it is because I am a native New Yorker and used to occupying my time in a much more productive way....but I think I'd feel the same way if I lived elsewhere. I just couldn't picture myself wandering through the woods for a weekend looking for a make believe "monster" who Buster Brown modeled a shoe after back in the 70's. Remember those? They made a shoe for kids with a "footprint" on the bottom as a spoof on bigfoot.....my mom actually bought them for us.....anyway.....
Who funds this organization? Do people write off "The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization" on their taxes as a charitable donation? I mean, they need supplies, tents, sleeping bags, and many weapons to fight off this beast don't they?
When are people going to realize that the "picture" taken back in the 1970's of Bigfoot is some drunken asshole in a gorilla costume on a weekend bachelor party retreat???? Come on guys, there's one of "them" in every bunch!
Wouldn't logic dictate that if there WAS a bigfoot, he'd probably be dead already??? I guess 3 million years old is considered a toddler in bigfoot years. West Nile Virus, contaminated lakes and streams, acid rain (especially in Michigan), lack of sex, no good pizza for miles.....
Something in the sea..I could believe. Scientists still discover over 100 "new" species of marine life each year.....the ocean is deep and vast and I could see how you could "miss" something all these years....but some 10 foot tall hairy beast wandering around the woods of Michigan wearing a size 30....I think not.....unless it is Ron Jeremy on vacation.
"members of his organization have either glimpsed Bigfoot or gotten close enough to hear the creature." Huh?? Evidently these people are also having auditory and visual hallucinations. This organization must be a front for users of some hallucinogenic drug! hahaha
I think it is nice that they have each other, as the general population does NOT want to hear about their imaginary Bigfoot encounters. I wonder if any of them speak Bigfoot's language, otherwise when they find him communicating with him could be a wee bit difficult.
I love all paranormal things...even if they might not be true, bigfoot, loch ness monster, aliens, ghosts..the truth is out there!
I listen to a talk radio station and there is a guy who has weekly Big Foot meetings around Ohio. They have him on like once a month and you wouldn't believe the people who call in to talk to him. Most of them spend a buttload of money building perches and tree houses in their yards to watch for big foot. They also have mostly moved to areas where he's been 'spotted'.
i wouldnt go that far, but it makes for good tv/radio!
I wonder how many people had to google "Ron Jeremy" and how many of us actually knew who he is.
I do not believe in Bigfoot, but I do believe in Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster! :)
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