Well, the weekend is over and it was back to the grind today! I had a nice weekend with Jen and we got to do a lot.
Saturday Night, after a day at the beach here in Long Beach, we got our stuff together (including Bruce) and went to Jen's house in Queens for the night. We were excited to see "Sicko" (on DVD) the new Michael Moore movie that comes out in 2 weeks that I was lucky enough to get my hands on before it's movie release (shhhhh). She just got a new kick ass TV and we thought we'd enjoy watching it there. Anyway....before we started the movie, I was flipping around the channels. I think Jen was in the bathroom or the kitchen at this point.....when a "VAGISIL" anti feminine itch creme commercial came on. Immediately the wheels started turning.....
How many women with itchy vaginas do they think were watching channel 40 at that time? Was there going to be a mass exodus of itchy vagina women making a charge for the local drugstore? A product like this just does not need to be advertised on TV in my opinion. If you have an itchy vagina, is it going to take a commercial to make you go get something for it? I would think you would get a treatment way before a commercial "persuaded" or "reminded" you to do it. If it takes a commercial for you to notice or want to stop the itching, you have bigger problems.
The same goes for tampons. Do we need a commercial? I think all women old enough to have a period know what to do when they get it. A lightbulb isn't going to go off in your head after seeing a commercial and a puddle of blood on the sofa and make you think "Hmmmmmmmm...maybe I should buy a tampon!"
Ladies, I don't discriminate. Jock itch sprays/creams, whatever the hell form those come in, should not be advertised either. Guys, long before scratching your balls in front of the TV on a Saturday Night, you should have done something for it ealier in the day.
Marketing foods at night I can understand because it does not take too much to lure a fat fuck out of the house for a Whopper, a Little Debbie Snack cake, or a Taco Bell Burrito. The slightest hint or picture of food could get a fat fuck staggering for the car keys in his/her fuzzy slippers and pool cover sized robe.....but Vagisil? Come on!!!!
Shouldn't they leave ads for certain items off TV? Here are some I would ban:
Douches (sorry, all you not so fresh women!)
Tampons, Maxi Pads (with or without wings), pantyliners, etc
Feminine itch creams
Jock itch creams
Erectile dysfunction medications (4 hour erection? I am not calling my doctor!)
Bladder Control medications
What am I forgetting?
Good list, but dont forget all of the stomach-related ads that are just TMI, whether it be fiber for regularity or tums for heartburn. Blech!
And all those commercials for Athlete's foot that show the guy's ugly feet bursting into flames with a hot itchy fungus...I could live without those.
I'm going with Valtrex. It starts like "Hi I have genital Herpes.." Yeah that is a lovely opening line. LOL!
The absolute worst commercial.
I say if you have something to sell what's the difference what it is? People have the right to know. about it I guess.No matter how fat or itchy you are.
Glad to have you back!
I agree, and have to add to the list that nail fungus commercial. You know, the one with that little green "bacteria" guy who lifts up the top of the nail and then goes all crazy ripping up skin and sh!t. Which brings me to the green mucus family that move into your lungs causing phlemy congestion.
You didn't take long to return to the "gross out" blogging... ;)
I was just having a discussion with my mother this weekend about your showering habits!
Oh, and I totally agree with thoughtsgalore's comment since I don't have an original one of my own.
I'm back! With a new URL:
one, are there women out there that still douche?
two, no one needs to hear about erectile penis dysfunction. i was sitting for some kids the other night when a commercial about it came on at 7pm. the little boy started asking what they were talking about. no thanks. not necessary.
well, personally, I like a good feminine itch commercial. What's wrong with that?
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