Kellogg's says it will stop advertising its breakfast cereals to children under 12 unless the cereal meets certain nutritional guidelines. The decision comes on the heels of a threatened lawsuit by several advocacy groups who claim that the "cartoon" characters target youngsters and cause obesity.
Are you fucking kidding me? Tony the Tiger, who has been around for years, and his buddies are making your kid fat? PLEASE!!!! Snap, Crackle, and Pop are the least of your kid's worries.
Your kid is fat from the 4 gallons of soda he drinks a day, the 5 hours of video games, the lack of exercise, the "Oscar Meyer" bologna sandwiches you pack him for lunch, and the pizza you feed him for dinner because you are too fucking lazy to cook a meal for your kids. Don't blame Toucan Sam.
It seems like people are always looking for someone else to blame....looking right past the fat little fuck sitting on the couch on an 80 degree day playing with his Sony Playstation. I may sound old, but when I was a kid, we had to be called about 10 times to COME IN for dinner. On a summer day, we were LOCKED outside the house and forced to play and were only allowed in to use the bathroom.
I say to the parents out there.....stop whining and start parenting. While you are at it, stop looking for a scapegoat everytime something goes wrong. Stop blaming teachers for your child's stupidity, stop blaming music and movies because your kid is fucked up, and stop blaming McDonalds and Cartoon characters because your kid is a fat fuck.
The rate of obesity will in no way be slowed down by Kellogg's decision. In reality, it will actually lead to increased weight gain, because people will consume more now that they think it is "nutritional." Bank on it.
I am sure other cereal makers will follow suit. So watch out Trix Rabbit, your cottony ass is next!
Hasn't the Trix Rabbit endured enough? Those little fucks tormented him for years, teasing him with those bowls of fruity goodness only to tell him "Silly Rabbit, Trix are for Kids!!!!" The Trix Rabbit dressed in drag, in clever disguises, and tried so many other ways to get himself a simple bowl of cereal, and now he's out of work? He definitely will snap now....if you see him in a trenchcoat....run like hell.
So what will come of these characters now that they are out of work??????
Snap, Crackle and Pop....Gay porn for sure.
Tony the Tiger will be exiled to the San Diego Zoo where he will tormented by tourists until he dies a slow and painful death.
The Trix Rabbit will snap and kill a bunch of kids and end up on death row with Scott Peterson.
Toucan Sam will be shot, stuffed, and placed on some hunter's mantle.
The Lucky Charms dude will become an alcoholic.
These poor bastards.
If your kid is old enough to play video games, s/he is old enough to learn how to cook a healthy meal. And the parents don't even have to teach the children themselves. S/he can stay on the couch and watch Rachel Ray. Anything SHE can do a 9 year old can.
Oh, and Cap'n Crunch is sure to go overboard!
Jen, you rock: I can't stand Rachel Ray and its nice to know that there are other intelligent people out there who know she is the dum-o that says yum-o! :)
I will miss the ol' cartoon characters. Who will be left to inspire me to follow my nose?
I don't get what is so difficult about buyng some veggies,turkey and chicken instead of pizza,cookies and french fries.
Take away the video games and buy the kid a bike instead.
I remember when it was nice out as a kid my mom made the whole family go for 2 mile bike ride after dinner and we actually didn't cry about it.
As Freddy Mercury said "Get on your bikes and ride"!
Yea, those were the good old days! Kids get exercise from those WII video games nowadays!
I half agree with you. The responsibility rests with the parents... NOT to feed their kids crap cereal.
I'm always amazed when people act like their toddlers decide to eat junk food all by themselves. I don't know... my kids didn't grocery shop. I made the decision not to keep junk in the house, and both kids learned to eat really healthfully from day one and continue to do so now that they're big. My son is proud of the fact that he never eats at McDonald's. Ever. He'd rather have catfish and cous cous and asparagus than a Big Mac!!
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