"Help, I need somebody,
Help, not just anybody,
Help, you know I need someone, help."
Have you noticed how difficult it is to find someone to help you these days when you are shopping at a retail store? It is next to impossible to locate someone actually working the sales floor.....and when you do find them, it usually "isn't their department." What the fuck?????
I think it would be a hell of a lot easier to find Osama Bin Laden (if we are actually still (or ever were)looking for the guy). Seriously. I walked around a sporting goods store on Sunday for about 15 minutes before I spotted an employee and the one I eventually found was no help at all. Between the language barrier and lack of knowledge about anything the store he works in sells, I was screwed and left the store empty handed.
The Home Depot is known for the "not my department" bullshit. Translation "I don't want to help you fucko!" I went into a Home Depot a few weeks ago for a special light bulb and I got hit with the "not my department" crap. Hey asshole, I didn't ask you who invented the lightbulb, nor did I ask you to hold my hand and escort me down the fuckin' yellow brick road to find them, just humor me with a point in the right direction. The douche nozzle made it sound like I wanted him to explain the inner workings of the bulb to me.
That's why I have a new strategy when I go shopping. Seek out the retarded or handicapped employee. Really, no joke. They are thrilled to be employed and earning a paycheck and go out of their way to help. As a former retail manager, I can tell you, the handicapped or mentally challenged employees are the best, by far. So next time you are shopping, look for the employee with drool on his/her smock or the one twitching in the corner, you will get top notch service.
Sometimes I WISH I had that problem. I seem to shop at the stores where the ratio of sales people to customers is 100:1 and you can't take a step in any direction without getting repeatedly hassled. Then they follow you are the store, even if you are "just looking."
I wish those people were genuine about helping - all they want is comission and its never really good help anyway...sigh.
eh. I never ask for help. Even when I'm swimming in paperwork with the job, I'd rather get all the glory for doing it myself.
I guess it would be frustrating to want help and not get it.
Same with shopping. I FOUND the impossible wingnut thingamabob that goes on the recipricating dohicky! (you should know I have no idea what I said but you get the point)
The guys at Home Depot see me coming and walk the other way. They want to stay clear of all my questions.
Haha. The inner workings of a light bulb. That's some funny stuff.
Glad to see you back with your usual sense of humor CMac.
Macy's shoe department is great because they make commission and they can't help you enough and believe me when I shoe shop I need all the help I can get.
back in rare form i see.
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