The NYC I will always remember...

Five years has passed. Some say it does not feel like five years, it seems like yesterday. I suppose it depends on your perspective. For me, a lot has happened personally since 9/11/01 and so much has happened in the world. In many ways it seems longer than five years ago.
Today is definitely a day of reflection. Thoughts of those who perished and thoughts of those who sacrificed for others. It also should be a day of reflecting on what we learned and lessons that maybe we did not learn.
No matter what you may believe happened five years ago today, the government's version of events or other versions, we know people lost their lives and our way of life has dramatically changed since that crystal clear day in 2001.
I don't feel we as a nation have really learned all that much. Two months or so after the event, people who were not directly affected by the tragedy went on with life as usual. Our government, little by little, stripped us of our freedoms while we all sat by and watched. The person "responsible" for the attacks is still at large, the Taliban is making a major comeback in Afghanistan, while much of our resources are being spent in Iraq. Our dependency on foreign oil has not diminished, nor have any major steps been taken to lessen that dependency. 87% of the cargo that comes into our ports is not inspected, while only 34 airports in the United States have the proper explosive detection machines. $350 billion has been spent in Iraq, while almost 2700 of our troops have died there. A new breeding ground for terrorists has been created there. Our country still blindly supports Israel no matter what actions they take.
If we want to properly honor those who perished five years ago today, then we need to stop having blind faith in the flag and in our leaders and push for change. Why not start 2 months from now, on election day? The House is up for election and so are many Senate seats. Get out and vote and start the process of change. Stop driving gas guzzling SUV's with "Support our Troops" magnets on them. Want to support the troops? Vote for new leadership and get them home! Want to be patriotic and wave the flag? Great, do it, but do it knowing we are the best country we can be, don't do it because the government or the media jam patriotism down our throats.
For me, five years of the status quo is enough. I want to honor these fallen Americans both here on 9/11 and abroad in battle by making changes in this country. Changes that are in the best interests of we, the people. The people who get up every day and make this country what it is.
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