I don't "dine" all too often at fast food restaurants. Once every three months or so, I will get a craving for a Taco Bell taco, McDonald's fries, or a Whopper. Not the healthiest choices in the world, but not too harmful if you don't eat them too often.
While in NYC on Saturday, I saw a poster at a bus stop advertising the "Fillet O'Fish" sandwich at McDonald's. I always knew they sold this particular sandwich but it was on Saturday that it dawned on me..."who is eating these fillet o' fish sandwiches?"
I mean, if I want fish, I'll go to a seafood restaurant or I will cook it myself. But, McDonald's for fish? The poster went on to boast about how fresh this fish is...fresh? Are they sending a couple of employees out each morning before the store opens with rods, reels, and bait? God only knows what is in their tartar sauce......
I also find that these "fast food pizza" places are getting waaaaaay too creative thinking up these new types of pizza. The latest..Lasagna Pizza at Pizza Hut. What fat fuck is thinking up these ideas? Like lasagna or pizza isn't bad enough on their own...let's incorporate the two. Stuffed crust pizza, upside down pizza, you name it.
I'll stick to regular pizza, fish from a fish market, and an occasional McDonald's french fry.....
I am so with you on that. But you are ranking on Dawn's favorite resturaunt.
Who eats the Filet o fish? All the catholics that I work with during Lent. That's 99% of the work force. They go every Friday. They love that there is a fast food place they can eat during Lent. I think I'd rather not have any meat but what do I know? I'm not catholic.
I love a plain hamburger from mcdonalds once in a while. I get a craving. I tried their chicken and uh, there's a reason it's 99 cents, ok?
you just made me ashamed for liking mickeyd's fish sandwiches. YES dammit, i eat them....when i go there, which is maybe once every three months or so....
Speaking of fish...Now I'm craving a Rubio's Fish Taco in San Diego.
Yummmm Trust me....Yummmmmmm
They are going overboard with waht is offered....it's too much what happened to a plain pizza, hamburger, or taco...why all the extra stuff? Do we really need it?
Alright, I'll admit it - I EAT FILET-O-FISH!!! I love them!
It's a guilty pleasure, but life's full of those, isn't it? ;)
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