So, what do you make of this girl held captive for the last 8.5 years? Natascha Kampusch, now 18, had been held captive since she was 10 years old. That has to suck in so many ways. Think of all the things you miss during those years. The thing I don't understand is that the dude who held her captive would bring her out to stores and stuff. Why wouldn't she scream or run like hell? I don't get it.
Age 10-18 would have been a tough age to be held captive, but at my age it would be kind of a vacation. Not having to go to work each day, bonus right there. I suppose it depends on who's holding me hostage. If it was Jessica Alba, I don't need to go back into society, just hold me prisoner until I die. If it was some dude having his way with me.....you know I'd find a way out.
So, here are some things I would NOT miss if I were held captive for 8 years:
Going to work. A niiiiice 8 year vacation is in order!
Paying bills. Let the kidnapper pay them!
No fighting over the remote, the dude with the gun always wins that battle!
Deciding what to wear. I imagine my choices would be limited.
Driving. I'd have a personal chauffer....the kidnapper.
The tough choice of what to make for dinner.
Shaving. I think the ZZ Top look is hot.
Those are just a few of the things I would not miss.....
no zz for you charlie! although, not shaving would be awesome (my legs of course). :)
The only thing I would miss would be my dog because he would think I deserted him.
No person in their right or wrong mind would put up with me for 8 years if they weren't in love with me. But, if it DID happen, I sure wouldn't miss having to worry about money. But the list of things I would miss, would be a mile long.
I like the no bills part. Especially since I'm going to have a mountain of them over the next couple of weeks. Or at least its going to feel that way, since I'll be eeking out some $$ to pay them with my freelancing gig.
It's what they call "Stockholm Syndrome". People who are held captive quickly succumb to a psychological survival mechanism that causes them to sympathize with their captor.
Scary stuff.
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