Hello bloggers. I've been MIA for a few days. Now that cooler weather is approaching, I'll be writing quite a bit more.
So, here's what I've been up to.......since we last "chatted."
RUNNING- I am back to a full running schedule. 16 miles since Saturday. I am sore! It's amazing what a little time off can do in the pain department. I hadn't run regularly since July, so a couple of months off was enough. I am feeling great. That combined with a "diet" is making me feel amazing.
ABOUT THAT DIET- I haven't had sweets in FOUR days. For those of you who know me, you know that sugar is my crack. I seriously have had headaches, the shakes, a dizziness since Friday when I had my last sugary treat. Once I get past this first week I should be fine. All I have eaten since Saturday are veggies, fruits, cereals, nuts, grilled chicken, rice cakes, and a TON of water. It's amazing how fast pounds drop off in just a couple of days!
WRITING- Just not on here. I am working on some stand-up material. Now that Sugar V's busy travel schedule is over, I am going to bring him in on the creativity. I am seriously thinking about going to an amateur night and seeing what I can do!
By the way, the John Lennon movie was amazing and so was the dinner in the city. Although I couldn't eat what I really wanted because of my "diet" I still love that place! The company wasn't so bad either. ;) I can't wait for the Strawberry Fields vigil on 12/8.
This weekend, I am headed back into the city with Sugar V, Nebraska girl, and a "mystery" girl that Sugar V knows from work. It's always fun meeting someone new, hey you never know......
I am still waiting for Joe Torre to stop resting players and for the Yankees to just clinch the division already. Clinch it now so you have TWO weeks to rest your stars and get your rotation in order for the playoffs!!!! I am beyond frustrated. I am pretty sure I can get my hands on playoff tickets, I can't wait!!!!!
Random observation.....I saw a girl on a pay phone this weekend. A fuckin' pay phone! Who uses pay phones? Who carries coin? Strange indeed.
My dog Bruce will eat anything. Lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, apples, whatever I eat he has to taste. I love that dog so much. He is someone who never lets you down......
What's new with all of you?
that's so weird about the pay phone because i saw a girl use it the other day and thought the same thing. but then even weirder is the next day, my battery just about gave out (guess too much texting) and i almost had to use a pay phone too....what i ended up doing is turning off my phone for a few minutes and it gave me a cell back. random.....:)
so will we get to see what you and sugarv come up with??
i need to get myself on a major diet also. i've so let myself go this summer. my body is screaming for some exercise.
Stand up sounds like a lot of fun! Congrats on the sugar ban, it's hard to give up something you love so much.
I didn't know there were pay phones around? I guess I don't pay attention.
I guess I see what afromabq is sayong,low battery or forgot the cell phone at home or what I did once made an anonymous phone call that I didn't want caller ID to come up on. Pay phones are just nasty.
Angus has been eating alot of different things too. I don't think he knew what alot of foods were but now he loves cauliflower,brocoli,carrots and brussel sprouts. He turned out to be quite the mush. A big difference from the angry and frightened dog we got 1-1/2 years ago.
Also started my workout up again,going on 6 weeks now. Gotta look good for my nephew's wedding in December. Those skinny sister in laws aren't showing me up. Yes it's all about me.
I know you ave some good comedic material up your sleeve. Don't forget to tell us when you will be appearing. Very cool.
Good luck with the running and dieting! It is always hard when you first start but once you get in the groove it gets easier (or so I think)
Hope the stand up goes well. You would rock an amateur night!
I am jealous you will get to be at Yankee Stadium for the playoffs. take lots of pics!
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