I have a very accurate and reliable "internal" clock. Each morning, I wake up 15 minutes before I have to automatically, without an alarm. My body just knows it is time to wake up. Even on weekends, when I can usually sleep a bit later, I will wake up very close to the time I decide the night before. It is pretty strange. It has never failed me, ever...so it is kind of great in a way.
Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against anyone who relies on an alarm clock each morning, I think that is the norm. What annoys the shit out of me is people who use the snooze button for an hour. I think it is pointless.
It is especially bothersome if you are dating/sleeping with someone who relies on that alarm clock and uses that snooze button. Especially if you don't have to be up first. They just hit that button every five minutes for an hour and you just want to snap.
What I don't get is how someone can fall back to sleep KNOWING that alarm will be buzzing in five minutes. I mean, seriously, if I wake up to pee within a half hour of the time I have to be up...I can't fall back to sleep.
I guess my annoying habit is sleeping with the TV on all night.....with the volume off. The flickering light of the TV soothes and helps me fall asleep. I like waking up and turning up the volume to listen/watch the news. I like to know what's going on in the world/in New York before I leave the house.
What's your take on the snooze button?
I haven't used the snooze button since my younger days of all night partying. I hate that friggin thing too.
Oh, you'd hate me! I don't snooze, but I have an alarm with 2 alarms, and then I use my cell phone. Because i'm famous for shutting off my alarm and sleeping in. And it takes me forever to get up. I have a 6am, a 6:45 am and a 7 am which sometimes I reset to 7:15. LOL.
I have a very different alarm than the man, he has a beep and i have the radio. His never wakes me up and mine never wakes him up. Isn't THAT weird?
i go to sleep w/my tv on and wake up to my tv (it's got a timer). . .the sound of an alarm makes me jittery and puts me in a bad mood. i haven't used it in probably 15 years...
i'm notorious for hitting the snooze button. and i definitely fall back to sleep each time, no prob. i can use every precious second of sleep. lol.
and when i go to bed at night it's also with the tv on but muted. because i'm scared of the dark mostly, but also for the same reason as you.
I need the snooze button. I don't hear it until the 2nd, sometimes 3rd time it goes off, yet I shut it off. Then i need the extra nine minutes to lie there and psych myself into getting up. Without it, I'd just sleep in!!
I am a sleep in darkness kind of girl. I can sleep with the tv on but if it's just me, it's off. But I MUST sleep with a comforter on top of me even if it's 100 degrees out. drives my boyfriend crazy!!!
I can't reach the alarm clock from bed, so the sleep button's pretty useless. But I also sleep with the tv on all night, at a barely audible volume.
I'm an automatic waker-upper too. I actually have my TV timer set to go on at 6AM so I see the news right away. It's that post-9/11 thing... if there are commercials, everything is ok.
I had a roommate in college who loved to set her alarm for 8am on Saturday and hit snooze until noon (our rooms were separated by a very THIN wall) the worst part is that she had an obnoxious Nickelodeon alarm clock that counts down 5-4-3-2-1 then blares trumpets and says NICKELODEON and continues from the top until it is turned off (or until snooze is hit). Highly annoying.
As to myself, I wake up to the timer on my television turning on Sportscenter every morning.
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