Thursday, July 19, 2007

In the Dog House

Although it was only a four day work week for me, I am shot! I am glad the weekend is drawing closer.....

I have a lot on my mind this evening. This whole Michael Vick dog fighting thing has me very upset. Has the world gone completely insane? I look at my dog, and I couldn't even picture hitting him when he is bad....sure he gets an occasional smack on the butt to remind him who is boss when he misbehaves.....but having dogs fight to the death? That is beyond my comprehension. I read the Federal Indictment papers at lunchtime today and I cringed. The things he and his friends/family allegedly did to those dogs makes me want to drive back down to VA and kick all of their asses. Shooting them in the head, electrocuting them, torturing could anyone hurt a defenseless animal. They are not men, they are pussies, flat out pussies.

Which brings me to the next thing...don't these millionaire athletes have anything better to do? The problem stems from these guys who grew up with nothing all of a sudden having the means to do anything and still hanging out with the crowd they did in high school.....sure it is nice that these guys want to "not change" and remember where they "came from" but there comes a time where these so called "role models" who are in the public eye have to separate themselves from the crap and the "crowd" they grew up with.

Why is this behavior off the field/court mostly prevelant in the NFL and NBA???? You don't hear of hockey players killing their wives, getting arrested 10 times in two years, running dog fighting rings, etc.....what is up with pro football and basketball????? This makes me look at my favorite sport in a whole new light. If all we have to complain about in baseball is Barry Bonds shooting up with steroids and breaking Hank Aaron's famed record, then we are in pretty good shape. Sure we can look back on Dwight Gooden and Darryl Strawberry...two definite first ballot Hall of Famers who threw their lives and careers away with drugs...but the big difference there...they only hurt themselves. They weren't involved in night club shootings, killing dogs, murdering their wives, and all the other bullshit behavior. The NFL and NBA need to tighten the rules. I say, if you get arrested and convicted of a felony, you are banned for life, period. The only way to hurt these guys is in the wallet....where they won't be able to live the lifestyle they live anymore.

Sure, he is innocent until proven guilty...but in the court of public opinion, this guy is done. This is a FEDERAL indictment...not some loose cannon district attorney in NC doing something to secure a political future like in the Duke lacrosse scandal. The Feds win 95% of these cases and don't indict unless they have a pretty iron clad case. If he is convicted, I hope he and his buddies rot in jail for a long time and that he never plays another down in pro football.

This dog fighting seems to be a pretty big thing around the country. I hope this brings it into the light and that these animals are saved and people start turning these illegal rings in.


Jennifer said...

Anyone who abuses an animal should have to have the same things done to them...left on a chain in the sweltering yard for days on end, kept in a cage with their own excrement, starving to death. I have no pity on that kind.

But this case is so much worse, it's not just neglegent's actually breeding these animals to train them to kill and be killed. There is this whole underground culture of dog fighting in some communities and other communities have cockfighting (which is just as bad). It all makes me ashamed to be a member of the same species as these guys.

Good going to the feds for taking this case seriously, I hope they make an example out of all these sick men.

Lisa said...

This is so sad I am shaken to the core over this especially in light of the pitbull here on LI that was tied up doused with gas and set on fire and then it remained for 2 days till someone found it and he was still alive. Probably for the same reason,lack of performance. I want to kill all those bastards.
I do hope this does bring this issue more to light and rewards are offered for any information. Whenever they showed the dogs on the news I had to change it. I couldn't even watch because there are some dogs that don't want to fight and it makes it that much more difficult to watch.
Thanks for posting this if for anyhting to make people aware of how inhumane and cruel this is.
I hope he gets sent away and his money doesn't get him off.

ThursdayNext said...

NPR reported that, to make matters worse, the conservative population in congress refuses to give any real attention to cracking down on dog fighting in this country because they think it somehow compromises the fight for pro-life. I dont know who is more fucked up - Vick or those members of congress?

Vixen said...

This makes me so mad as well for several reasons.

1. No animal should ever be put through such a thing.

2. Makes the NFL look like fools. And I love me some football.

3. I have less faith in the world, there is officially more each day to make me see the devil inside. (Threw in a little INXS for ya) :-)