Friday, November 17, 2006

Winds of Change

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As I sit here on this stormy Thursday Night, I reflect. The winds are howling outside my window. The weather report said today could have been the last warm day of the year, and that the winds of change are blowing through tonight.

2006 has been a transitional year for me. The winds of change have blown often throughout this year.

Let's reflect:

In January, right after the new year, I started a new job. I am still there, the job has had its good and bad moments. Mainly stressful moments. I have grown quite a bit there and taken on so much responsibility.

Around the same time I started the new job, I met Tiny A. We had a great 7 months or so together. She was very influential in my life and she is missed daily. Whether or not our split was for the better or not, is still to be determined I suppose.

In May, I moved out of the house I had spent the last two years in. It was a good move for me. In many ways I felt like I got my independence back.

I moved into a new house in a different part of town in May. I made so many new friends and met so many new people in the neighborhood. I have mixed feelings about my future in the house come this May when the lease is up for renewal, what will happen is still to be determined.

In between all this, my family is moving to NC. My brother is already gone and my parents will be leaving in a couple of weeks. It is going to be strange, as I have said before.

I met Caren in September. She is definitely one of a kind. I've been so consumed with life/work the past few weeks, I really haven't been able to spend the time with her that I really would like to. I hope that changes over the next few weeks because I really want to see where it goes.......

My "constants" in 2006 have been my close friends. Sugar V is always there no matter what drama, craziness, or chicanery is going on in life. Christina gets me through the work days with some sanity still left.

Brucey boy brings me happiness every day. He is the greatest dog ever.

I sense even bigger change for 2007 for myself. I want to start taking some chances in life. I feel I have played life safe for too long. I have some dreams I want to follow. I want to be involved with more things that I am passionate about. I have plans and ideas to make that happen.

Although "Bored at the Beach" will be around for the long haul, I have an idea for another blog that I will keep secret, just for me. I need a space to vent without friends, family, and people I know tapping in. I plan on giving that a lot of attention come the new year. I am excited about what the wind will blow my way in the months ahead.....

So...the perfect song for the Friday Video, is "Wind of Change" by the Scorpions. Have a great weekend!


supplymadam said...

Oh so you are going to lead a double life?

Debi said...

Isn't it funny how we start a a diary of sorts, just for us, and it grows and grow, and even though you want lose your anonymity, and then you start all over. I know...I have had to do that too. I know there are some things I NEED to post about my life, but can't on my normal family just wouldn't understand.

Here is to the winds blowing things the way you want them! *cheers*

Anonymous said...

i think '06 has been a transitional year for many of us.

have a great weekend, charlie-boy.

Rhea said...

Whoa, that's quite a year. It makes me think about doing the same, thinking back on the year.
The Boomer Chronicles

Christie E. Little said...

I'm all over the new blog thought. I need one too. I want one for some of my long known bloggies. Just a little vent space. I put that in my blog just the other day. I think I'll start it today. I need some place that I can talk about the drunk. I can say what I'm feeling. I need it.

For the're not supposed to make me cry first thing. I just feel what you're saying. Ok...I don't know if you even read my blog, but I'm your faithful vent reader. :)

Ok..I'm off to make a new blog. Happy Thanksgiving Sweet CMAC:)