I only watch a few shows a week on television. Most nights, I find myself reading online, listening to music, writing on this silly blog, or keeping busy in the house. Monday Nights I have no shows to watch, but like to chill and channel surf. I just bought a new 37" HD LCD wide screen TV last weekend, so that has peaked my interest a bit more in television.
So tonight, I was all ready to relax and flip around the channels...when I realized the "State of the Union" is on like every channel tonight. I say to President Douche Bag, why even bother? Get to bed early by wrapping it up in two words "IT SUCKS!" That about describes the state of our union. The only saving grace...this is the LAST time this asshole will be delivering this speech!!!!! Just like the old TV show..."EIGHT IS ENOUGH!!!!!" Although, one was enough for me from this guy......
Want to make this speech fun tonight??? Make it ten cent beer night and bring in the 5,000 fans that sit in the Yankee Stadium bleachers. I want to see booing, heckling, the throwing of objects at the podium, a Monica Seles stabbing of Dick Cheney, a little organ music, now that's worth the hour of viewing time.
This whole Presidential Campaign has sucked. I've watched every debate...and quite honestly....we are fucked!!!!!! Seriously people, we are fucked! Whoever thinks ANY of these candidates is going to bring about the change we so desperately need, you better hit the snooze button and go back to sleep...it is not happening.
I have never voted Republican, nor will I ever. But are these registered Republicans hitting the pipe???????? McCain???? Are you fucking joking????? The guy is old and out of touch. Vietnam ended 30+ years ago, stop playing the POW card. Nobody cares anymore. I didn't care that Kerry was aboard a swift boat back in the 2004 race...and I certainly don't care about your POW dilemma 30 years ago..we have bigger issues.
Huckabee?????? Yeah, just what we need another religious nut.....8 years was enough of that.
Giuliani?? All I can do is laugh. Bratton cleans up the crime in NYC and this guy takes all the credit......9/11 never happens...this guy is selling cars in Brooklyn right now.....
Romney??? Enough said!
Democrats. Obama???? All sizzle and no steak. He is happy because the old drunk fuck Ted Kennedy endorsed him today? Yeah, that means a lot. Obama has no experience, a shady past, and he flip flops on every issue. Great speaker, but it ends there. I get inspired for about 2 minutes, until I realize how full of shit he is.
Hillary? I don't think SHE believes a word SHE says. I think she just says what she thinks everyone wants to hear and believes none of it. Sure, I'd take Clinton over the asshole we have now....but that's not saying much. Bill was supposed to be that "man of change" that he ran on in 1992. I was never so excited and happy over an election. I thought he was so inspiring...and what did he do....he never lived up to what he was capable of because of his personal issues and demons.
Edwards. Probably the best of the bunch...but if he tells those fucking "father working in the mill" stories one more time, I will snap. Come up with some new material already. He says the same three stories over and over...dad in the mill...the girl who died because the insurance company wouldn't pay for her operation, and about the 200,000 veterans sleeping on streets and on grates tonight. ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Face it people....unless the exhume Bobby Kennedy, FDR, or Truman, we are fucked.