Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Pushing My "Buttons"

There are many things that annoy me on a given day at work. Working with morons, lazy fuckers, arrogant bosses, incompetent assholes, and people that grate on my nerves are just some of my daily annoyances...but one thing in particular pisses me off. The "forwarding of emails." Let me give you an example:

Joe Smith (my fictional co-worker) has a 3 or 4 back and forth email exchange with a supplier, a customer, or whomever. Joe Smith then decides it is something he wants ME to do. Fine, ok, if it pertains to my job, great. So what does Joe Smith do? He just forwards me the email with no explanation as to what I need to do with it. So, I have to scroll to the bottom of the email and follow the trail of emails back and forth from 1999 to finally figure out what the fuck I am supposed to do. Hey fucko, at least write me a line or two with the forward explaining what you want me to do.

Some of these email exchanges are so lengthy and date so far back..it is like this....

The big bang happens and the universe is formed.....
Dinosaurs roam the earth.....
The ice age comes....
Cro-Magnon man gets up and walks....
Fire is discovered....
The wheel is invented.....
Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin.....
The Civil War takes place......
WWII breaks out....
JFK is shot and killed......
The 1st Gulf war....
Clinton wins a second term......
Oh...I see....they want me to order some printer toner today.....


Jennifer said...

I have the opposite problem. My coworkers like to talk, AND write, AND make sure they have crossed every "T and dotted every "I". So when I checked my voicemail last night, I had 3 from the same person, (the 1st VERY long, the 2nd telling me to disregard the 1st, and then a 3rd about something different in the same case) When I checked my email, I had a 500 word email from the same person with more detail about what she already said in the 3rd message!!! ARG!!

Lisa said...

Har-har-har-dee-har-har! You are so funny with your analogies.
By the way I don't recall an order for printer toner.

Fizzgig said...

so, this DOES happen to other people? I just love when others pass the buck!

Heather said...

At least the emails that get forwarded to you at least somehow pertain to work... Not mass forwards from the president of the company about her month long trip to Paris for her husband's birthday.

I really have to get a new job...