Thursday, August 23, 2007

Get The Patron....

"I got my drink and my two step,
my drink and my two step,
got my drink and my two step,
my drink and my two step,
It’s on, it’s on, it’s on and I’m home,
get the patrone on and tell them that it's on"

If you are a fan of rap music (I definitely am) you'll notice that almost every song makes a reference to alcohol. Statistically, 76% of all rap songs mention alcohol. Of those songs, 54% mention a certain brand name of alcohol.

These days Patron Tequila is "the in" brand of alcohol that rappers "rap" about. It is mentioned in almost every current, popular rap song. I think this is quite comical. If I was an owner of an alcohol brand...why pay advertising dollars? Just make friends with a few rap stars and sales will soar.

For years, rappers talked about drinking "Gin and Juice." Tenqueray was the brand of choice. Then Hennessy was the "in" drink that rappers talked about. By the early to mid 90's, they were all about Alize. Then Cristal was the in drink....that was the case until Cristal's CEO "dissed" the rap world when asked how he felt about his brand being consumed by the hip hop crowd. He said "That's a good question, but what can we do? We can't forbid people from buying it. I'm sure Dom Pérignon or Krug would be delighted to have their business." After hearing that rapper Jay-z called for a ban of Cristal......we can't forget all the rappers that were "Loose on the Goose" making mention of Grey Goose brand vodka over the years either.

So, for now, Patron is the in next year...they will be rapping about something else....

I'll leave you with the VERY catchy "My Drink N' My Two Step" by Cassidy. I am hooked on this song...I sing this all day......


Fizzgig said...

Now I'm singing "buy you a drank" which i would have been singing by he end of the day anyways.

I've never noticed that but your totally right, the drinks have changed in the music...

supplymadam said...

I never noticed maybe because I never listen to rap. Must be an age thing.

Jennifer said...

You loooove Patrone.

Molly said...

My favorite rap lyric brand is Hypnotiq, mmmm!

Vixen said...

After conducting several taste tests - Cabo Wabo is better.